Monday, January 24, 2022

January 23, 2022

 Sunday January 23, 2022

Blog time 1230 sitting in Debbie’s kitchen

Nancy and I were first up this morning at 0700.  Debbie and Alessandra were still sleeping.

Nancy and I took Violet for a 1.5 mile walk.  It was sunny but a cool 38 when we started out.  An hour later the temp was near 50. 

Promised this morning I was going to buy donuts for everyone.  When I tried to start Debbie’s car the ignition was frozen.  

Debbie called her insurance company.  They sent out a service man.  Just jiggling the steering wheel and turning key got car started.

While Debbie was working on her car problem Nancy and I walked to Yum Yum donuts.  Purchased donuts for everyone and coffees for Bob and Nancy.

This and that:

California is very bicycle friendly.  SJ have marked bike lanes on all busy streets.

California drivers also are respectful of pedestrians and bikers.

In SJ the size of the recycle bin is 64 gallons and the trash bin is 35 gallons.  In GR the recycle bin is 35 gallons and trash is 64 gallons.  Who is greener?

Gas prices and groceries are more expensive in Ca.

More Tesla sedans in SJ than either Ford or Chevy.

At 1416 I took an 11 mile bike ride.  Average heart rate, 106 BPM, average speed 7.6 mph.  About the same as in MI.

For dinner tonight Alessandra wanted for her last meal in SJ pizza.  Debbie drove to Domino’s to get the pizza.  It was very good.

Tonight we watched the last half of “Hamilton”.  Everyone liked the play.

We have to get up early tomorrow, 0500, to get Alessandra to airport.  Everyone in bed by 2130.

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