Friday, August 12, 2022

August 11, 2022

 Busy day today.  Up at 0700.  Normal morning activities, calisthenics, oatmeal and bike to Y.  Ended up at Panera.  Left Panera at 1130.  Total miles 9.5

Kim is cleaning today.  I got home just as she finished cleaning the master bath.  I showered and dressed.

Today Nancy and I are meeting with her Dentist.  Nancy has been having some bad nerve pain located near her recently worked on lower back teeth.  The Dentist explained, to my satisfaction, that the pain is not connected to any recent dental work.

Tomorrow we will try and get our GP who we have not met to schedule an appointment with a neurologist.  Our recent experience with the medical profession has not been warm and fuzzy.

Got home from Dentist at 1500.  I had a very late lunch.

Nancy spent the rest of the afternoon arranging her small antique crystal dishes and porcelain figurines.  We will take a video and let the kids decide what they want.

Very light dinner tonight.  We must be in the dog days of summer because not much on news.

Tonight we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway on BritBox.  It was very entertaining, B+.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright full moon.  Is it too early for a Harvest Moon?

Tomorrow will be another sunny day.

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