Monday, September 19, 2022

September 18, 2022

 Sunday September 18, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Overslept this morning until 0730.  Dressed quickly and drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  I also got a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal to go with bagel.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church was jammed.  Today was a busy day at Trinity.  Start of Sunday School, several baptisms, a confirmation in addition to regular service.

Drove straight home after the service so Nancy could take her blood pressure.  After we took a short ride, east to Lowell and back.

At home I took a 1.5 mile walk.  It was very humid so I had to change my clothes when got home.

At 1330 we drove to an open house at the Moores.  The Moores live on Gladstone just down the street from our old house.  The girls delivered them their GRP back when the GRP used delivery boys and girls.  The Moores are also moving to Porter Hills.

At the open house I encountered Frank Spies. In 1957 Frank and I roomed on the same floor of South Quad at UM.  Frank and family moved to East Grand Rapids.  His daughter Ann and Missy were classmates at Amherst.

We also talked to Jim Tellman’s wife.  Jim was a fellow civil engineer whose services I used.  Jim passed several months ago.  Ms Tellman lives in an apartment in Porter Hills, Cook Valley.  We hope to be residents soon in the same building.

At home took a short nap.  For dinner I had a cup of yogurt and apple.  After dinner I took a short walk along Tahoe.  As I was ending the walk four deer slowly crossed Tahoe several yards from me.  Made my day.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of season 11, “New Tricks”.  Great show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was dark with possible showers.  Tomorrow will be another warm day.

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