Friday, September 30, 2022

September 29, 2022

 Thursday September 29, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in this morning until 0730.  Checked outside and the temp was 48.  Sunshine and high of 61 later. My kind of day.

Nancy headed early to MVP for a ride on the stationary bike.  Later today she has another PT session.  Good news, Nancy no longer has to wear her foot brace. 

Did my calisthenics at home, except because of sore shoulder had to limit push-ups.  However, no pain when doing chin-ups or pull-ups, go figure.  Oatmeal breakfast before biking to Y, 5 miles for cars and walk.

At Panera I took out my iPad Pro and read the morning news and worked on blogs.

Todays activities:

Before lunch I took a bag of old shoes to Good Will.

Jennifer Dougherty will stop by to pick up old printer and big computer monitoring screen.  I have not used either since moving to Condo.

Today it has been four months since hip operation.  Still have some minor pain when do hill climbs on bike. 

The maple trees this year seem to be changing colors earlier than I remember.

Lunch and then time in office cleaning my in-basket.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk followed by short nap.

For dinner I had a frozen dinner of beef and noodles.  Very good.

After dishes Nancy and I took a short walk.  I walk best if I take my cane.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “Wanted”.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and it was cold and clear.  No critters sighted lately.   Cold and sunny tomorrow morning but should warm up to mid 60s.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

September 28, 2022

 Wednesday September 28, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up with alarm at 0530.  Today I have Breakfast Club which starts at 0700.  Backed out both cars so I could get our trash and recycle containers out.

Stopped at Panera to get a cup of coffee to take with me.  It was drizzling and 48.  Heavy traffic on freeway.  Glad I had my night vision glasses with me.

Great turnout at BC.  We have about 10 new members.  Todays speaker was a BC member.  He is a retired Art Professor at GVSU.  His talk was on the art activities in Grand Rapids.  It was a great talk.

After BC I drove to Meijer’s for some supplies.  At home I put on bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride.

This and that:

Did Russian underwater demolition teams blow up the gas pipe line located near several Scandinavian countries.It sure looks like it.

Today’s Alpena News had an obituary on a high school friend, Al Sharp.  Al played left guard and I played right guard on the AHS football team.  He was a likable and very wild guy.  Rest In Peace, Al.

Next week we will receive our absentee ballot.  I will have to read up on some of the non partisan ballots, like judges and school board members.

I spent considerable time assembling items like shoes and trousers that I no longer need.  Will give to Good Will and some organizations Nancy supports.

Because of the big breakfast tonight I had a light dinner.  We did watch the news.  Most of the coverage dealt with the hurricane in Fl.

Tonight we watched two episode of “Wanted”.

Checked Courtyard before bed. It was cold, 40s, and drizzling.  Sun and slight warmup starts tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

September 27, 2022

 Tuesday September 27, 2022

Blog time 1145 sitting in Panera

Slept in this morning until 0730.  Checked weather, sunny and 45.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  

Nancy has a busy day.  Stationary bike at MVP, PT at noon and 1400 Doctor’s appointment.   Tonight we are going to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.

After at home calisthenics I put on warm bike clothes.  Oatmeal breakfast and then biked to the Y.  Unlike yesterday the Y was empty.  After walk and calisthenics I headed to Panera.

Ordered coffee and baguettes before starting reading the morning papers.  I finished the Detroit and Alpena News.  Also finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

The Detroit News had an article on huge new battery plant in Mescosta County.  The local units are giving the plant big tax incentives.  I happen to agree with the incentives.  The plant will employ hundreds during construction and when operating.

Our GOP candidate for Governor is against giving incentives to new businesses.  This is one of the reasons she will not get my vote.

Got home at noon.  Nancy has her PT appointment and also a visit with her foot doctor.  The foot doc told her she no longer needs to wear brace.  Nancy said he did not examine her foot or ask any questions.  She was disappointed and so was I.  Our recent interactions with the medical profession has been disappointing.  No human touch or interest.

I spent some time this afternoon sorting out clothes I want to give away.  Our storage at the new apartment might be limited. We should be able to see our apartment next week.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s.  We each had a hot dog and split and order of fries.

Tonight we watched both an episode of “Wanted” and “Shetland”.  Great viewing night.

Checked Courtyard before bed. It was drizzling and cold.  Temperature in high 40s tonight and mid 50s for tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

September 26, 2022

 Monday September 26, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up at exactly 0700.   Unlocked garage and backed out Escape. Nancy will swim later at MVP.

I did my morning routine before an oatmeal breakfast.  It was 52 outside so I put on cold weather bike clothes.  Biked to Y a distance of 5 miles.

After completing my calisthenics and walk at Y I biked to Panera.  Panera was empty.  Ordered coffee and bagel.  Today I brought my mini iPad.  I am limited with the mini because I cannot type easily on it.  I just read my mail and the WSJ. 

Nancy walked in just as I was finishing my bagel.  She bought a scone and we split it.  She headed out at 1200 and told me it was starting to rain.  With this news I packed up and headed for home.

Lunch and then made some phone calls.

Called our Wells Fargo advisor.  Jim Marosi assured me that we have enough resources to make the move to Porter Hills, despite declining home prices.

Called Porter Hills and was told we can see our apartment next week.

Called Jennifer Dougherty and she will stop by on Thursday to pick up an old printer and monitor.  Hope she also takes some old text books.

After lunch I spent the afternoon doing money things.  Paid credit card bill and other monthly bills.  

This and that:

The business news TV channels are slamming the President for his mismanagement of the economy.  Forgiving the student loans is a big sore point.

The war in Ukraine is confusing, are the Ukrainian really winning?  The EU government seem weak.  Putin appears almost in panic mode.

Finally I have found out how to use the video function on my iPhone.  A useful tool.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken frozen dinner.  Very good and less than 300 calories.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She told us about her weekend at her neighbor’s lake cottage.  Both Debbie and Violet had a great time.

Tonight we watched another episode “Wanted”.  However tomorrow we will watch my all time favorite show “Shetland”.

Temperature in low 50s and drizzling when checked Courtyard before bed.  Morning temperature will be in mid 40s.  BRR!

Monday, September 26, 2022

September 25, 2022

 Sunday September 25, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0630.

I dressed and drove to Panera to get a coffee and bagel for me. I was first customer.  Panera lately has been running out of bake goods early in morning.  I asked sarcastically being the first customer if they had any bagels.  The manager explained that last weeks sales were unexpected.  The sales were twice what they were exactly a year ago.  This is good sign.  

When I got home Nancy was taking her blood pressure.  Our plan for this morning it to take the orange juice and wine we purchased yesterday with us to church.  We will leave directly after church for Moleski’s.

Church was jammed.  This is the start of Sunday School.  Pastor Bob was in fine fiddle.

We got to Moleski’s at 1030.  Except for Mary Namey the entire book club was in attendance.  

The Moleski’s prepared an egg dish, sausage and a great blueberry cake.  Of course we had drinks. We spent several hours eating and talking.

At home I finished blogs and checked emails.  Because of our big brunch I only had a cup of yogurt for dinner.  After dinner I took a mile walk my favorite deer was watching me from across the street.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Netflix’s “Wanted”.  We have two left in season 1.

Nancy headed to bed at 2100.  I stayed up and finished reading the GRP.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok. Rain tonight and temp will dip to low 50s.  Tomorrow more rain with temperatures only in the 50s.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 24, 2022

 Saturday September 24, 2022

Blog time 1000 sitting in living room.

Saturday morning so today we have breakfast out.  Up at 0700 dressed and then backed out my Fusion.

This morning we had breakfast at the “Gathering Place”.  It had been awhile since we have been at the GP.  Nancy had a Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had fried eggs, hash browns and raisin toast.  Of course we both had coffee.

After breakfast we took a short ride to Panera to get our free coffee.  At home Nancy took her blood pressure.  For the past week she has been taking her blood pressure twice a day.  She is keeping a log and next week she will send the log to her heart doctor.

This morning we also ran errands.  Headed to Meijer’s, we are going to Moleski’s for brunch tomorrow so we had to purchase a bottle of orange juice and a bottle of white wine to take with us.  In addition we bought essential food stuff.

At Costco we bought  a gift card.  Costco cards are great gifts for Grandkids.

Quick lunch and then a short nap.  I spent some time trying to get my bike seat on the Bad Boy adjusted.  Finally in frustration I took off the seat assembly and took it to the Ada Bike store.  The mechanic tried to adjust the seat and concluded the seat assembly was shot.  I bought a new assembly.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Onion Crock’s pea soup.  It was good.  Unfortunately the Onion Crock is out of business so this was my last bowl.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Wanted” on Netflix.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was pitch black.  No moon or stars.  Rain overnight with temps dropping to 40s.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

September 23, 2022

 Friday September 23, 2022

Blog time 1645 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0645.  The sun was not yet up.

It was a cold, 39, when I headed out to unlock garage and back out Escape.  Coldest day since April.

Nancy headed out to MVP.  Today is Swim day.

Before calisthenics I emptied dishwasher and put my recently washed clothes away.  Bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

Today I put on my cold weather clothes which includes, gloves, lined pants and wool cap.  I took the Bianchi bike this morning.

Biked to the Y for calisthenics and a walk and then to the Y.  At Y had coffee and baguette before reading Mi papers.

Left Panera 1130.  Showered and dressed before heading outside to continue trying to get bike seat on the Bad Boy.  I was successful getting the seat on but as soon as I sat on the seat it would move.  I think I need a new seat post.

Quick lunch and then fired up iPad Pro and started writing blogs.

Tonight we are having dinner at “Shepard’s Grill.  Been a long time since we have visited.

This and that:

The stock market continues its plunge.  No agreement among financial experts on CNBC about the solution.  

Russia is taking a big gamble calling up reserves.  Would Putin be so stupid to use a nuke.  I hope our President and the EU take a hard line.

The political ads are getting nasty.  The Supreme Courts decision on abortion are giving the Dems a good shot of keeping control of congress.

Left home at 1800 and headed to Shepard’s Grill for dinner.  The place was jammed.  Nancy ordered a bowl of soup and I had a fried lake perch sandwich with a glass of wine.  

It was enjoyable sitting in a loud happy restaurant.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “Wanted”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was quiet and very dark.  Light rain over night. Tomorrow will be another gloomy day with temps in low 60s.

Friday, September 23, 2022

September 22, 2022

 Thursday September 22, 2022

Blog time 1600 on Friday.  Yes a day late.

Up at 0715.  First thing as always, opened garage and backed out Escape.  The sun was just coming up.  Sunrise today 0731 and sunset at 1937.  12h06’ of daylight.  Today is the first day of fall.

Morning calisthenics followed by breakfast.  

Biked to Y.  Once again the Y was empty.

After Y biked to Panera.  

Today I took my mini iPad because it is much lighter than iPad Pro.  

Coffee and baguette before starting morning reading.

Yesterday I hit a bump on my bike and something snapped in the bike seat.  Today I found the back of the seat had dropped several inches making the ride uncomfortable. 

Today Nancy had a noon PT session.

As soon as I got home I took off the bike seat and post and drove to Ada bike.  They put the seat back in alignment.

At home shower and quick lunch.  

I put the bike seat back on the bike.  It was not perfect so I tried to make an adjustment.  BANG!  The entire seat assembly came apart.  My effort to reassemble the seat was not successful.  Try again tomorrow.

The news tonight made no mention of today being the first day of Fall.  The hurricane along the east coast dominated.

I had a very light dinner. Cup of yogurt with toast.

Tonight Debbie Facetimed.  She was tired from the long work hours and the commute to office.  She has to go to office three days a week.  

Debbie has hired a dog walker on days she reports to office.  Both the walker and Violet have bonded.

Tonight we watched a show on Netflix, “Wanted”.  It is the Australian version of Thelma and Louise.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Pitch black and cold.  Temp will drop to 30s overnight.


Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 21, 2022

Wednesday September 21, 2022

Blog time 1720 sitting in living room

Today is my Easy Wednesday.  Up at 0715.  First thing this morning I open garage and backed out the Escape.  The temperature was 70 and cloudy.  Last warm day for awhile.

Nancy has a full schedule today so she is not going swimming.  Being my easy day I do all the calisthenics at home but at 50%.

Had breakfast today at Panera.  I asked Nancy to meet me there.  I hop on bike and pedal 3 miles to Panera.  Nancy arrived at the same time I did.  

I ordered oatmeal, bagel and coffee.  I had enough points I only paid for the bagel.  Nancy got her free coffee.

We sat and talked for 30 minutes.  After Nancy left I read the Mi papers.  Headed home at 1000.  Dropped off backpack and headed out on a longer ride.  Total bike miles today 10.3.

 Got home just before noon.  Nancy was heading out to her noon PT class.  I showered and took a short nap.

Nancy has wanted to change the bank account for her Social Security deposit.  We got on SS web site and got a phone number to call.  We spent over an hour on hold.  Finally when we did make contact with a real person it took less than 3 minutes to make the change.

Kim cleans tomorrow so we spent time getting ready.  

For dinner I had a Trader Joe’s frozen cod dinner.  It was very good.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She was sitting in a Ralph’s parking lot waiting to buy some chips for AJ’s dinner.  Everything is going ok.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Vera on BritBox”.  I gave it a B.

Temperature was still in 60s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to low 50s this evening.  Next week high temps only in 60s.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

September 20, 2022

 Tuesday September 20, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0715, first thing I opened garage and backed out the Escape.  It was dark and gloomy with temperature in mid 50s.  Checked my iPhones weather app.  It called for rain starting at 1100.  I do not want to get rained on so I made a schedule change.

After the at home morning routine I put on warm bike clothes and headed out without a backpack.  I headed directly to Y.  After my Y routine I would head directly home bypassing Panera.  

At home I showered and shaved and then drove the Escape to Panera.  Panera was empty and out of most bakery items.  I got coffee and a scone.  Read the Mi papers and finished yesterday’s blog.

Left Panera at noon.  I have a early afternoon Dentist appointment so I took my MG pill and cleaned my teeth.  Arrived at the Dentist at 1330.  Today the Dentist will remove my upper implant and give it a good cleaning.  I was in the Dentist chair for 90 minutes.  Glad I only have to do this every six months.

On way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

It is Tuesday so for dinner we drove to Leo’s.  We both had a hot dog and split an order of fries.  I also had a glass of milk.

On our drive home we encountered six Deer and several wild Turkeys.  Fall is the best time for critter viewing.

For our viewing tonight we watched episode 2, season 7 of my favorite show, “Shetland”.  It was good.

Temp in high 60s when checked Courtyard before bed.  It was windy and pitch black.  Temp will remain in high 60s all night.  High temp tomorrow 82.  After that we have a week where high temps will be in 60s.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 19, 2022

 Monday September 19, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in Panera

Once again I did not get up until 0730. The temperature was 62 with partial sun.  First thing unlocked garage and backed out Escape.

Turned on TV so Nancy could watch the Queen’s funeral.  Plenty of pomp, something the English do well.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then put on warm weather bike clothes and headed to the Y.  Before my hip operation I could do 8 chin-ups now I can only do 6.  Maybe it is the 10 pounds I put on during recovery.

Nancy continues to clean.  I made a trip to Good Will.  Also took an old computer monitor and was surprised that Good Will took it.

Nancy had a 1500 PT session.  They are trying to help stimulate the nerves in her forehead.  Nancy does not think it is working.  Three doctors are trying to get Nancy in to see neurologist.  It has been three weeks but no luck.

After the PT session she stopped home, picked me up and drove to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and we bought some supplies.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios, raspberries, toast w/peanut butter.  We watched NBC news.  Most of the news time was dominated by the Queen’s funeral.  However, the videos from the Puerto Rico hurricane were scary.  Don’t mess with Mother Nature.

Once again I took an after dinner walk.  I encountered 3 does and a buck in the bushes across Tahoe from Condo.

Tonight we watched another episode of “New Tricks”.  Never tire of this show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was very dark with possibility of showers later tonight.  Mixed bag of weather for tomorrow.

Monday, September 19, 2022

September 18, 2022

 Sunday September 18, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Overslept this morning until 0730.  Dressed quickly and drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  I also got a bagel.  Fixed oatmeal to go with bagel.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church was jammed.  Today was a busy day at Trinity.  Start of Sunday School, several baptisms, a confirmation in addition to regular service.

Drove straight home after the service so Nancy could take her blood pressure.  After we took a short ride, east to Lowell and back.

At home I took a 1.5 mile walk.  It was very humid so I had to change my clothes when got home.

At 1330 we drove to an open house at the Moores.  The Moores live on Gladstone just down the street from our old house.  The girls delivered them their GRP back when the GRP used delivery boys and girls.  The Moores are also moving to Porter Hills.

At the open house I encountered Frank Spies. In 1957 Frank and I roomed on the same floor of South Quad at UM.  Frank and family moved to East Grand Rapids.  His daughter Ann and Missy were classmates at Amherst.

We also talked to Jim Tellman’s wife.  Jim was a fellow civil engineer whose services I used.  Jim passed several months ago.  Ms Tellman lives in an apartment in Porter Hills, Cook Valley.  We hope to be residents soon in the same building.

At home took a short nap.  For dinner I had a cup of yogurt and apple.  After dinner I took a short walk along Tahoe.  As I was ending the walk four deer slowly crossed Tahoe several yards from me.  Made my day.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of season 11, “New Tricks”.  Great show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was dark with possible showers.  Tomorrow will be another warm day.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

September 17, 2022

Saturday September 17, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den

Up at 0730, dressed and drove to Noona’s in Ada for breakfast. Temperature was in low 60s. We brought warm clothes so we sat outside.  The eggs and bacon at Noona’s are outstanding.

Day’s activities:

Stopped at Panera on way home from breakfast for our free coffee.

Nancy started laundry.

I went on an eleven mile bike ride.  One of my longest rides of the year.  Noted the colors are changing.

At home shaved head and face before showering.  Watched some of the UM game while having lunch.  Boring.

Nancy continued doing the laundry.

 I took a load of kitchen ware that Nancy had selected as not needed.  I took the load to Good Will.  Surprised at the number of shoppers and folk dropping things off.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her last batch of Onion Crock’s pea soup.  Onion Crock has finally gone out of business.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Mr and Mrs Murder”.  Very light.  I gave it a C+.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She provided some info on a UM classmate of mine Frank Spies.  Missy and Frank’s daughter Ann were classmates at Amherst.

It was warm and humid when checked Courtyard before bed.  Might get some rain tonight.


Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 16, 2022

 Friday September 16, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

We both slept in this morning.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  Later this morning she has lunch with Carol Masten, Pat Haskins and Becky Verker at Schuler’s.

Followed morning routine and kept telling myself that it was Friday.  I checked my Bad Boy bike tires and they were ok.  Rode to the Y a distance of 5 miles.  The temperature was in mid 60s. I was overdressed.

The Y was empty.  Why?   After the Y I pedaled to Panera.  

Like the Y, Panera was also empty.  Read the Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog.

Left at 1230 and headed home.  Showered and then a quick lunch.  Bike miles today, 9.5. Miles 

As soon as Nancy got home we headed to Meijer’s to pick up her prescription.  We also bought some supplies.

Spent remainder of afternoon in office reading.  For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s and had a frozen custard.  After, we took a trip around the airport.

For our viewing tonight we watched episode 1 of a History of England.  It was interesting but not entertaining.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We all gave positive reports.

When checked the Courtyard before bed the moon was not visible.  It was dark and warm, low 70s.  Tomorrow will be another warm day.

Friday, September 16, 2022

September 15, 2022

 Thursday September 15, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  The temperature was in low 50s but it should warm up to near 80 today.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her stationary bike routine at MVP.  Tonight we are attending a Fund Raising Gaga for the Kent District Library (KDL).  The event takes place at Meijer Gardens.

I do my at home routine before oatmeal breakfast.  My right shoulder still hurts despite a day off.  I think it might be arthritis.

Breakfast and then I get out my recently overhauled Bad Boy bike.  Checked the air pressure and it was very low.  Either the shop did not check the pressure before releasing the bike or improperly put the tires on.  Anyway I pumped up the tires and headed out.  The new tires are smaller and so the bike is easier to pedal.

The Y this morning was jammed.  Thought I might have a problem getting to chin-up bar.  No problem apparently most folks don’t do chin-ups.

At Panera I got my coffee but the bagels were sold out so I substituted a baguette.

This and that:

The Detroit Auto Show is going on.  Big talk about EV’s.  I still am not a big fan of EV’S.  I think fuel cells will eventually dominate.

Our TV is full of political ads.  The GOP has a big problem because of a poor slate of candidates.

If the GOP wants a good candidate for President I would chose either Gov Sununu of New Hampshire or Mitch Daniels, President of Purdue.

Noted the maples are turning color.  Pretty, but sure sign colder days are coming.  Bummer.

50 degrees outside and folks are still wearing short sleeve tees and shorts.  I have three layers on.

Three doctors have been working for over a month to get Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  No luck.

The President has stepped in and a rail strike was avoided. A strike would have been devastating to the economy.

I think most folk now think global warming is a sure thing.

At home I shaved and showered before lunch.  Nancy had a 1200 PT session and she did not get home until 1330.

Found time for a short nap.  At 1530 we started getting ready for tonight’s fund raiser at the Gardens.

The invitation said men should wear business casual.  I took this to mean khaki pants, blazer, white shirt but no tie.  For women the invite said cocktail attire, whatever that means.  Anyway Nancy looked nice.

We arrived at 1700 and checked in and got our wine tickets.  I downloaded the silent auction app but made no purchases.

I estimate about 300 folks attended.  I was surprised at how many folks we knew.  The keynote speaker was Judge Sarah Smolinski.  She was great.  Judge Smolinski was raised in the OH neighborhood.  She made mention of many hours spent at Ottawa Hills library.  Our kids also spent hours at this library.

The main meal was a chicken dish that I thought great.  We left at 2000.  We both agreed it was a great evening.  Left for home at 2200.  No TV tonight.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  Slight warm up tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14, 2022

Wednesday September 14, 2022

Blog time 2100 sitting in Den

Breakfast Club Wednesday

Up at 0530.  Dressed and headed downtown with a quick stop at Panera for coffee to take with me.

It was pitch black.  I had to wear my night vision glasses.

At destination I took my walk around the block.  Encountered two homeless men sleeping on sidewalk.

Good crowd at BC this morning.  This morning’s speaker was a County Commissioner from GR.  She gave an excellent talk.

After BC I headed to Fox Ford to get the Fusion serviced.  Next time for service is in 9 months.  Ten years ago I got car service about every 1.5 months.

Fox Ford did not have any new cars in showroom.  Disappointing!

Nancy had an appointment with her heart doctor this morning.  For the next month she has to take her blood pressure twice a day.  Our old blood pressure monitor is not working so I headed to Walgreen and bought an new one.  State of the art.  Set the monitor up and it appears to work fine.

After lunch I called Ada Bike inquiring about my Bad Boy bike.  They said the work was done.

Nancy drove me to Ada.  I pedaled home a distance of 5 miles.

Finished the afternoon with hour nap.

For dinner tonight I had a super duper chicken wrap sandwich from Trader Joe’s.  Not very good.

Tonight we watched episode 22 of “Crownies” on Acorn.  This was the final episode.  Good series.

Before bed Nancy took her blood pressure.  It was in the Good Range.

Checked Courtyard before bed and the clouds covered the red moon.  No critter spotted.  Temperature will drop to 55 tonight but reach 80 tomorrow. 

September 13, 2022

Tuesday September 13, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up at 0700, checked weather and it was a cool 55.  I will have to wear warmer clothing this morning.

Nancy head out at 0800 for MVP.  Today she rides the stationary bike.  I do my at home routine before heading out on bike ride to Y.  Today I wore my spring fall cold weather jacket.  It worked because I was comfortable.

Activities today.

Bike to Y

Calisthenics and walk at Y

Panera for coffee, bagel and some reading.

At home shower and shave before quick lunch.

Nancy continues to out draws.

Emptied both the trash and recyclables containers.

Dropped off a load of books at library.

Took some old legal documents to Pak Mail for shredding. 

Tonight being Tuesday we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog and  fries.  Leo’s was  crowded.

No news tonight but we did watch episode 1, Season 7 of Shetland.  Good show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright Red moon tonight.  Not quite full.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

September 12, 2022

 Monday September 12, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Several years ago I bought a long wedge pillow to elevate my head when sleeping.  I had not used the wedge in months.  Last night I tried it and had a great night’s sleep.

Up this morning at 0730, opened the garage and backed out the Escape for Nancy.  This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.

I do the at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  My Bad Boy bike is still in the shop so this morning I took the Bianchi.  I like the bike’s short wheel base.  The temp was in low 60s with no wind.  Pleasant biking conditions.

This morning I encountered a dead buck deer in the middle of the bike path.  This time of year drivers have to be careful.

The Y was crowded this morning, especially the pool.  Most folks must be back on their fall routine.

Nancy and I pulled into Panera at the same time.  Got our coffee and sat and talked.  Nancy said the pool at MVP was crowded.  Nancy left at 1130 because she has a 1200 PT session.  Later we will go shopping at Meijer’s.

Left Panera at 1200.  At home showered and had a quick lunch.  As soon as Nancy got home from her PT session we headed to Meijer’s.  Spent about an hour replenishing our larder.

At home I took a short nap.  For dinner tonight I had a beef/chicken sandwich with strawberries.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched episode 21 of “Crownies” on Acorn.  I thought it was the last episode but found out one episode left.  Good grief a one season show with 22 episodes.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything was calm.

This and that:

President Biden folks say the economy is great.  The CBO disagrees.  I see nothing encouraging on the horizon.

The recent advances by the Ukrainian forces is great.  Is Russia a paper tiger?

Why I have left the GOP!  Today’s Detroit News had an article on the co-chairwomen of the Michigan GOP saying Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, is a “weak little girl”.  This type of comment is disgraceful.  Shame of MI GOP.  Name calling never works.

Sec of Transportation Buttigieg is having a distinguished career.  He was a successful mayor of South Bend, In, before running for President against Biden.  Buttigieg is a Naval Officer who has a tour in the Middle East under his belt.   How many of our current political leaders, Biden and Trump, are veterans.  

Monday, September 12, 2022

September 11, 2022

 Sunday September 11, 2022

Up at 0645.  Dressed and headed to Panera to get coffee for the two of us.  I also bought a bagel.

The weather app said rain starting at 0800 and will last most of the day.  High temp today 66.  No bike today.

Left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  Until it was mentioned at Church I forgot today is the anniversary of the 9/11 attack.  I was surprised that I had forgotten.  I remember the day vividly.  I was at the MAC when the Today Show interrupted and brought videos of the plane hitting the towers.  When I got to office the staff had our small TV on and were watching.  An important day in US history.

Today our after church drive took us north to Rockford and then south on local roads to home.  Passed through Belmont and Comstock Park.  

It was raining hard when we got home.  Nancy and I spent some time measuring furniture that we want to take with us to Porter Hills.  Except for the dining room table most of the furniture will fit.

I had a quick lunch of yogurt and apple.  Noted a break in the rain so I took a 1.5 mile walk.  My average mile speed was 24’. I used to be able to easily walk a 20 minute mile.

I did find time to take a short nap.  Spent rest of afternoon reading GRP.

For dinner tonight we finished our Saturday night pizza.  

Watched World news on ABC.  Great to see Ukraine having success against the Russians. The death of the Queen dominates most news outlets.  Even our flags are at half staff.  Like most Americans I never like the idea of a monarchy.  Maybe that is why my ancestors left the UK.

Tonight we watched an episode “Crownies”.  I fell asleep half way through.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Happy to report the teeny tiny toad has returned.  The rain has ended.  I did see bright stars. Temp will remain in 60s tonight and most of tomorrow.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Saturday September 10, 2022

 Saturday September 10, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Activities today.

Up at 0730.  We had breakfast at Nonna’s in Ada.  On our ride to Ada we saw two deer grazing on the side the road.

At Nonna’s we sat outside.  Nancy had an English muffin and I had 2 fried eggs, bacon and potatoes.  Very good.

At home Nancy did the laundry.

I took a 10 mile bike ride.  Perfect day for a ride, sun and temps in 70.  I also was several deer.

Spent the afternoon in the office catching up on financial and other house keeping items.  I should do this more often.

Tonight while getting ready for dinner we saw five deer in the backyard.  We had dinner at Thornapple Brewery.  The brewery is less than a mile from Condo.

Nancy had a Diet Coke and I had a 16 oz lager.  The lager was made on the premises.  Very good.  We also split a 12” pizza, ham and pineapple. 

On way home we saw 8 deer on airport property.  Only during the mating season do we see this many deer.  

Speaking of critters I haven’t seen a wild turkey in three weeks.  Also no sighting of the teeny tiny green toads in the courtyard.

Sure sign of fall.  The bike path is loaded with acorns and walnuts that have fallen off trees.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  This week Apple required employees to spent three days in the office.  Debbie said they were long days.  She hired a dog sitter to stop by two times whiles she is at work.  It went well.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Crownies on Acorn”.  

Checked Courtyard tonight and again noted the bright full moon.  How long does a full moon last?  Two weeks?

Our nice weather ends tonight.  Rain tomorrow.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

September 9, 2022

 Friday September 9, 2022

Blog time 1200 sitting in Panera

Woke up to bright sun this morning.  Sunrise today 0716.  We now have 12h46’ of daylight heading to 12h on the equinox Sep 22.

Nancy headed out early this morning for her Friday swim at MVP.  Later today she has Book Club.

At 1500 we are taking a tour of an apartment at the retirement community “Clark on Keller Lake”.  We know several folks who live at Clark and they like it.

Speaking of moving to retirement communities this morning at the Y I saw our old neighbor Marian Burns. She lives in a huge house directly north of our old home on Mackinaw.  The Burn’s raised six kids in this home.  She told me she just sold the house and is moving to Beacon Hills.  We have an application in to Beacon Hills.  It is very nice.

This morning I am riding my San Jose bike.  I bought single speed version and later modified to 8 speed internal hub.   I like the short wheel base.   It is easy to maneuver.

After my routine at the Y I headed to Panera.  Bought coffee and a bagel.  I had enough points that my cost was $0.  Checked emails and Michigan papers.

At home I took a shower and had a quick lunch.  Nancy arrived home from book club at 1430.  

We immediately got in the Escape and drove to “Clark on Keller Lake”.  We were met by the sales rep, Judy Van Lente.  Judy showed us a two bedroom apartment, 1300 sq ft.  The apartment is new and we would be the first occupant.  Included in the apartment are all utilities.  

Judy also showed us the dining area, work out room and underground parking.  It was typical of what we saw at Porter Hills.

During our tour we ran into Bev and Ken Block, old neighbors from Ottawa Hills.  They moved into Clark earlier this year.  They showed us their 2 bedroom apartment.  It was smaller than the one we saw earlier.  It was nice but too small for Bob and Nancy.  The Blocks love Clark.

Bottom line for me, I prefer the units at Porter Hills.  They both are the same cost.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a chicken pot pie with raspberries.  Very good.

I took a short walk along Tahoe just before sunset.  Noted 4 does directly across Tahoe from our Condo.  They were browsing on some tasty vegetation.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of “Blackbird” on Apple +.  Very gloomy.

The moon was shining brightly when checked Courtyard before turning in.  No critters noted.  

Friday, September 9, 2022

September 8, 2022

Thursday September 8, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0715.  Slight oversleep.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today she rides the stationary bike.

I do my at home activities before oatmeal breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and headed to the Y.  Once again the Y was empty.

As usual I completed my walk and calisthenics in 30 minutes.  Put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.

I took my iPad mini with me today.  Read the WSJ.  Headed home at noon.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  Put the bike rack on the Escape, loaded up the Bad Boy and headed to Ada Bike.  I am getting a tune up and new tires.  Told the bike will be ready next week.

Spent time in office catching up on my reading.

For dinner we headed to Culver’s.  We both had frozen custard for our dinner.

This and that;

The Daily Mail just after the announcement of the Queens death published several very negative statements on the Queen and her role in the the UK colonies.  Checked several hours later the the negative comments had been deleted.

This evening Nancy and I looked out the bedroom slider and saw four does prancing around.  We had never seen that much physical activity from deer.  Maybe because it is mating season the deer were trying to impress a big buck hiding in the wood.  Once again sex rules.

The Death of the Queen dominates the news. The Queen gained the public’s respect during the blitz of London she and her family stayed I London.

The Democratic controlled MSU Board of Regents is trying to ban businesses that give money to GOP.  Good grief!

Tomorrow Nancy has book club and she has not finished the book.  While Nancy was reading the book I watched a Netflix show called “Occupied”.  It is a show about Norway being taken over by Russia.  The show is in Norwegian.  Good show.

It was warm when checked Courtyard before bed.  Full moon bright in sky.  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 7, 2022

 Wednesday September 7, 2022

Blog time 0945 sitting at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage door and backed out Escape for Nancy.  Temp was in mid 60s and sunny.  Will reach a high of 78 today.

Today is Nancy’s swim day at MVP.  She headed out at 0800.

I did my exercise routine today at 50%.  No Y today.

Put on bike clothes and headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Panera had a small crowd of regulars.

Read the WSJ on my iMini.  Headed home at 1200. Total bike miles today was 9.8.

At 1300 Nancy had a PT appointment.  The purpose of this PT is to loosen her face muscles.  The Dr Riley thought this might help relieve her forehead pain.  Time will tell.

I made a quick run to Meijer’s.  Bought gas, oatmeal cookies, prune juice and yogurt.

At home I started a load of laundry.  Trash is delayed this week because of the Holiday.

Other chores this afternoon.

Nancy gathered up a lot of old family photos.

I made a quick trip to Staples and bought a big plastic crate to put the photos in.

I also paid and mailed our quarterly Federal and State taxes.

We picked up the house getting ready for Kim’s visit.

Cheerios with blueberries for dinner tonight.

Tonight we watched a 1960 episode of Endeavor on Prime.

Bright moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 70s but will drop to 50s overnight.  Nice weather continues tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 6, 2022

 Tuesday September 6, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Today is back to work for most folks.  Apple is making employees work at least 3 days a week in the office.  Debbie is not looking forward to the commute.

Today Nancy is heading to MVP for some time on the stationary bike.  I did my workday calisthenics at home and then oatmeal breakfast.

Today I bike to Y.  The Y was not crowded.  I did my standard routine before heading to Panera.  Panera also was not crowded.  Ordered coffee and bagel and then read WSJ on my mini.

Got home at 1130. Total bike miles, 9.2.  Showered and shaved before lunch of yogurt and apple.  

Today I made a trip to Macatawa to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.  I gave her a slight raise.

My reading glasses are too weak.  Presently use 2.0 but must upgrade to 2.5.  Stopped at Walgreen and bought a pair.

I thought my Chase Credit card web site was acting up.  Stopped at the local Chase bank and had their website guru check things out.  Everything was fine.

At home I took a short nap.  After the nap Nancy and I started going through some old files we had downstairs.  Tossed most of them and the rest will be shredded.  Our move to Porter Hills is going to be a lot of work.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  We each had a hot dog and shared an order of fries.  Hot dogs on Tuesday are $1.50.

Tonight we watched “Republic of Doyle”.  Alway a refreshing show.

Bright full moon when I checked Courtyard before bed.  Is the moon called a Harvest Moon?  Temperature was in 60s.  Tonight I opened the slider so we could get some fresh air.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 5, 2022

 Monday September 5, 2022

Today is Labor Day.  Most business establishments are shut down including the stock market.  Also no mail.

Up this morning at 0700.  We dressed and left home about 0800.  Today we are driving to Saugatuck for breakfast.  We did stop at Panera for coffee to take with us.

It was dark and gloomy this morning.  Traffic on the freeway was light.  

We arrived early in Saugatuck and were able to find a parking place close to the Pumpernickel restaurant.  Nancy is still wearing her boot so walking is difficult.

To our surprise the Pumpernickel was closed today.  I was surprised because today Saugatuck will see a lot of visitors.  We walked around until we found a small bakery.  Nancy had a muffin and I got an egg sandwich and coffee.  The muffin and sandwich were great.

By the time we finished eating foot traffic in the Village picked up.  Most stores opened at 1000.  We visited a few but purchased nothing.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 9.5 mile ride.  Bike and pedestrian traffic was very light.  Most folks must have taken the day off.

Quick shower and then a nap.  For dinner tonight I had cheerios and blueberries.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Call the Midwives”.  It was good but sad.

When I checked the Courtyard before bed I saw a deer across Tahoe. Several deer hang out at this small opening in the foliage.  I see a deer at least once a day.

Today was gloomy and cool.  Temp never reached 70.  No warmup until Thursday. 

It was 102 in San Jose when we called Debbie tonight.  Luckily she has AC.  But Missy who flew home to LA today does not.  I sure hope she has a good fan.


Monday, September 5, 2022

September 4, 2022

 Sunday September 4, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in den with Nancy,  watching 60 Minutes and talking to Debbie and Missy on FaceTime.  It is 63 in GR and 94 in San Jose.

Up at 0645 this morning.  Dressed and drove to Panera for morning coffee and bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal to go with bagel.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Small crowd at church.   We did talk to another couple about our age.  They invited us to visit their cottage on Little Crooked Lake.

Today after church we took a two hour drive.  Headed west towards the big Lake.  We took a detour on our way to lake.  Drove through scenic small communities of Eastmanville and Lamont.  Nancy liked the ride.

At home I read the funnies and obits before putting on bike clothes.  Today I took a 9.5 mile ride.  Showered and then a short nap.

No lunch today so for dinner I had my lunch of yogurt  with an apple.  

For our main viewing event this evening we watched episode 1 of “Bad Sister’s” on Apple+.  We gave it a B-.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was dark and humid.  Tomorrow will be another cool gloomy day.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

September 3, 2022

 Saturday September 3, 2022

Blog time 1100 sitting in office, listening to Wood Guthrie CD.

Up at 0700, sunrise today 0709, the days are getting shorter.

Today we drove to downtown Ada for Breakfast.  Nonna’s was busy but we very able to get a seat outside.  Beautiful morning to have breakfast outside.  

Nancy just had a muffin.  I had fried eggs, potatoes, bacon and sourdough toast.  Very good.  

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  My first chore was to replace the padded toilet seat with a normal seat.  My hip has healed enough that I no longer require a padded seat.  Too much info?

For my exercise today took a 9.5 mile bike ride.  I spotted a fawn eating at the edge of my route.  Took several photos.  Sure hope she puts some weight on before winter sets in.

Showered and shaved as soon as I got home.  Took a short nap.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s.  We each had frozen custard, small size.  Finished with a short drive.

Tonight we watched the Australian show “Crownies”.  It was just ok. 

 A check of the Courtyard tonight found everything ok.  Tomorrow the temps will remain in 60s.  

Saturday, September 3, 2022

September 2, 2022

 Friday September 2, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Summary of day’ activities:

Calisthenics, breakfast and bike to Y.

More calisthenics and a short walk. I like the Y’s padded 0.2 mile walking track.

Biked to Panera.

In keeping with my new schedule I only read the WSJ at Panera.

Home at 1300.

Call from Dr Santos office.  Take 1.5 pills five time daily instead of 2 pills four times.

Lunch and then Nancy and I head to Walmart.  Returned 52 bottle and bought some cleaning supplies.

After Walmart we drove to Meijer’s.  Purchased prune juice, sugar free cookies, vanilla pudding and Fiber 1 cereal.

This and that:

President  Biden’s talk last night was very divisive.  To claim GOP members are a threat to USA democracy was bad public policy.  I disagree on almost everything the President does but I still consider myself a patriot.  President Biden is more divisive than Trump.

Alpena HS won a football game against Marquette.

For dinner tonight we drove to Bagger Daves.  I had a burger, coleslaw and a glass of wine.  Nancy had a grilled cheese sandwich with coleslaw.  Good food.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Brokenwood Mysteries”.  Not very good.

Debbie and Missy called tonight.  Missy is spending the weekend with Debbie.  Good talk.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was warm and very humid.  I have had the AC on since 1900.  Saw no critters including my green toad friend.

Friday, September 2, 2022

September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in living room.

Up early because I am meeting the sales rep from Porter Hill at Panera. Time of meeting 1030.

Normal at home morning routine.  Biked the 5 miles to Y.

David from Porter Hills arrived at Panera at exactly 1030.  We talked about our upcoming move to Porter Hills.  He identified our apartment.  Third floor with great view outside.

The present occupant has lived in the unit for 23 years.  Considerable work must be done to get the apartment ready for our move in.   Estimated move in date late Oct.

I was given a floor plan so I can layout where our furniture will be placed.  All in all a productive meeting.

I spent the rest of the morning reading the WSJ.  Not much good news.

Dr Santos office called about my recent request for help.  My MG has been acting up which is noticeable by drooping left eye.  I told the caller my problem and in recent episodes Dr Santos had prescribed Steroids.  The caller will talk with Dr Santos and call me back.

Left Panera at 1200.  Total bike miles today, 8.

Today is September 1, all metrology students consider this the first day of Fall.  So good by summer, and welcome Fall.

Nancy has a noon time lunch with College friend Karen Horlings.  Nancy had already left when I got home.

Showered and shaved before lunch.  After lunch I moved down to office for some blog writing.  

Called realtor if it was ok to move my desk and our downstairs bedroom set out of the Condo.  I was worried that the blank space left by these large pieces of furniture would impact our Condo sale.  She said it was ok.

We had a light dinner tonight.  Watched the news and then switched to Apple +TV.  Tonight we watched episode 1 of Blackbird.  I fell asleep half way through.  Nancy said it was dark but interesting.

Checked Courtyard before bed and saw two deer across Tahoe Drive.  It was warm and very humid.

Looks like a rain free Labor Day Weekend.



Thursday, September 1, 2022

August 31, 2022

 Wednesday August 31, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with alarm at 0545.  Did my morning calisthenics before dressing and heading out. It was pitch black when I left home at 0615.  Stopped at Panera to get my morning coffee. 

I was surprised that the freeway was not busy.  After arriving at parking structure I took a quick walk through my old work neighborhood.  Downtown seems to be thriving.

We had a good crowd at BC.  The breakfast food was especially good.  Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, pastries and fruit.

Our speaker today was BC long time member James Burr.  Jim is active in local theater groups.  Jim recently visited several Canadian small cities that have summer plays.  Stratford, Ontario and a small city near Niagara Falls.  

Stratford is noted for their Shakespeare plays.  Jim gave a good talk.

After BC I headed straight home.  At home I put on bike clothes and took an 11 mile ride.  Quick shower before dressing.  

I no sooner got dressed when I got a call from Somerdyke Plumbing.  They were in the area and wanted to stop by.  I said yes.

The plumber fixed our kitchen sink faucet.  He also cleaned the downstair’s bathroom sink drain.  Great to get these nuisance plumbing problems fixed.

Being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the trash. Nancy has been on a cleaning frenzy and our trash can is close to be overloaded.

I also got a call from Porter Hills Sales Manager saying he wanted to have coffee with me tomorrow at Panera.  I think he either wants to talk about increased cost for an apartment or the unavailability of an apartment until next year.  Nothing good.

Nancy had a 1330 dental appointment today.  She got crowns put on her recent work.

This and that:

Last weeks storms caused major damage.  Over 200,000 folks in Detroit are still without power.

Most folks said 8 months ago that the GOP will take the house and senate.  Now because of the Trump faction it look like the GOP is self destructing.

If I was a teenager I would never date a girl with pierced nose or lips.  Tattoos are ok except above the neck.

Do young adults read newspapers.

Is wokeness for real or just a passing fad.

One year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan.  A major foreign policy disaster for President Biden.

California is suffering under extreme heat.  Missy does not have AC but she is visiting Debbie over the weekend.  Debbie has AC.

With all the bad weather this year does anyone still think global warming is a hoax.

Every evening when I check the Courtyard I see teeny tiny green toads on the concrete.  Only in the evening do I see the toads.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios with blueberries.  Tonight we watched Echoes on Netflix. 

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She inquired about our well being.  We are doing well.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and noticed our special teeny tiny green toad.  It was hot and humid.  Tomorrow will be another 80 degree day.