Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 12, 2022

 Wednesday January 12, 2022

Today should be my easy Wednesday but Nancy and I have a full schedule.

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed, fixed oatmeal and then at 0820 Nancy and I drove to Hudsonville for a 0900 meeting with our attorney Doug Brackmann.  

I had retrieved our Living Trust documents from our safe deposit box yesterday.  Doug Brackmann walked us through some items that needed updating.  All in all our estate was in pretty good order.  

Nancy and I felt pretty good about our meeting.  On the way home we stopped at Panera for our morning coffee.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I dropped her off at home and then started some errands.

Stopped at Bank to put our papers back in the Safe Deposit Box.  I kept a check list of what I need to do.

Next stop was Chow Hound.  I bought a bag of bird seed.  The little critters are really hungry.

At D&W I tried to mail a package but was told USPS’s system was down.  I will check tomorrow.

At Meijer’s picked up a prescription for my sinus infection.  I was surprised that my MG Doctor Santos had sent in a prescription for my MG pills even though I was not scheduled for refill until mid Feb.  

I appreciated Dr Santos effort because if I ran out of pills while in CA getting new pills could be a hassle.  I need the pills.  Also purchased yogurt and blueberries.

At home I filled up all the bird feeders.  Also put out corn for deer.

It being Wednesday I took out trash and did a load of laundry.  I even found time for a short nap.

This afternoon at 1400 I started sister Helen’s Buick.  It fired right up despite being outside several days in super cold temps.

Drove to Airport to pick up Niece Jennifer who is flying in from AZ.  The plane was early.  Drove back home and Jennifer took over.  She is spending tonight with her daughter Paige who lives in Wyoming.  Tomorrow she drives to her home in Johannesburg, Mi.

Today was gloomy with temps near or slightly above freezing.  Occasional drizzle.  This moist temp plays havoc with my left sinus.

Nancy said business at the Gardens was slow.

For dinner tonight I had cheerios with yogurt (I forgot to buy milk) and blueberries.  We did watch the news while eating and found Covid still dominates.  Keep reading about school parents suing School Boards because of mask mandates.  Good grief, leave the School Boards along.  Kids don’t complain.

After dinner we looked out slider and saw 4 deer eating corn.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  Two part series so we will watch final episode on Thursday.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave her our flight schedule for our trip to SJ next week.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.

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