Saturday, September 24, 2022

September 23, 2022

 Friday September 23, 2022

Blog time 1645 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0645.  The sun was not yet up.

It was a cold, 39, when I headed out to unlock garage and back out Escape.  Coldest day since April.

Nancy headed out to MVP.  Today is Swim day.

Before calisthenics I emptied dishwasher and put my recently washed clothes away.  Bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

Today I put on my cold weather clothes which includes, gloves, lined pants and wool cap.  I took the Bianchi bike this morning.

Biked to the Y for calisthenics and a walk and then to the Y.  At Y had coffee and baguette before reading Mi papers.

Left Panera 1130.  Showered and dressed before heading outside to continue trying to get bike seat on the Bad Boy.  I was successful getting the seat on but as soon as I sat on the seat it would move.  I think I need a new seat post.

Quick lunch and then fired up iPad Pro and started writing blogs.

Tonight we are having dinner at “Shepard’s Grill.  Been a long time since we have visited.

This and that:

The stock market continues its plunge.  No agreement among financial experts on CNBC about the solution.  

Russia is taking a big gamble calling up reserves.  Would Putin be so stupid to use a nuke.  I hope our President and the EU take a hard line.

The political ads are getting nasty.  The Supreme Courts decision on abortion are giving the Dems a good shot of keeping control of congress.

Left home at 1800 and headed to Shepard’s Grill for dinner.  The place was jammed.  Nancy ordered a bowl of soup and I had a fried lake perch sandwich with a glass of wine.  

It was enjoyable sitting in a loud happy restaurant.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “Wanted”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was quiet and very dark.  Light rain over night. Tomorrow will be another gloomy day with temps in low 60s.

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