Monday, August 8, 2022

August 7, 2022

 Sunday August 7, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700. Temp in high 70s with 90% humidity. 

Got out the Fusion and drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  I had an oatmeal breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran’s 0915 service.  Small crowd today.

After church we took a ride on Kalamazoo Ave south to Barry County and then east to Caledonia before heading home.  The hour ride was pleasant.

At home I put on bike clothes and took an 8 mile ride.  It was hot and humid which might be the reason I never saw another rider.

At home I helped Nancy make a video of some old glassware she is planning to give to kids.  They will decide what they want through some complicated selection process which is a mystery to me.

Quick lunch and then a shower.  Took a short nap.

Spent some time this afternoon measuring furniture we want to take with us on our move to Porter Hills.  Tomorrow a mover is coming over.  We will interview them and see if we want to retain them.

For dinner tonight tonight we will finish last night’s pizza.  We will watch the news and 60 Minutes before switching to one of our streaming services.

Tonight we switched to BritBox and watched “Murder in Paradise”.  It was not very good.  Gave it a C-.

Hot and humid when checked Courtyard before bed.  Sid the cottontail was waiting for me.  He is a regular.  Temp will remain in 70s all night.  So will leave AC on all night.  

Rain tonight and all day tomorrow.  

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