Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January 3, 2022

 Monday January 3, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera

First Monday of the new year.  We expect the Y to be jammed with New Year’s Resolution folks.  

Up at 0700, at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for a swim at MVP.  She thinks MVP will be crowded and will have trouble getting a lane.

After an oatmeal breakfast Missy and I head to the Y.  Surprise!! The Y was not crowded.  I had no trouble finding a chin up bar or rowing machine.  Missy also had no difficulty finding an exercise machine.  Did folks forget to make resolutions this year?  Nancy reported she had no problem getting a swim lane.

Dropped Missy off at home and then headed to Panera for some coffee and reading.  At this time of year the news folks seem to be taking a break.  Only fluff is reported.

After Panera I stopped at Meijer’s for some bananas.  Later Nancy and I have an 1400 appointment with our GP, Dave Kutsche.  

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I head to Dr Kutsche’s office.  Today we are having a follow up meeting with the Doctor to check on Nancy’s memory problems.  The Doctor gave Nancy a standard memory test.  She did well.  I took the same test and we had similar scores.  

We keep hearing TV commercials about memory pills that work miracles.  However the medical community is not impressed.  Bottom line we decided for now to do nothing and just have Nancy check in with Dr. Kutsche quarterly.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s lasagna.  For dessert the girls had ice cream.  I had my oatmeal cookies.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  It was very good.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything was secure.  

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