Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 11, 2022

 Tuesday January 11, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0700. It was a cold 10 degrees outside.  Nancy left at 0800 for a class at MVP.  I did my normal morning routine.

Drove the Fusion to the Y.  It was 10 outside but 25 in the garage which is good for our cars, especially in winter.

My sister, Helen, left her car in our drive when she headed to AZ with daughter Jennifer.  Tomorrow Jennifer is coming back to Mi.  I will pick her up in the afternoon.  This afternoon I will try to start her car.  I sure hope it fires up because it has been sitting outside in super cold weather.

Once again the Y was nearly empty.  I shouldn’t complain because I don’t have to wait for any apparatus.

Showered and headed to Panera.  When I arrived Nancy was getting her morning coffee.  We sat and talked awhile.

Blog resumes on Thursday January 13 at 1130

Good grief I cannot remember what I did 48 hours ago.  I do remember that I took a nap and watched an episode of “New Tricks”.  

Checked courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.

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