Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 4, 2022

 Tuesday January 4, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room

I really slept in today, 0730.  The temperature was in teens but should get above freezing later.  Bright sun predicted.

 I did my normal morning routine.  Missy is leaving this afternoon for CA.  She has some packing to do so she did not accompany me to the Y.

Once again the Y was empty.  Today I did calisthenics and walked 1.4 miles.  No rowing machine because of the hip pain it causes.

Showered at Y and then headed to Panera for some reading and coffee.  On way home from Panera I stopped at bank and then the tailor shop.

This and that:

President Biden had a Covid press conference this afternoon.  Did anyone pay attention?

WVA Senator Manchin is doing the nation a great service with his opposition a lot of the left's power grab.

After a mild December we now have a real winter settling in.  Major storm coming on the 5th.  In fact Breakfast Club was canceled.

A lot of High School sports events are cancelled because of Covid.

After Panera I drove home for a quick lunch.  Today at 1430 we took Missy and AJ to the airport.  The flight to LA went off without a hitch.

We stopped at Meijer’s on way home from airport.  Nancy picked up a prescription and I bought several lunch items.

We spent some time cleaning up the guest bedroom.  On Wednesday my sister, Helen, and niece Jennifer are coming.  They will stay overnight and fly to Tucson on Thursday.  Jennifer will help Helen get settled in. 

Light dinner tonight, Cheerios with toast.  We watched some news before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of “Winter”.

We did have four deer in the backyard eating the corn I set out on Monday.  In past winters the deer never missed a feeding.  This year they will miss a day.  I think something in the neighborhood is spooking them.

Check of Courtyard at 0930 and everything OK.  Big storm coming tomorrow.

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