Thursday, August 4, 2022

August 3, 2022

 Wednesday August 3, 2022

Breakfast Club Wednesday,  up with 0530 alarm.  Checked outside it was very warm and humid.  Rain predicted for most of day.

We had to park the Escape outside on the lawn last night because our drive was paved and we had to stay off the surface for 24 hrs.  The Fusion was in the garage.

On my way downtown I stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  I was surprised traffic on the freeway was very light.

Light turnout at BC today.  We had a great speaker today talking about what is a “moral person”.  The topic generated at lot of conversation.

After BC I headed straight home.  I promised Nancy I would be home before 0900.  Made it my 2 minutes.

Nancy took the Escape and headed to MVP for her morning swim.  I put on bike clothes and headed out on my morning ride.  Four miles into the ride it started to pour.  I was soaked when I got home.  Took a warm shower.

Today I had an early lunch.  At 1230 Nancy headed to her PT session.  I took a short nap.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry and gathered up trash and recyclables.  I could not take down to curb because the drive was still roped off.

For dinner I had cheerios with blueberries.  For dessert I had two oatmeal cookies.  We watched the news tonight expecting a big story on Congressman Meijer’s defeat.  The story was muted.  

I headed out at 1900 to put trash cans on grass.  Surprise, the tape blocking the driveway had been removed.  The drive looks good.

We had a long FaceTime talk with Debbie tonight.  I had forgotten that we had talked to Debbie and Missy on Monday.

Tonight we watched an episode of Shetland.  One more left in season 5.  I think we get a new series on the 10th.

Checked the Courtyard at 2200.  It was warm, dark and humid. I did almost step on a small toad on our walk.  First toad I have seen this year.

Every afternoon after lunch we have had two Sand Hill Cranes feeding in our backyard.  Beautiful bird.


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