Monday, January 10, 2022

January 9, 2022

 Sunday January 9, 2022

Weekend Update:

My iPad froze up and I was unable to write my blog yesterday.  It is hard to believe how reliant we are on these small machine.

I tried everything to unfreeze the iPad Safari app.  Debbie helped me open Safari but nothing worked. Finally today ,Sunday, I took my iPad to the Apple store in Woodland Mall.  A young man was able to unfreeze the machine in a matter of minutes.  Bottom line I had too many apps open.

The following is a brief summary of this weekends activities.

Saturday January 8

Up early, 0700, and we headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  It was very cold when we headed out.  

After breakfast we made a quick trip to Breton Village.  Stopped at the LuLu store so Nancy could return a gift.

At home Nancy did laundry.

I made a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond looking for a mud mat for our front door.  No luck.

We took down our Christmas lights and tree.

With this cold weather I’ve had to fill the bird feeder often.

Saturday afternoon I did take a nap.

For dinner we ordered pizza from JT’s.  I drove to JT’s and was surprised how busy the place was.  No room in the parking lot.  All the tables were full. Glad we had take out.

After dinner we watched an episode of Winter on Acorn.  

Sunday January

Slept in until 0730.

Temperature was near 32.  I was worried about ice.

Checked outside and saw cars had no difficulty climbing the hill in front of Condo.

Salted our walk and then drove to Biggby coffee for our Sunday brew.

Left home at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran.  The roads were ok.

Small crowd at church today.

Noted on our way home that the temperature had dropped 8 degrees since earlier.  

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s to get some supplies.

Dropped Nancy off, grabbed iPad and drove to Apple Store.  As mentioned earlier the young Apple employee had the iPad working in minutes.

The weather stopped me from walking yesterday.  So while at Mall I walked a mile.

Lunch and then a nap.

After nap put out food for all the critters.

Sunday evening meal was very light.  Toast with blueberries.

Finished the GRP before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we finished Winter.  I liked this show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a cold weather report for GR, 14 with wind chill in single digits.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was cold with a bright half moon.

Cold weather continues tomorrow.

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