Friday, September 16, 2022

September 15, 2022

 Thursday September 15, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  The temperature was in low 50s but it should warm up to near 80 today.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her stationary bike routine at MVP.  Tonight we are attending a Fund Raising Gaga for the Kent District Library (KDL).  The event takes place at Meijer Gardens.

I do my at home routine before oatmeal breakfast.  My right shoulder still hurts despite a day off.  I think it might be arthritis.

Breakfast and then I get out my recently overhauled Bad Boy bike.  Checked the air pressure and it was very low.  Either the shop did not check the pressure before releasing the bike or improperly put the tires on.  Anyway I pumped up the tires and headed out.  The new tires are smaller and so the bike is easier to pedal.

The Y this morning was jammed.  Thought I might have a problem getting to chin-up bar.  No problem apparently most folks don’t do chin-ups.

At Panera I got my coffee but the bagels were sold out so I substituted a baguette.

This and that:

The Detroit Auto Show is going on.  Big talk about EV’s.  I still am not a big fan of EV’S.  I think fuel cells will eventually dominate.

Our TV is full of political ads.  The GOP has a big problem because of a poor slate of candidates.

If the GOP wants a good candidate for President I would chose either Gov Sununu of New Hampshire or Mitch Daniels, President of Purdue.

Noted the maples are turning color.  Pretty, but sure sign colder days are coming.  Bummer.

50 degrees outside and folks are still wearing short sleeve tees and shorts.  I have three layers on.

Three doctors have been working for over a month to get Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  No luck.

The President has stepped in and a rail strike was avoided. A strike would have been devastating to the economy.

I think most folk now think global warming is a sure thing.

At home I shaved and showered before lunch.  Nancy had a 1200 PT session and she did not get home until 1330.

Found time for a short nap.  At 1530 we started getting ready for tonight’s fund raiser at the Gardens.

The invitation said men should wear business casual.  I took this to mean khaki pants, blazer, white shirt but no tie.  For women the invite said cocktail attire, whatever that means.  Anyway Nancy looked nice.

We arrived at 1700 and checked in and got our wine tickets.  I downloaded the silent auction app but made no purchases.

I estimate about 300 folks attended.  I was surprised at how many folks we knew.  The keynote speaker was Judge Sarah Smolinski.  She was great.  Judge Smolinski was raised in the OH neighborhood.  She made mention of many hours spent at Ottawa Hills library.  Our kids also spent hours at this library.

The main meal was a chicken dish that I thought great.  We left at 2000.  We both agreed it was a great evening.  Left for home at 2200.  No TV tonight.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  Slight warm up tomorrow.

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