Wednesday, September 28, 2022

September 27, 2022

 Tuesday September 27, 2022

Blog time 1145 sitting in Panera

Slept in this morning until 0730.  Checked weather, sunny and 45.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  

Nancy has a busy day.  Stationary bike at MVP, PT at noon and 1400 Doctor’s appointment.   Tonight we are going to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.

After at home calisthenics I put on warm bike clothes.  Oatmeal breakfast and then biked to the Y.  Unlike yesterday the Y was empty.  After walk and calisthenics I headed to Panera.

Ordered coffee and baguettes before starting reading the morning papers.  I finished the Detroit and Alpena News.  Also finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

The Detroit News had an article on huge new battery plant in Mescosta County.  The local units are giving the plant big tax incentives.  I happen to agree with the incentives.  The plant will employ hundreds during construction and when operating.

Our GOP candidate for Governor is against giving incentives to new businesses.  This is one of the reasons she will not get my vote.

Got home at noon.  Nancy has her PT appointment and also a visit with her foot doctor.  The foot doc told her she no longer needs to wear brace.  Nancy said he did not examine her foot or ask any questions.  She was disappointed and so was I.  Our recent interactions with the medical profession has been disappointing.  No human touch or interest.

I spent some time this afternoon sorting out clothes I want to give away.  Our storage at the new apartment might be limited. We should be able to see our apartment next week.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s.  We each had a hot dog and split and order of fries.

Tonight we watched both an episode of “Wanted” and “Shetland”.  Great viewing night.

Checked Courtyard before bed. It was drizzling and cold.  Temperature in high 40s tonight and mid 50s for tomorrow.

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