Saturday, September 3, 2022

September 2, 2022

 Friday September 2, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Summary of day’ activities:

Calisthenics, breakfast and bike to Y.

More calisthenics and a short walk. I like the Y’s padded 0.2 mile walking track.

Biked to Panera.

In keeping with my new schedule I only read the WSJ at Panera.

Home at 1300.

Call from Dr Santos office.  Take 1.5 pills five time daily instead of 2 pills four times.

Lunch and then Nancy and I head to Walmart.  Returned 52 bottle and bought some cleaning supplies.

After Walmart we drove to Meijer’s.  Purchased prune juice, sugar free cookies, vanilla pudding and Fiber 1 cereal.

This and that:

President  Biden’s talk last night was very divisive.  To claim GOP members are a threat to USA democracy was bad public policy.  I disagree on almost everything the President does but I still consider myself a patriot.  President Biden is more divisive than Trump.

Alpena HS won a football game against Marquette.

For dinner tonight we drove to Bagger Daves.  I had a burger, coleslaw and a glass of wine.  Nancy had a grilled cheese sandwich with coleslaw.  Good food.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Brokenwood Mysteries”.  Not very good.

Debbie and Missy called tonight.  Missy is spending the weekend with Debbie.  Good talk.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was warm and very humid.  I have had the AC on since 1900.  Saw no critters including my green toad friend.

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