Thursday, September 29, 2022

September 28, 2022

 Wednesday September 28, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up with alarm at 0530.  Today I have Breakfast Club which starts at 0700.  Backed out both cars so I could get our trash and recycle containers out.

Stopped at Panera to get a cup of coffee to take with me.  It was drizzling and 48.  Heavy traffic on freeway.  Glad I had my night vision glasses with me.

Great turnout at BC.  We have about 10 new members.  Todays speaker was a BC member.  He is a retired Art Professor at GVSU.  His talk was on the art activities in Grand Rapids.  It was a great talk.

After BC I drove to Meijer’s for some supplies.  At home I put on bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride.

This and that:

Did Russian underwater demolition teams blow up the gas pipe line located near several Scandinavian countries.It sure looks like it.

Today’s Alpena News had an obituary on a high school friend, Al Sharp.  Al played left guard and I played right guard on the AHS football team.  He was a likable and very wild guy.  Rest In Peace, Al.

Next week we will receive our absentee ballot.  I will have to read up on some of the non partisan ballots, like judges and school board members.

I spent considerable time assembling items like shoes and trousers that I no longer need.  Will give to Good Will and some organizations Nancy supports.

Because of the big breakfast tonight I had a light dinner.  We did watch the news.  Most of the coverage dealt with the hurricane in Fl.

Tonight we watched two episode of “Wanted”.

Checked Courtyard before bed. It was cold, 40s, and drizzling.  Sun and slight warmup starts tomorrow.

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