Saturday, January 1, 2022

December 31. 2021

 Friday December 31, 2021

New Year’s Eve

This blog is being written on January 1, 2022.

On New Year’s Eve morning we were up at 0700.  Nancy took the day off from swimming.  

I had a quick breakfast and then Missy and I drove to the Y.  Y was empty this morning.  I predict that on Monday the 3rd of January the Y will be jammed with all the New Year resolutions folks.  They usually give up in three weeks.

Calisthenics, row and mile walk was my routine this morning.  Took a super quick shower after the workout.

Missy walked two miles and spent time on the elliptical machine.  What is an elliptical machine?

Dropped Missy off at home and then made a quick trip to Panera to coffees for Nancy and me.  

At 1130 we all got in the Escape and headed to Sundance for lunch.  We met our Grand Niece Paige.  Sundance was crowded with large groups.  I was surprised that we were able to get a circular table for five.  Circular tables are best for groups over five.  We all ordered off the breakfast menu.  For first time in ages I had pancakes and eggs.  Very good.

After lunch we headed to Meijer’s for some last minute supplies.  I filled the Escape up.  Gas today was $2.89.

This afternoon I found time for a nap.   For dinner tonight I had my normal lunch menu, yogurt, cheese on naan, Ensure and a piece of dark chocolate.

We did watch some news tonight.  Except for stories on Betty White and Covid, today was a slow news day.  

After the news we watched another movie on Netflix.  It was called “Red Notice” starring the Rock.  Perfect movie for a Friday night.

Temperature was still above freezing when checked Courtyard before bed.  

I did check the score of the Georgia vs UM game.  Glad I did not watch the game.  

Nancy and I were sound asleep by 2230.  New Year’s Eve party animals!

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