Tuesday, September 27, 2022

September 26, 2022

 Monday September 26, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up at exactly 0700.   Unlocked garage and backed out Escape. Nancy will swim later at MVP.

I did my morning routine before an oatmeal breakfast.  It was 52 outside so I put on cold weather bike clothes.  Biked to Y a distance of 5 miles.

After completing my calisthenics and walk at Y I biked to Panera.  Panera was empty.  Ordered coffee and bagel.  Today I brought my mini iPad.  I am limited with the mini because I cannot type easily on it.  I just read my mail and the WSJ. 

Nancy walked in just as I was finishing my bagel.  She bought a scone and we split it.  She headed out at 1200 and told me it was starting to rain.  With this news I packed up and headed for home.

Lunch and then made some phone calls.

Called our Wells Fargo advisor.  Jim Marosi assured me that we have enough resources to make the move to Porter Hills, despite declining home prices.

Called Porter Hills and was told we can see our apartment next week.

Called Jennifer Dougherty and she will stop by on Thursday to pick up an old printer and monitor.  Hope she also takes some old text books.

After lunch I spent the afternoon doing money things.  Paid credit card bill and other monthly bills.  

This and that:

The business news TV channels are slamming the President for his mismanagement of the economy.  Forgiving the student loans is a big sore point.

The war in Ukraine is confusing, are the Ukrainian really winning?  The EU government seem weak.  Putin appears almost in panic mode.

Finally I have found out how to use the video function on my iPhone.  A useful tool.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken frozen dinner.  Very good and less than 300 calories.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She told us about her weekend at her neighbor’s lake cottage.  Both Debbie and Violet had a great time.

Tonight we watched another episode “Wanted”.  However tomorrow we will watch my all time favorite show “Shetland”.

Temperature in low 50s and drizzling when checked Courtyard before bed.  Morning temperature will be in mid 40s.  BRR!

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