Monday, August 15, 2022

August 14, 2022

 Sunday August 14, 2022

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  It was drizzling with temps in mid 50s.

We did not attend church today.  The cold and drizzle discouraged us from attending an outdoor service.

Today was a quiet day.  Except for a quick trip to Meijer’s we stayed inside all day.

Nancy spent a lot of time gathering up small antiques.  She numbers each one and puts them on kitchen table.  I video the items on the table and send the video to the kids.  Through a complicated process the kids pick what they want.  No big fights yet.

I took a long nap.  Spent the rest of the afternoon reading the papers and skylarking.

We had a very light dinner.  After dinner Nancy and I took a short walk.  We did spot a deer watching us from his hiding place across Tahoe from the Condo. 

Tonight we FaceTimed  with Debbie and Missy.  We brought both up to date on our activities.

Tonight we watched another episode of “No Offence “.  Checked the Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 60s.  Looks like next week will be dry.

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