Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 23, 2022

 Tuesday August 23, 2022

Blog time 1030 on Wednesday August 24

On Tuesday we were up at 0700.

Nancy has a 0800 foot Doctor appointment.  I drove.  Glad I went with Nancy because I thought the Doctor was a straight shooter.  Nancy had an opposite feeling.  Bottom line: most of Nancy’s foot problems are age related.  She has arthritis and other leg problems that cause her leg pain.  No magic formula.  

The Doctor did provide Nancy with a leg brace.  She will wear the brace for a month.  After a month the Doctor will evaluate its effectiveness.  

We made a stop at Panera for our morning coffee.  At home I got on bike and pedaled to the Y.  Completed my routine and then headed home.  At home showered and shaved.

Nancy and I made a trip to Meijer’s.  Nancy bought some arthritis crème to put on the sore spots on her leg.  We also restocked are larder.

At home needed my credit card to make a purchase.  SURPRISE, I could not find my wallet.

We looked everywhere in the house and cars, no luck.

Started the outside search:

Stopped at Battery Shop, no wallet.

At Panera no wallet.

At the Y no wallet.

Nancy called me and said do not forget to stop at Meijer’s.  Stopped at Meijer’s and sure enough the wallet was found.  MASSIVE RELIEF!!

Tonight we had a late, 1930, dinner.  

I poured a big glass of wine and then switched to Acorn.  We watched another episode of “The Sound”.

Very humid when checked the Courtyard before bed.  No critters seen tonight, but this afternoon we had two Sandhill cranes visit our backyard for an hour.  Beautiful bird.

What a day!

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