Thursday, August 11, 2022

August 10, 2022

Wednesday August 10, 2022

Up this morning at 0730.  Today is my easy Wednesday.

Performed my entire calisthenics routine at home but only at 50%.  Today was another warm sunny day.  We have had a great August weatherwise.  

Put on bike clothes and rode 4 miles to Panera.  I have a number of freebies at Panera.  I ordered oatmeal, bagel and coffee and it did not cost a dime.  After breakfast I continued my bike ride.  Total miles today 10.5.

Quick shower and then Nancy and I sorted the glassware that is going to the kids.  The movers we just hired will box up these items and mail to kids.

This afternoon I did my typical afternoon chores, load of laundry, and gathered up trash.  I found time for a short nap.

Before moving to Porter Hills we must sell our Condo.  At 1630 two realtors arrived for an interview.  The interview went well and we hired them.   So we now have on our team the realtors and movers we hired on Monday.

We had a light dinner.  Watched the news and after dinner I took a short walk.

Tonight we watched Mr and Mrs Murder.  We gave the show a C-.  

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  The last two evenings I have encountered several tiny green toads on the walk.  

Bright full moon tonight.  More nice weather tomorrow.

I failed to mention that we have two Sand Hill Cranes that are living in our back yard.  They move around a small 100 yard area at the edge of the woods.  I think they sleep in the woods.

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