Monday, January 31, 2022

January 28, 2022

 Friday January 28, 2022


I wrote Missy that I remember vividly her birth.  We were living in Ann Arbor, Mi.  It was a Sunday morning and Nancy said we had to get to hospital, NOW.

We left for hospital in heavy snow.  The heater and wipers on the VW Bug did not work.  Drove with window open.  Nancy kept telling me to hurry.  We arrived at hospital emergency entrance and Nancy was immediately wheeled into the delivery room.

I parked the car and when I arrived at the Delivery room, Nancy had already given birth.  The things you remember!

Friday’s blog continues 

Up this morning at 0700.  Debbie had already taken Violet for her morning walk.  It was a cold 37 this morning.  It is now 1100 and the temp is up to 54.

First thing I fixed a bowl of microwave oatmeal with banana.  It was tasty.  Walked to Starbucks for a coffee and scone.  Spent some time reading emails, etc.

After Starbucks I walked across the street to YumYum and got glazed donuts for Debbie and a coffee for Nancy.

At home we drove to Walmart.  Replenished our supply of yogurt, popsicles and ice cream sandwiches.  

At 1400 I took a 9.6 mile bike walk.  It was warm, high 60s, and sunny.

Showered and dressed for dinner. Tonight we had dinner at “Lazy Dogs” in Cupertino.  I had a club sandwich, Nancy had a cheese burger and Debbie had a sweet and spicy chicken bowl.  We sat out side under a heater.  Great dinner.

At home we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”. Good show.  We were in bed by 2200.

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