Tuesday, January 11, 2022

January 10, 2022

 Monday January 10, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was very cold, 12, with wind chill in single digits.

At 0800 called Miller’s Appliance about our refrigerator running hot.  They will stop by this afternoon.

At 0800 Nancy headed out for her Monday swim at MVP.  I did at home calisthenics and then oatmeal w/banana breakfast.  Bundled up and headed to the Y.

Once again the Y was empty.  I did all my calisthenics.  Because of hip pain I have given up rowing.  Instead I walked 1.5 miles.

Showered and headed to Panera for coffee and morning read.  Nancy was also at Panera getting her coffee.  We sat and talked for awhile.

This and that:

On these cold winter days I play CD’s while working in office.  On today’s playlist:  Woody Guthrie and Jimmy Buffet.

Miller Appliance arrived at 1230.  He gave the motors and vents a good cleaning.  I hope this solves our problems.

Got a call from our attorney Doug Brackmann about our Wednesday morning meeting.  Nancy and I want to make sure all are affairs are in order.

Covid cases keep increasing in Mi and nationwide.  Is this something we will just have to live with?

Although the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party upsets me with their tax and spend policies, the right wing of the GOP upsets me more.  They worship ex President Trump who I just don’t like or trust.

Next week we are going to Ca to visit daughter Debbie.  I sent Debbie our schedule and also called Brenna Brackman who is house sitting for us.

Blast from Past” on this date in 1938 Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary that it was a Monday just like today.  The temperature in Ossineke was 0 at 0800, 20 degrees at noon and 18 at 1900.  GGF put 6 bushels of firewood on porch. He has a sick cow and at 1600 he and David Johnson, my Dad’s cousin, turned the cow over to a more comfortable position.  GGF said the cow’s condition looks bad.

This afternoon I spent time filling bird feeders and putting out corn for deer.  Every evening we have had two groups of deer visit our backyard to eat the corn.  The first group is at dinner time, 1800.   Four deer are in this group.  Later in the evening two deer arrive and seem to find enough corn to keep them feeding for 30 minutes.  

Today I finished the corn and tomorrow I must buy a new bag.  Same for the bird seed.  The Chow Hound must like to see me coming.

For dinner tonight we finished the pizza and omelette from last week.  As always I had two oatmeal cookies for dessert.

Tonight after the news we switched and watched an Australian show called “Mr and Mrs Murder”  we gave it a C.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She was sitting in her car at Ralph’s Market trying to figure out what to buy for dinner.  We gave several suggestions.  LA was 40 degrees warmer than GR.

We headed to bed at 2130.  I did check the Courtyard and everything secure.  Temperature will drop to low teens tonight.

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