Friday, August 5, 2022

August 4, 2022

 Thursday August 4, 2022

Blog time 2100 sitting in den

Up at 0700,  checked outside and it was cloudy and very humid.  Temperature in low 70s.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today is her treadmill and stationary bike day.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and pedaled to the Y.  High school kids still working out hard.  They are getting ready for fall sports.

In 1955 I had a different routine to get ready for football season.  My Grandfather Scott raised beef cattle and he had a large barn that was full of manure.  The manure was about 3 feet thick.  Normally my Uncle would use a front end loader to clean the barn but he was laid up with a bad back.  

I volunteered.  For two weeks after a big breakfast fixed by my Grandmother I would drive the manure spreader to the barn and take the manure fork and fill spreader up.  I would take the full spreader to a designated field and spread it.  Worked about nine hours with a break for lunch.  

With the hard work and Grandmother’s cooking I put on 7 pounds of muscle.

After a shower, Grandma insisted, had a big dinner and then took a 4 mile walk around the block. Was my routine of shoveling shit better than the kids at the Y lifting weights.

Left Panera at 1130 because the window washers were coming at noon.  Surprise! they arrived early and Nancy got then started.  Great to have clean windows.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to Macatawa Bank.  We took photos on items in our lock box.

After Macatawa we drove to Staples.  Nancy bought colored stickers and I bought graph paper.  Dropped Nancy off and headed to Meijer’s for gas.  Gas was $3.90.

Also bought ginger ale, prune juice, cookies and yogurt.

August 4 is my best childhood friend Tommy Collins’s birthday.  Tommy lives in Ca.  He was not home.  His wife said Tommy was drinking beer with his buddies.  Appropriate for an Alpena native.

For dinner Nancy fixed pasta with great sauce.  After dinner we took a short walk.

We watched the last episode of season 5 of Shetland.  Previously we had watched season 6.  Season 7 will start August 10.  

I have been checking the weather in Shetland. This August high temps in 50s.  It rains almost every day.  What is the attraction?

Checked Courtyard before bed. Still hot and humid but the half moon was bright.  We have had the AC running most of the day.

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