Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 15, 2022

Saturday January 15

Blog time 1645 on Sunday Jan 16 sitting in office

Saturday Jan 15

Up this morning at 0730.  It was a cold 3 with wind chill below 0.

We dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast. We are Saturday regulars so we got our favorite seat next to the window.  

Our waitress has memorized our orders.  Western omelette with raisin toast for Nancy.  For me oatmeal with scrambled egg, raisin toast w/peanut butter.  

After breakfast we took a short ride along the frozen Thornapple River.  Dropped Nancy off at home so she could start the laundry.  I headed to Meijer’s to fill up the Escape and buy cookies and yogurt.

Today is Daughter Debbie’s birthday.  I remember her birth well. Nancy called me at my workplace in the afternoon of Jan 14.  She said that the Doctor said it was time so she should head to the hospital this evening.  I asked my hardnose boss Marvin if I could leave early.  He said yes.

Picked up Nancy and we headed to Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, Ca.  Checked Nancy in and then I headed to a Grocery that cashed checks.  We did not have insurance so I needed $100.  Returned to the Hospital and paid my bill.  Good grief $100 for a birth!  Times have changed.

Debbie was born in the early hours of Jan 15.  When Nancy was  ready she was moved to the delivery room.  Fathers were not allowed.

When I first saw Nancy and Debbie the one thing that stands out was Nancy’s big smile.  It was a girl.  

At home I called all the relatives telling them that we had a pretty girl.  The things we remember.

This evening we called Debbie and wished her Happy Birthday.

The afternoon was spent:

Writing monthly note to Grandkids,

packing for our trip to Ca.  

I did find time for a nap.

For dinner we had blueberries, toast/w peanut butter and oatmeal cookies for dessert.  Watched some news.  The recent Covid outbreak dominated.

We watched an episode of Vera before turning in.  It was cold when did a courtyard check before turning in. 

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