Monday, August 1, 2022

July 31, 2022

 Sunday July 31, 2022

Good Grief the last day of July, summer is almost over.

Up this morning at 0730.  Drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  Bright sun with high temp today of 84.  Fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Good crowd at church today.  Pastor Bob gave a fine Homily.

We took a short ride after church.  Noted that the corn is now tasseled out.  

Got home about noon.  I put on bike clothes and took a 10.5 mile ride.  Longest ride since the hip surgery.  My hip felt good.  

At home quick lunch before shower and nap.

Scott family update:

Missy and AJ are visiting Debbie in San Jose this weekend.

Steve called and said his family will visit GR on August 19.  They are staying for several day and will leave on Monday, 22 August.

Most of the news in Michigan papers is about the August 2 primary.  I sure hope most of Trump’s endorsed candidates get beat, especially in our congressional district.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed fried eggs on toast.  Also had blueberries and cantaloupe.  

We did not watch any TV news tonight.  At 2000 we switched to BritBox and watched episode 2, season 5 of  Shetland.  I put a visit to Shetland on my Bucket list.

It was dark and humid when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Did not see any critters.  Rain expected later this evening.

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