Friday, September 30, 2022

September 29, 2022

 Thursday September 29, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in this morning until 0730.  Checked outside and the temp was 48.  Sunshine and high of 61 later. My kind of day.

Nancy headed early to MVP for a ride on the stationary bike.  Later today she has another PT session.  Good news, Nancy no longer has to wear her foot brace. 

Did my calisthenics at home, except because of sore shoulder had to limit push-ups.  However, no pain when doing chin-ups or pull-ups, go figure.  Oatmeal breakfast before biking to Y, 5 miles for cars and walk.

At Panera I took out my iPad Pro and read the morning news and worked on blogs.

Todays activities:

Before lunch I took a bag of old shoes to Good Will.

Jennifer Dougherty will stop by to pick up old printer and big computer monitoring screen.  I have not used either since moving to Condo.

Today it has been four months since hip operation.  Still have some minor pain when do hill climbs on bike. 

The maple trees this year seem to be changing colors earlier than I remember.

Lunch and then time in office cleaning my in-basket.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk followed by short nap.

For dinner I had a frozen dinner of beef and noodles.  Very good.

After dishes Nancy and I took a short walk.  I walk best if I take my cane.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “Wanted”.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and it was cold and clear.  No critters sighted lately.   Cold and sunny tomorrow morning but should warm up to mid 60s.

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