Friday, January 7, 2022

January 6, 2022

Thursday January 6, 2022

Blog time 1445 sitting in den

Slept in this morning until 0730.  Checked downstairs and Helen and Jennifer were still sleeping.

Yesterday I pushed too much snow.  Hip pain was great, I took 2 extra Motrin at 0200. The Motrin worked in getting rid of pain.

We had about 8” of new snow on the drive and walks.  I shoveled them off.

Nancy made coffee for Helen and Jennifer.  I drove to Panera to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Temperature was high 20s but wind chill was in single digits.  Of course it was still snowing.

Helen and Jennifer got a flight out of GR on Friday morning.

Daily activities:

Shoveled the walk and drive two more times.

Helen’s Granddaughter Paige stopped by this afternoon.  She had lunch and dinner at the Condo.  Paige’s friend Jay joined her for lunch.

Dinner tonight was leftovers.  Diners included Bob and Nancy, Helen, Jennifer and her daughter Paige.  For dessert we had ice cream.  My sugar free diet has taken a major hit lately.

Helen, Jennifer and Paige left after dinner and headed to a local bar in Ada.  Jennifer is meeting her biological half sister for a drink.  DNA helped Jennifer locate her biological family.  

Nancy and I watched two episode of Winter.  

Helen and family got home at 2100.  She reported it was a great meeting.  Everyone was happy.

Checked courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.  It was very cold. Temps will drop to single digits tonight.


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