Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August 15, 2022

 Monday August 15, 2022

Blog time 1218 sitting in Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Bright sun pouring through the slider window.  Temp was 61.

Nancy had a tough night.  Nerves in her foot were acting up.  Late this afternoon we have an appointment with GP.  Hope he gets Nancy lined up with a neurologist.

Nancy left before me.  She is heading for her morning swim at MVP.  I did my morning calisthenics before breakfast.  Pumped up bike tires and headed to the Y.

Today is VJ Day.  On this date in 1945 the Japanese surrendered ending WW II.  I remember the day well.

My Dad was City Manager of Alpena.  He had to inspect some projects and he asked me to ride along.  Early afternoon we had stopped to look at a project when all the cities church bells went off.  It was a big noise and scared me.  The Fire Chief , Tanke  McKim, happened to be driving by and Dad stopped him to ask why the bells were ringing.  He said that the Japanese had surrendered.  No mention of VJ Day on any of the news outlets I read.

After the Y I biked to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a bagel.  Read the Detroit and Alpena News.  

Several small town items in the Alpena New caught my eye.  The City Council wants to have a controlled hunt to reduce the number of Canadian Geese.  The geese are very dirty and are a real nuisance.

They are also debating getting rid of Mute Swams.  These swans are not native to the area.  They have pushed out the native Trumpeter swans.  

At home I showered and shaved before fixing lunch.  Nancy this afternoon had a PT session.

At 1530 we left home for a meeting with Dr. Hazel.  Dr Hazel was a partner of our retired GP Dave Kutsche.

We explained to Dr Hazel, Nancy’s problem with nerve pain in her forehead.  Dr Haze seemed to understand Nancy’s problem and agreed an appointment with a neurologist should be our #1 priority.  He promised to make an effort to get an appointment.  I left the meeting feeling better.  

We had a very light dinner.  Watched the news and then the final episode of “No Offence”.  We liked this show.

Checked Courtyard before and no surprises.  Nice weather continues tomorrow.

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