Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 17, 2022

 Wednesday August 17, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0700.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  Well not really.   I played hooky from Breakfast Club.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  I did a few chin-ups, pull-ups and pushups.  Today I took the bike to Panera.  Got a bowl of oatmeal and did some reading.  

Today Nancy has a 1100 appointment with our eye doctor, Dr. Anderson.  Left Panera at 1000 to get ready for doctor appointment.  I am accompanying Nancy.

The purpose of the meeting is to determine if Nancy’s right side nerve pain might be caused by her right eye.  Dr Anderson checked Nancy over and said the eye is in perfect condition.

Nancy had 1300 PT session.   I pumped up the tires on the Bianchi and took it for an 8 mile ride.  It works fine.  I will use this bike and let one of the Grandkids use the Cannondale Bad Boy. 

Showered before a quick lunch.  It being Wednesday I started a load of laundry and took out trash and recyclables.  

As soon as Nancy got home we headed to D&W to get more supplies for Steve’s family.  Nancy spent an hour cleaning fruit.

Very light dinner.  We did watch the news.  President Biden’s new spending bill dominated the news.  I think it is a very reckless spending bill.  

Several months age the GOP was expected to regain either the House of Senate.  Now I am not sure.  The idiot Trump is leading the party to ruin.  

Tonight we watched a new season of McDonald and Dodds. It is a good show but slightly too long.  The show is set in Bath, UK a beautiful city.

Today we talked to Missy and had a FaceTime message from Debbie.  Steven left CA for Chicago’s Midway late last night.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Moon light and warm temps.  No critters were seen.

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