Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 5, 2022

 Monday September 5, 2022

Today is Labor Day.  Most business establishments are shut down including the stock market.  Also no mail.

Up this morning at 0700.  We dressed and left home about 0800.  Today we are driving to Saugatuck for breakfast.  We did stop at Panera for coffee to take with us.

It was dark and gloomy this morning.  Traffic on the freeway was light.  

We arrived early in Saugatuck and were able to find a parking place close to the Pumpernickel restaurant.  Nancy is still wearing her boot so walking is difficult.

To our surprise the Pumpernickel was closed today.  I was surprised because today Saugatuck will see a lot of visitors.  We walked around until we found a small bakery.  Nancy had a muffin and I got an egg sandwich and coffee.  The muffin and sandwich were great.

By the time we finished eating foot traffic in the Village picked up.  Most stores opened at 1000.  We visited a few but purchased nothing.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 9.5 mile ride.  Bike and pedestrian traffic was very light.  Most folks must have taken the day off.

Quick shower and then a nap.  For dinner tonight I had cheerios and blueberries.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Call the Midwives”.  It was good but sad.

When I checked the Courtyard before bed I saw a deer across Tahoe. Several deer hang out at this small opening in the foliage.  I see a deer at least once a day.

Today was gloomy and cool.  Temp never reached 70.  No warmup until Thursday. 

It was 102 in San Jose when we called Debbie tonight.  Luckily she has AC.  But Missy who flew home to LA today does not.  I sure hope she has a good fan.


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