Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14, 2022

Wednesday September 14, 2022

Blog time 2100 sitting in Den

Breakfast Club Wednesday

Up at 0530.  Dressed and headed downtown with a quick stop at Panera for coffee to take with me.

It was pitch black.  I had to wear my night vision glasses.

At destination I took my walk around the block.  Encountered two homeless men sleeping on sidewalk.

Good crowd at BC this morning.  This morning’s speaker was a County Commissioner from GR.  She gave an excellent talk.

After BC I headed to Fox Ford to get the Fusion serviced.  Next time for service is in 9 months.  Ten years ago I got car service about every 1.5 months.

Fox Ford did not have any new cars in showroom.  Disappointing!

Nancy had an appointment with her heart doctor this morning.  For the next month she has to take her blood pressure twice a day.  Our old blood pressure monitor is not working so I headed to Walgreen and bought an new one.  State of the art.  Set the monitor up and it appears to work fine.

After lunch I called Ada Bike inquiring about my Bad Boy bike.  They said the work was done.

Nancy drove me to Ada.  I pedaled home a distance of 5 miles.

Finished the afternoon with hour nap.

For dinner tonight I had a super duper chicken wrap sandwich from Trader Joe’s.  Not very good.

Tonight we watched episode 22 of “Crownies” on Acorn.  This was the final episode.  Good series.

Before bed Nancy took her blood pressure.  It was in the Good Range.

Checked Courtyard before bed and the clouds covered the red moon.  No critter spotted.  Temperature will drop to 55 tonight but reach 80 tomorrow. 

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