Friday, January 28, 2022

January 27, 2022

 Thursday January 27, 2022

Blog time 1750 sitting in Debbie’s living room.

This morning we got with alarm set for 0630.  Debbie started work at 0600 and is booked until noon.  

Nancy and I took Violet for her morning walk, a distance of 2 miles.  Same distance Debbie walks each morning.

At home I grabbed my mini iPad and walked to Starbucks.  Ordered oatmeal but was told they had no spoons.  So I walked across the street to Yum Yum Donuts and ordered their oatmeal and a donut.  The oatmeal was awful. Before heading for home I got glazed donuts for Debbie and coffee for Nancy.

Today Nancy and I drove to Walmart to resupply our snacks and chips.  Quick lunch and then headed out on a 10.8 mile bike ride.  Once again I took the Los Gatos Creek Bike trail.  Light bike and pedestrian traffic on the trail.

E bike are very popular.  Most riders use the electric mode.  I see very few pedaling the bike.  I think these bikes should be banned on Pedestrian and bike trails.

Before dinner tonight Debbie and I took Violet on her evening walk.  The temperature was 62. 

For dinner I had a chicken sandwich with blueberries.  Nancy also had a chicken sandwich.  Debbie fixed herself a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Watched the news, Jeopardy and then switched to Acorn and watched an episode of “Republic of Doyle”.  

This and that:

Does anyone understand the USA position on Ukraine?

Noted that Californians are very good about wearing masks inside stores and restaurants.

It has been super cold in Michigan.  Sure glad we are in Ca.

Courts continue to stop construction of natural gas lines.  These actions will result in higher energy costs impacting poor families.

The San Francisco TV news is dominated by Sunday’s 49er/Rams game.


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