Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January 18, 2022

Tuesday January 18, 2022

Today is our big travel day.

Up with alarm at 0535.  Fixed oatmeal breakfast and completed other morning chores.

We ordered a cab from Metro Cab.  I was apprehensive because the pandemic had created staff shortages at Cab companies.  

I should not have worried.  Cab arrived exactly on schedule, 0700.  Nice clean cab and pleasant driver.  We checked in with no problem.

The flight to Denver and then on to San Jose went off smoothly.  Debbie met us at San Jose.  The drive from airport to Debbies house is about ten minutes.

Debbie has a nice home in the Willow Glen neighborhood of SJ.  We’re met at Debbie’s by her special dog Violet. 

After unpacking Nancy and I took Violet on a short walk.  We needed to get our land legs back.  Nice to be able to walk on dry sidewalks.  No fear of slipping and falling on ice.

I did find time for a short nap.  

The rest of the day was spent watching news on TV and a streaming show.  I don’t know what we watched because Debbie had turned her fireplace on and the heat put me right to sleep.

Nancy and I were glad to sleep in a nice warm bed.  Travel is strenuous for us old folks.



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