Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 19, 2022

 Monday September 19, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in Panera

Once again I did not get up until 0730. The temperature was 62 with partial sun.  First thing unlocked garage and backed out Escape.

Turned on TV so Nancy could watch the Queen’s funeral.  Plenty of pomp, something the English do well.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then put on warm weather bike clothes and headed to the Y.  Before my hip operation I could do 8 chin-ups now I can only do 6.  Maybe it is the 10 pounds I put on during recovery.

Nancy continues to clean.  I made a trip to Good Will.  Also took an old computer monitor and was surprised that Good Will took it.

Nancy had a 1500 PT session.  They are trying to help stimulate the nerves in her forehead.  Nancy does not think it is working.  Three doctors are trying to get Nancy in to see neurologist.  It has been three weeks but no luck.

After the PT session she stopped home, picked me up and drove to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and we bought some supplies.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios, raspberries, toast w/peanut butter.  We watched NBC news.  Most of the news time was dominated by the Queen’s funeral.  However, the videos from the Puerto Rico hurricane were scary.  Don’t mess with Mother Nature.

Once again I took an after dinner walk.  I encountered 3 does and a buck in the bushes across Tahoe from Condo.

Tonight we watched another episode of “New Tricks”.  Never tire of this show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was very dark with possibility of showers later tonight.  Mixed bag of weather for tomorrow.

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