Tuesday, September 13, 2022

September 12, 2022

 Monday September 12, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Several years ago I bought a long wedge pillow to elevate my head when sleeping.  I had not used the wedge in months.  Last night I tried it and had a great night’s sleep.

Up this morning at 0730, opened the garage and backed out the Escape for Nancy.  This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.

I do the at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  My Bad Boy bike is still in the shop so this morning I took the Bianchi.  I like the bike’s short wheel base.  The temp was in low 60s with no wind.  Pleasant biking conditions.

This morning I encountered a dead buck deer in the middle of the bike path.  This time of year drivers have to be careful.

The Y was crowded this morning, especially the pool.  Most folks must be back on their fall routine.

Nancy and I pulled into Panera at the same time.  Got our coffee and sat and talked.  Nancy said the pool at MVP was crowded.  Nancy left at 1130 because she has a 1200 PT session.  Later we will go shopping at Meijer’s.

Left Panera at 1200.  At home showered and had a quick lunch.  As soon as Nancy got home from her PT session we headed to Meijer’s.  Spent about an hour replenishing our larder.

At home I took a short nap.  For dinner tonight I had a beef/chicken sandwich with strawberries.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched episode 21 of “Crownies” on Acorn.  I thought it was the last episode but found out one episode left.  Good grief a one season show with 22 episodes.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything was calm.

This and that:

President Biden folks say the economy is great.  The CBO disagrees.  I see nothing encouraging on the horizon.

The recent advances by the Ukrainian forces is great.  Is Russia a paper tiger?

Why I have left the GOP!  Today’s Detroit News had an article on the co-chairwomen of the Michigan GOP saying Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, is a “weak little girl”.  This type of comment is disgraceful.  Shame of MI GOP.  Name calling never works.

Sec of Transportation Buttigieg is having a distinguished career.  He was a successful mayor of South Bend, In, before running for President against Biden.  Buttigieg is a Naval Officer who has a tour in the Middle East under his belt.   How many of our current political leaders, Biden and Trump, are veterans.  

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