Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January 17, 2022

 Monday January 17, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Up this morning at 0730.  No Y or MVP for Bob or Nancy.  We are getting ready for tomorrow’s trip to San Jose.

Today is Martin Luther King day, a national holiday.  Dr King’s contributions to USA civil rights are great.  

We needed another front door key so I drove to ACE but it was closed.  Stopped at Panera to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.

I finished packing.  My biggest worry is forgetting my pills.

Brenna Bradshaw is house sitting for us.  She stopped by at 1000 for some last minute instructions from Nancy.

Finally got a new front door key made at ACE.  

Got a call from ENT, they got my message of my allergic reaction to Bactrim.  They found a substitute and sent to prescription to Meijer’s.  I picked it up after lunch.  I feel good about being able to take this medication to CA.  It is my backup if my sinus infection flares up.

Late this afternoon I put out corn for deer and filled the bird feeders to brim. This is last feeding for several weeks.

We had a light dinner of toast w/peanut butter and blueberries.

Watched some news and an episode of “New Tricks” before turning in.  

Checked Courtyard and made sure garage was locked up before bed.

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