Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 1, 2022

 Saturday January 1, 2022


Blog time 1330 sitting in den.

Slept in until 0800 this morning.  Checked the weather and it was 32 and drizzle. Starting at 1300 we will be under a Winter Weather Storm watch. The temperature will drop all day. 

Nancy needed some more ingredients for her pea soup so we made a trip to Meijer’s.  The store was empty as were the shelf’s.  Missy bought me a Starbucks coffee.

As soon as we got home I took a two mile walk.   Walked in a light snow and stiff breeze.

 I was surprised that the deer did not eat the corn I put out yesterday.  I did bring in a new bag of corn cobs that I stored in my car trunk.  One bag lasts about 2 weeks.

Spent time this afternoon reading and writing.  Also watched some football.

Nancy and Missy spent the afternoon preparing our New Year’s Day snacks.  The snacks will replace a formal dinner meal.

Just before sitting down for our snacks I looked out the slider and saw four deer eating the corn I put out yesterday.

Sat at kitchen table when eating the snacks.

Snacks included:

Baloney with mini naan

Fried shrimp.

Fresh vegetables and fruit

Cookies and ice cream for dessert.

Tonight’s entertainment was watching an episode of Vera.

Light snow had started when checked Courtyard before bed. I shoveled the walk.  Snow will continue all night.  Temperature will drop to teens.

Bob and Nancy were in bed at 2130.

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