Friday, August 26, 2022

August 25, 2022

 Thursday August 25, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in Panera on Friday.  Yes a day behind.

Thursday morning up at 0700.  Nancy headed to MVP to ride the stationary bike.  The only exercises she can do for a month is ride the stationary bike and swim.  She hates the boot but has been wearing it.

Kim cleans today. Nancy has given her some special instructions.

I do my normal morning routine, calisthenics and oatmeal, before biking to the Y.  All the high school kids are back in school so the Y was empty.

Maybe it is the humidity but today I was super tired.  Every routine was brutal.  A nap will be in order for later this afternoon.

After the Y biked to Panera.  Today I took my mini iPad because it is light.  I read some news but the mini is too small for writing blog.  I need to put my bike rack on so I can put my iPad Pro in saddle bags.

At home I shaved and showered.  My first errand was to make a trip to Kent  County CU.  I seldom use this bank so I closed my account.  Took the check and deposited in Macatawa.  I now only have one bank.  We are in the process of downsizing.  

After lunch continued cleaning up the Condo.  I did find time this afternoon for a nap.

Very light dinner tonight.  We watched another episode of “The Sounds”.

It was very humid all day.  When checked Courtyard before bed the temp was 70 but humidity was 90%.  The humidity plays havoc with my MG.

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