Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 22, 2022

 Saturday January 21, 2022

Blog time 1130 on Sunday sitting outside on Debbies patio, eat your heart out folks in Midwest.

Up Saturday morning at 0630.  Nancy, Alessandra and I walked to Yum Yum Donuts for breakfast. A distance of 0.4 mile.

Nancy had a glazed donut, Alessandra had two coconut glazed and I had two fried cakes.  Alessandra had a milk while Nancy and I drank coffee.  

We ate our donuts and talked for 45 minutes.  Yum Yum Donuts is very popular.  We noted a steady stream of customers.

After we got home I put on bike clothes and took a 12 mile bike ride.  Once again a perfect day with sun and temps in high 50s. The trail was crowded with weekend family traffic.

Showered and shaved at home.  I had a yogurt for lunch.

The girls had lunch at ToGo.  After lunch they visited a store called Ulta.  Alessandra was the only one to make a purchase.  

I did find time today to finish yesterday’s blog and do some light reading.  Watched the end of the Bengals/Titans game.  Very exciting.

For dinner tonight Debbie drove us to a popular sandwich shop in Santa Clara called the Grub Burger Bar.  Debbie’s friend Gina joined us. 

The main seating area was jammed with folks watching the San Francisco vs Green Bay game.  However, no TV in outside seating area so we did not have to wait for a seat.  Food was good. 

At home watched the first half of the stage play “Hamilton”.  Everyone all liked the show. 

We headed to bed at 2230.  Another great day in SJ. 


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