Sunday, August 14, 2022

August 13, 2022

 Saturday August 13, 2022

Blog time 1715 sitting in downstairs office.

Up at 0700.  It was raining hard with temps in 50s.  Looks like an all day rain.  

My Grandmother Scott had a way to tell if it would rain all day.  If the chickens headed for shelter when it started raining, the rain would be of short duration.

It the chickens stayed out it was a sure sign it would be an all day rain.  The chickens had to eat so they decided to get wet.

Today as usual for a Saturday we headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  We arrived at 0800 and the place was starting to fill up.

We ordered our usual. Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal with an egg for me.  

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at Panera to get our free coffee.  

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I did some cleanup and then at 1000 I drove to Grand Rapids Bike on Fulton. I am interested in a steel bike with 8 speed internal hub and plastic chain.  A low maintenance bike for an old guy.

At home Nancy joined me on a trip to Breton Village.  Nancy stopped at Talbot’s and bought 2 pair of pants.  

After Talbots we stopped at Breton Village D&W.  I bought mini Naan and because it is the 13th I bought two lottery tickets.  Nancy purchased salad mix.  At home Nancy resumed the laundry.  

After a light lunch I took a nap.  Actually I slept 2 hours.

It is now 1730 and it is still raining hard.  Area flooding might be a problem.  It has rained steady all day.  Eat your heart out you folks in CA.

Tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  The soup was made in the old Onion Crock kitchen.  It was not very good.

Tonight we watched another episode on “No Offence”.  We like this show.  We will watch the season ending show on Sunday.

Light drizzle when checked Courtyard before turning in.  The weather man said today was the coldest August 13 on record.  

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