Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 24, 2022

 Monday January 24, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in Debbie’s living room.

Our alarm went off at 0500.  Alessandra has an early morning flight to Long Beach.  She will arrive in Long Beach at 0820.  Stephen will meet her and drive her to school.  Good grief a 360 mile commute to school.  Checkin and the flight went off without a hitch.

Today is a work day for Debbie.  She starts with a 0700 meeting.

Nancy and I took Violet on a 1.5 mile walk.  It was still dark when we started our walk.  Sunrise today was 0715.  It was also very cold, 38.  Mittens were needed.

After the walk.  Nancy and I drove to Walmart to replenish our snack supply.  Walmart was not crowded.

I spent some time doing my morning reading.  Lunch and then at 1400 I took a 10 mile bike ride.  The temperatures had risen to low 60s.  Another beautiful day for a ride.  The trail was not crowded.

It being Monday we had a very light dinner.  We watched the news and then Jeopardy.  

Our streaming show tonight was Vera.  We all like this show.  We were in bed by 2200.

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