Thursday, September 1, 2022

August 31, 2022

 Wednesday August 31, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with alarm at 0545.  Did my morning calisthenics before dressing and heading out. It was pitch black when I left home at 0615.  Stopped at Panera to get my morning coffee. 

I was surprised that the freeway was not busy.  After arriving at parking structure I took a quick walk through my old work neighborhood.  Downtown seems to be thriving.

We had a good crowd at BC.  The breakfast food was especially good.  Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, pastries and fruit.

Our speaker today was BC long time member James Burr.  Jim is active in local theater groups.  Jim recently visited several Canadian small cities that have summer plays.  Stratford, Ontario and a small city near Niagara Falls.  

Stratford is noted for their Shakespeare plays.  Jim gave a good talk.

After BC I headed straight home.  At home I put on bike clothes and took an 11 mile ride.  Quick shower before dressing.  

I no sooner got dressed when I got a call from Somerdyke Plumbing.  They were in the area and wanted to stop by.  I said yes.

The plumber fixed our kitchen sink faucet.  He also cleaned the downstair’s bathroom sink drain.  Great to get these nuisance plumbing problems fixed.

Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the trash. Nancy has been on a cleaning frenzy and our trash can is close to be overloaded.

I also got a call from Porter Hills Sales Manager saying he wanted to have coffee with me tomorrow at Panera.  I think he either wants to talk about increased cost for an apartment or the unavailability of an apartment until next year.  Nothing good.

Nancy had a 1330 dental appointment today.  She got crowns put on her recent work.

This and that:

Last weeks storms caused major damage.  Over 200,000 folks in Detroit are still without power.

Most folks said 8 months ago that the GOP will take the house and senate.  Now because of the Trump faction it look like the GOP is self destructing.

If I was a teenager I would never date a girl with pierced nose or lips.  Tattoos are ok except above the neck.

Do young adults read newspapers.

Is wokeness for real or just a passing fad.

One year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan.  A major foreign policy disaster for President Biden.

California is suffering under extreme heat.  Missy does not have AC but she is visiting Debbie over the weekend.  Debbie has AC.

With all the bad weather this year does anyone still think global warming is a hoax.

Every evening when I check the Courtyard I see teeny tiny green toads on the concrete.  Only in the evening do I see the toads.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios with blueberries.  Tonight we watched Echoes on Netflix. 

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She inquired about our well being.  We are doing well.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and noticed our special teeny tiny green toad.  It was hot and humid.  Tomorrow will be another 80 degree day.   

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