Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 26, 2022

 Friday August 26, 2022

Blog time 1650 on Saturday sitting in office

Up this morning, Friday, at 0700.  Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.

I do some picking up.  The realtor and a photographer are coming this afternoon to give us a contract to review for the sale of the Condo.  The Photographer will take photos of the Condo. The photos will be put in a pamphlet and given to potential buyers.  The place has to be nice and tidy.

After the cleanup I did my morning calisthenics and fixed oatmeal breakfast.  The temp was 57 and foggy when I biked to the Y.

Y was empty so I was able to complete my Calisthenic and walk in record time.  After the Y I biked to Panera.  Unlike the Y Panera was jammed.  A college bus had just dropped off a soccer team for lunch.  Luckily Panera has several electronic stations that make ordering a breeze.  Got my coffee and baguette with no problem.

This morning while biking to Panera I encountered a dead fox along the side of the road.  First time I have seen a road kill fox.

President Biden is getting some well deserved criticism for his student loan forgiveness.  Hardworking folks who did not go to college must think that the President has stabbed them in the back.

Left Panera at noon.  Quick shower and then we waited for the Realtor and her photographer.  They arrived an hour late.  We were given a contract but we will not sign until we have time to review.  

The photographer spent an hour taking videos and stills.  We will be glad to see the final product.

Tonight we had a light dinner.  Watched NBC news and then switched to Acorn and watched two episodes of "The Sounds".  Tomorrow we will watch the last two episodes.

Today's blog is being written on my laptop instead of the iPad Pro.  I might switch to laptop because it is easier to carry in my backpack.

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  It was dark and gloomy with high humidity.

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