Saturday, August 13, 2022

August 12, 2022

 Friday August 12, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Turned off alarm, unlocked garage and backed out Nancy’s car.  The sun was out and we had a clear blue sky.  It was cool, 52.  Long pants today.

Nancy headed out for her Friday swim at MVP.  Before leaving she completed today’s Wordel quiz.  She loves beating Missy and Debbie.

Nancy has her book club today.  It is at Mary Namey’s.  Nancy will lead the discussion.

I always know when it is Friday because I am out of gas when finish calisthenics.  Need two days to recuperate.  

After early at home routine I biked to the Y.  My hip is feeling much better so today I added a mile. 11 miles total for day.

Both the Y and Panera were empty.  At Panera I ordered blueberry bagel and coffee.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.

Today Nancy has Book Club.  Mary Namey is the host,

This afternoon I wrote my monthly letter to the Grandkids.  Also got a Monday appointment for Nancy to meet with our new GP.  Our goal is to get Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  Her head pain is bad.

Finished the afternoon with a walk to the mailbox to post the notes to Grandkids.  For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s and each had a frozen custard.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched a episode of “No Offence”.  Great show.  Manchester, UK must be a tough city.

Checked Courtyard before bed and noted a bright full moon.  However, it will start raining about 0300 and rain all day tomorrow.

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