Wednesday, January 26, 2022

January 25, 2022

 Tuesday January 25, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in Debbie’s living room.

Up this morning at 0700.

Debbie’s day started with a 0600 meeting.

Nancy and I took Violet on a 1.5 mile walk.

I walked to Starbucks for an oatmeal breakfast, 0.33 miles.  Starbucks has a steady stream of customers but no one stays.

After breakfast and some iPad reading I walked across the street to YumYum donuts.  Bought two glazed chocolate donuts for Debbie and a coffee for Nancy.

At home I took Violet on a short walk around the neighborhood.  Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Trader Joe’s.  We bought a package of frozen mandarin orange chicken for dinner tonight and crackers, nothing else.

At 1400 put on bike clothes and headed out on a 11 mile ride along the Los Gatos Creek trail.  Not much traffic today.  

I did see some folks fishing in the Creek.  I don’t think the creek has any trophy fish.

Noted a lot of waterfowl in the creek.  The Canadian Geese seem larger than Michigan’s geese.  Is it Diet?  Not much available food for Mi geese in winter.  

Also saw several large turtles getting afternoon sun.  They area has many grey squirrels.

Shaved and showered before dinner.  Tonight Debbie and Nancy fixed the Trader Joe’s chicken with rice.  It was very good.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of “True Lies”.  Not very good.

Every night we have had clear skies.  The moon is bright but low in the sky so we don’t see it until morning.

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