Monday, August 29, 2022

August 28, 2022

Sunday August 28, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

I did not get up this morning until 0800.  A major oversleep.  Immediately got dressed and drove to Panera to get Nancy her coffee and I got a bagel.

Fixed myself a bowl of oatmeal to go with bagel.  At 0845 we drove to Trinity  Lutheran Church for the 0915 service.  We were surprised at the good crowd.  Today they blessed the backpacks of the children entering Kindergarten.

When I started Kindergarten we did not have backpacks.  I do remember that I was unprepared for Kindergarten because I could not tie my shoes.  Luckily a neighbor Mary Joe Reinke helped me.

After church we took our Sunday Drive.  Today we drove east to Lowell and then took Grand River Drive back.  Stopped to fill up the Fusion at Meijer’s.  Gas was $3.79.  The Escape gets better gas mileage than the Fusion.

At home I put super duper bike rack back on the Cannondale.  My iPad Pro is too heavy to carry in a backpack.  I will use the bike rack to carry the iPad. 

Took a 4 mile bike ride.  No problems with the rack.  After the ride took a shower and then a short nap.

Before dinner I read GRP’s funnies and obits.  For dinner Nancy fixed a fried egg on a waffle.  Very tasty.

After dinner finished reading the GRP.  No much local news in the GRP.  Poor excuse for a newspaper, but what do you expect of a GR paper printed in Ohio.

Tonight we watched an episode of “True Lies”.  Not very good.

When checked Courtyard before turning in it was sprinkling.  I saw thunder and lightning coming our way. Big storm later tonight.

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