Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 30, 2021

 Saturday October 30, 2021

Blog time 1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  Dressed and headed to The Gathering Place for breakfast.  We were early arrivals.

We had our normal breakfast.  Omelette with raisin toast for Nancy and oatmeal with scrambled egg and raisin toast.  As always it was very good.

After breakfast we wanted to relax a little so we took a short trip.  We enjoyed the colors.

At home Nancy started the laundry.

I ran several short errands.  I stopped at D&W on Cascade for gas.  Gas was $3.32 per gallon. I also stopped at D&W on 28th for coleslaw and milk.

During lunch I watched several minutes of the UM vs MSU game.  UM was ahead.

Today’s game is not a big deal for me because I have lost interest in all big time sports.  However, growing up the UM vs MSU game was a big deal in the Scott household.  Mom went to MI and Dad to MSU.  My mother was by far the most avid fan.  Most folks would call her a UM snob.  The week before the game Mom and Dad would make all sorts of bets on the outcome.  If UM won, Mom gloated and Dad would be a good loser.  If MSU won Dad was modest but Mom would retire to her room.  All in good fun as they say.

Nancy and I spent time this afternoon in the office going over bills.  We discontinued Direct TV last summer.  Nancy noted a recent bill from Direct TV.  She made a call and after spending nearly an hour on the phone she got our money back.  Way to go Nancy.

This afternoon I also paid the last of our prepaid taxes for 2022.  Took a 1.5 mile walk to the mailbox.  Longest walk of the week.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  

We had a light dinner consisting mostly of food left over.  I thought it was good.

No news tonight.  Usually Saturday night is movie night but this evening we were not in the mood.

We watched an episode of New Tricks followed by Republic of Doyle.  We headed to bed early.

The Courtyard was ok when I made a check before bed.  Temperature will drop to 30s tonight.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

October 29, 2021

 Friday October 29, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  

Up this morning at 0700.  This morning Nancy is swimming at MVP.

I dressed and drove to UM’s Laboratory on East Beltline.  This morning I had a scheduled blood test.  It went smooth with no waiting.

After the test I drove to Panera.  I have a free breakfast sandwich so I got an egg and cheese sandwich on toasted bagel.  Sandwich was ok.

This morning I have several errands:

Purchase wine at Total Wines

Stop at Meijer’s to get yogurt, Ensure, cookies, ginger ale, naan 

Final stop cleaners to pick up shirts and a sweater I had dry cleaned.

All the errands were successfully completed.

Today has been another misty cool day.  Temp in 50s with light mist.

Spent time in office reading and catching up on bills.

Tonight at 1630 we headed to Brann’s for dinner.  A good portion of the restaurant was roped off because of staffing problems.

I had wine and a bowl of chili.  Nancy had a burger with fries.  I helped her finish the burger.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

Just before bedtime I asked Nancy to help me take a cap off a bottle of tonic water.  Nancy held the bottle while I turned the cap unsuccessfully.  Bad news I opened up the scar on my right hand from recent surgery.  I totally forgot about the scar.  Stupid on my part.  We cleaned the area and placed a bandage.  

What about tonic water?  Every once in a while my right leg gets restless and a sip of tonic water helps.

Called Helen this afternoon and she is doing as well as expected.  She is coming to GR in mid Nov.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening checking up on our health. We said perfect.

Checked the Courtyard before bed.  Everything’s locked up and secure.  It was drizzling and 48.  When will the rain end?

Friday, October 29, 2021

October 28, 2021

 Thursday October 28, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy immediately headed to a class at MVP.

Since the Doctor said no bike or calisthenics this week I had my oatmeal with banana for breakfast.  I then drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd and had coffee and a baguette.  Spent time reading.

This and that:

Looks like the Dems will finally get their infrastructure and social bill.  Good to see they reduced the cost significantly.

Masks in school seems to be a hot issue.  In my hometown the anti mask folks are suing the School Board.  For the life of me I cannot understand the opposition to masks especially when a child’s health is involved.

Is former  President Trump imploding?  Some of his recent statements are off the wall.

Recently we have seen many dead deer alongside the roads.  It is mating season so they must be moving.

Yesterday I finished my blogs about our recent trip to Gaylord.  I made so many mistakes that I had to make at least three updates.  Most of the mistakes were exclusion of folks attending the memorial service.  Why can’t I remember names, old age?

As soon as I got home from Panera Nancy and I drove to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  We spent 45 minutes looking around but purchased nothing.

On way home from Outlet Mall we stopped at Kohl’s.  Once again nothing was purchased.

At home I had lunch.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup with blueberries.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in San Jose.

After the news we watched “Manhunt” starring Martin Clunes on Acorn.

It was sprinkling and mild, 50s, when checked Courtyard before bed.  Rain predicted for all night and tomorrow.  Temperature will remain mild.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 27, 2021

 Wednesday October 27, 2021

Today is a travel day.

Up at 0700.

After the hotel’s complementary breakfast we head to GR.

Brief list of activities.

The ride south to GR was once again very pleasant with the fall colors.

Home at 1200.

Nancy and Bob ran errands.

Headed to Dermatology Associates at 1430.  Today I had a spot on my left arm removed.  The stitches on my left had were also removed.  I was told no biking or exercises for the rest of week.

Nancy called and said she got her Covid booster shot at Walmart.  I headed to Walmart and got my booster.  No waiting.

Light dinner and tonight we watched My Life is Murder on Acorn.  Good show.

It was raining and cold when checked courtyard at 2200.  No critters noted.

We did talk to Missy this evening on telephone.  Everything ok in LA.  

October 26, 2021

 Tuesday October 26, 2021

Blog time 1000 Thursday 28 October sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  I am playing catch-up.

October 26 started at Fairfield Inn, Gaylord.  This morning we had the Inn’s Complementary breakfast.  It consisted of plastic wrapped food.  However, the coffee was hot and the fruit was fresh.  What more can you expect in these times.

We arrived at the First Congregational Church at 0930. Most of the family had arrived.  We met in the Church’s dining room.  Once again the church ladies had provided snacks and beverages. 

Friends of the family met in the Church’s dining room before heading into the Church’s Sanctuary for the service. The Memorial Service started at 1100.  The church was packed.

The service was live streamed.  Our kids watched the service in California.  Isn’t Technology great!

The service lasted 45 minutes.  It was a great service. Well planned with the right mix of music and talk.  Don would be proud.  The minister Greg Waitling did himself proud. High marks for First Congregational.

After the service most folk headed to the Otsego Ski resort for lunch.  We met in the Duck Blind Grill (love the name).  Once again a buffet luncheon.  Great food and drink.  Shelli, Don and Helen’s former foster child, took care of the lunch.  Thank you Shelli.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the great cookies provided by Jason’s girlfriend Courtney.  She also did most of the preparation for the evening meal at the farm.

After the luncheon Nancy and I returned to the hotel for a short nap.  At 1600 we headed back to the farm for dinner.  Of course all of the food was leftover from yesterday’s huge meal.  

Until 2100 Nancy and I sat in the living room and talked with family members.  I think Don would have enjoyed the way the day went.

My second Cousin Mary Hughes from Alpena made a special effort to attend the service.  Mary is now a Lutheran minister serving three churches in Presque Isle.  We had a nice talk. 

October 25, 2021

Monday October 25, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in Fairfield Inn in Gaylord, Mi

Up this morning at 0700.  Today is a travel day.  We are heading to Gaylord, Mi to attend a Memorial Service on Tuesday for our Brother in Law, Donald Crandall.

It pouring rain and 45 when we left home.  Quick stop at Panera for coffee and bagel.

Despite the rain the drive north was very pleasant.  Full fall colors most of the way.

Arrived in Gaylord at 1230.  Stopped at Helen and Don’s farm to drop off cookies and wine.  

Tonight the families and Gaylord friends are meeting in the Crandall’s garage for drinks and food.  

Family member already in Gaylord are Don’s daughter Shirley Short, Jennifer Finnegan and sons Jerry Crandall and Jason Crandall.  

Later today Shirley’s husband Howie and daughter Hanna will arrive. Also Jerry’s son Jerud. They all had flight problems out of Denver.  

We arrived at the Crandall’s garage at 1630. My sister Helen and her kids, Jason and Jennifer had already placed the tables and chairs.  Shawn Finnegan, Jennifer’s husband did a lot of the heavy lifting as did Jennifer’s three daughters. 

Jason had a fire going in garage’s pot bellied iron stove.  It was toasty warm.  The temperature outside was in high 30s.

The women from the First Congregational Church provided the food.  It was great.  Pulled pork sandwiches, salads, deviled eggs were set up buffet style.  Thank you church ladies.

Howie Short, daughter Hanna and Jerry’s son Jerud arrived about 1830.  The airport group stopped at Frankenmuth, Mi and picked up Jason’s daughter Kennedy.  

Don Crandall’s nephew and wife from Homer also joined the event.  Don and Helen’s foster daughter, Shelli and her friend Jean also attended.

It was a family affair.  It was a great time.  Good food, fine wine and conversation.  Don would have loved it.

We got home about 2200 and headed straight to bed.  It was a busy day.

Monday, October 25, 2021

October 24, 2021

 Sunday October 24, 2021

Up at 0700.  Dressed and headed to Biggby for our morning coffee and a bagel for me.

Oatmeal breakfast with banana and bagel.  Left for church at 0845.

We spotted a deer feeding alongside Burton.  Always great way to start day with a critter sighting.

Small crowd at church today.  Pastor Bob’s Homily today was 9 minutes.  A record for brevity.  

Took short drive after church.  Headed west on MI ave to GR Zoo and then drove through Millennium Park before taking 28th Street home.  We haven’t been on west end of 28th in several years.  A lot has changed.

 Stopped at Meijer’s for gas and large bandages to cover my recent surgery.

At home finished packing for trip to Gaylord.  Left for Flo’s Sports Bar on Post Road at 1330.  We met the Moleski’s for brunch.  Nancy had pizza rolls and I had a great burger.  We all had drinks.  The Moleski’s like Flo’s because on Sunday drinks are 1/2 off and food items are $5, except for my burger.

At home short nap before dinner.  For dinner tonight I had a cup of yogurt.  Nancy had only a piece of toast.  Flo’s meals are filling.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. We gave positive report.

No 60 Minutes because of football.  Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise on BritBox.  

It was sprinkling and cold, 48, when checked Courtyard before bed.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

October 23, 2021

 Saturday October 23, 2021

Blog time 1915 sitting in living room.

Up at 0715 we immediately got dressed and headed to Gathering Place for breakfast

Rest of day, briefly 

Short car ride after breakfast.

At home Nancy starts laundry.

I drove to Breton car wash got Escape cleaned.

Dropped laundry of at cleaner.  Bought coleslaw at D&W.

Swept deck, covered up deck table and glider. Our deck in now set for winter.


Reading on iPad.

Short 8 mile bike ride.

Shaved faced and head  before shower

Pea soup with ham for dinner with coleslaw

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

Watched movie on Netflix.

Cold and misting when checked Courtyard. Everything secure.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

October 22, 2021

October 22, 2021

Blog time 0940 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

I woke up this morning at 0630.  It was still dark, sunrise at 0805.  The temperature was 36.  Coldest temp this fall.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with friends.

I decided to do some calisthenics that do not involve my hand.  No chin-ups or push ups but sit-ups, legs raises and knee bends are ok.  The modified routine took 20 minutes.

Dressed in warm clothes and drove to Panera for coffee and a baguette.  Later I will check out Eddie Bauer in the mall.

My main mission this morning is to buy cookies at Costco. We will take to cookies to Gaylord on Monday. 

I did not make it to Eddie Bauer but instead headed to Duluth Trading Company followed by a visit to Cabella’s.  I did not buy anything but got some ideas for future when I am in need of cold weather gear.

On way home I stopped at Costco to purchase cookies.  As I said earlier will take the cookies to Gaylord on Monday.

Kim cleaned today.  The house looks good.

Nancy said her lunch with friends went well.  She had lunch with Becky Verker, Carol Masten and Pan Haskins.  All had sons in Steve’s class at Ottawa.

I had oatmeal with a banana for lunch today.  After I took a 1.5 mile walk.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner I had yogurt with cheese and blueberries.

This evening we watched an episode of New Tricks followed by Death in Paradise.  Both were good shows.

Cold and gloomy when checked Courtyard before bed.

Friday, October 22, 2021

October 21, 2021

 Thursday October 21, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Last night I thought all the gauze on my hand would impede my sleeping.  Not a problem.

We had heavy thunder storms roll through last night.  Checked our Cedar Closet this morning and it was dry.  The recently sealed concrete crack is holding.

Nancy left early for a class at MVP.  She gave me her morning kiss before heading out.  I stayed in bed until 0845.

When I got up I put on some warm clothes because the temp was in high 40s and raining.  I drove to the Panera near us.  The dining area is closed so I bought coffee and a baguette using the drive thru.

Parked in Panera’s lot and did some reading on my mini iPad.  Used the hot spot on my iPhone to connect to internet.  The hot spot is a nice feature.

This and that:

I am glad to see our congressman, Peter Meijer, and several other West Mi GOP congressmen vote to get Trump crony Steven Bannon to testify.  Also Liz Cheney of Wyoming joined the group.  

Ex President Trump’s control over the GOP is troubling.  Of course Trump will try to get one of his flunkies to run against Rep Meijer and the others.  

I still don’t understand Bit Coin?

Is China’s economy in trouble with the Evergrande potential bankruptcy and other real estate troubles?

Talked with sister, Helen, she is holding up remarkably well.  God Bless Helen.

WSJ had an article on Amherst College eliminating it legacy admission policy.  Apparently legacies moved to the top of the list.  Texted Missy and said she read about the policy yesterday in the Boston paper.  

For lunch today I had my normal breakfast, oatmeal with banana.

At 1300 I removed the 1,000 yards of gauze from my hand. It was liberating.  Took a shower and cleaned the hand and replaced the bandage.  Everything looks good.

Nancy and I made a trip to Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  We also bought peanut butter, cheese, hard boiled eggs and eye drops.

For dinner tonight I had my normal lunch of yogurt with fiber 1 and cheese on naan bread.  Really mixed up my menu today.  No breakfast, but for lunch I had normal breakfast and for dinner I had normal lunch.  Got it!

It rained most of the day so I did not feel bad about missing my bike ride.  In fact in accordance with Doctor’s instruction no exercises today.

With all the rain and wind the leaves are falling fast.  Peak colors soon.

On the news tonight a Covid vaccine for kids is coming soon.  We can also mix our booster shots between the three vaccines.

The President is having a rough time getting his big spending plan through congress.  The Dems left wing wants to drive us into bankruptcy but cooler heads are seeming to prevail.

Tonight we watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  Good show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  I had to tell her my hand was ok that all the gauze was just window dressing.

It was misting when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to 30s this evening.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

October 20, 2021

 Wednesday October 20, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.  

Today will be a short blog.  I had a cancer spot removed from my hand this afternoon.  The hand is heavily bandaged making typing difficult.

Up with alarm at 0515.  Breakfast Club today.  Brilliant moon.  Temperature in low 50s.

Great speaker this morning.  The speaker is the executive in charge of Van Andel arena, DeVos performance hall and the convention center.  He spoke on surviving 18 months of shut down.  Good talk.

After BC I came straight home and after some reduced calisthenics  headed out on a 8.5 mile ride.  Took a short route that included two short hills.  My hip is now paying the price.

Showered and then at 1230 headed to the Dermatology Center. My appointment was for 1300 and the Doctor was right on time. I had a spot on my right hand that is cancerous and will be removed.  

The Doctor applied a local numbing agent and then removed the cancerous spot.  I think about 10 stitches were required to close up the area.

A lot of gauze was placed over the wound.  I was given a very large ball of gauze that fit in the palm of my hand.  I was asked to grip this gauze ball for 24 hours.  I guess this will keep the stitches secure.

The Doctor said no bike riding or chin-ups for a least four days.  I reluctantly agreed.

At home I had lunch, took out the trash and did a load of laundry.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Finished the afternoon with a nap. For dinner tonight I had a turkey sub that I had purchased earlier.

This evening we watched an old British mystery on BritBox.  It is about a retired librarian who ends up being a detective.  The name of the show escapes me.  Probably because I fell asleep half way through the show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

Before bed I checked Courtyard.  Everything ok.  Thunderstorms over night.  

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 19, 2021

 Tuesday October 19, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up at 0700.  Checked weather and temperature was 42.  Bright sun after sunrise at 0800.

Chin-ups before oatmeal breakfast and then bundled up and headed out on my bike ride to Y.  Because of all the construction on the bike path I took a short route, 6.8 miles.

Crittter report:  I encountered a flock of 11 wild turkeys.  They seem to have overcome any fear of folks.

Normal routine at Y.  The Y still hasn’t returned to pre Covid attendance.  Another sign of the times: the lap pool was closed because of lack of lifeguards.

Labor shortages are prominent everywhere.  Yesterday in NE MI the Alcona School district canceled classes because of lack of staff.

Nancy has a 1300 appointment with an oral surgeon.  She is having a root canal.

Left Panera at 1200.  Shower and then quick lunch.

Afternoon activities:

Visited Total Wines and bought 4 bottle of favorite wine.

At Meijer’s I picked up prescription.

Costco bought Cetaphil lotion and listerine.

Stopped at bank and got money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

SAD NEWS:  My sister, Helen, called and said that Don Crandall had passed.  Helen and Don had been married over 50 years.  He was a great guy.  RIP Don!

A memorial service will be held on Tuesday next.  Nancy and I are leaving on Monday and returning on Wednesday.  More details to follow.

Nancy’s appointment at the Oral Surgeons had a good news bad news outcome.  No action now but will wait.  He prescribed some pills for Nancy.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Dinner tonight was a pork chop with rice.  Cooked in crock pot.  Very good.

Debbie telephoned tonight.  I got confused because I could not get a picture until Debbie said it is a phone Dad not FaceTime.  We also had contact with all kids because of Uncle Don’s passing.  All the kids liked Uncle Don.

Tonight we watched “Republic of Doyle”.

Bright full moon when checked the Courtyard before bed.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 18, 2021

 Monday October 18, 2021

Blog time 1500 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Sunrise today at 0800.

Nancy left at 0800 for her Monday swim at MVP.

I did chin-ups and some stretches before breakfast.  Every weekday morning I have microwaved oatmeal with banana.  I still am not tired of this menu.  Must be my Scotches roots.

It was bright and sunny when I left this morning.  The temperature was 38, the coldest this Fall.  I put on cold weather clothes.  

The sun was so bright and low in the sky that biking east was difficult.  Changed plans and headed straight north to Y, a distance of only 3.75 miles. 

At Y changed into workout clothes.  I did my calisthenics and a 0.6 mile walk.  It takes about 30 minutes to complete my routine. 

The temperature had risen to mid 40s when left Y.   The distance home was 7.8 miles.  Total miles today 11.5 miles.

A lot of bike path resurfacing in Cascade.  I have had to change routes several times.  It will be great to have a smooth riding surface when work is done.

At home Nancy was still actively cleaning out our basement.  We have a lot of trash to toss.

I moved most of our deck furniture downstairs before showering.


This afternoon Jacobson H&C is coming to perform maintenance on our furnace.  They arrived at 1500 and took about 30 minutes.  Our furnace should be ready for the winter. 

After the furnace folks left I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Bought a small turkey sub, yogurt, suet for birds, Ensure, and naan.  Also filled up the Fusion.  Gas was $3.32

Critter report:  the Robins are gone south.  Why do we have the Robin as the Mi State bird when they only live in Mi 6 months.  I am for the wild Turkey.

Lately at dusk we have had three deer in the back yard.  They have been nibbling at the food block I put out.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner had the sub I bought at Meijer’s and fresh blueberries.  For dessert enjoyed two oatmeal cookies.

Every evening about 1900 I pour myself a glass of wine.  Lately I have been drinking a red blend.  The wine tops off the day.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  They were upbeat.

Tonight we watched an episode on Acorn of “My Life is Murder”. A show filmed in both Australia and New Zealand staring Lucy Lawless. 

The moon was shining bright when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Temperature was in 60s but will drop to low 40s this evening. 

Monday, October 18, 2021

October 17, 2021

 Sunday October 17, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700. Quickly dressed and headed to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  I also got a bagel to go with the oatmeal breakfast.

We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  It was bright and sunny but cool, 48.  

Church was crowded this morning.  Good to see a lot of young families.  

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we headed south.  We made a quick stop at Horrick’s to get some fresh fruits and vegetables.  I like Horrick’s.  It is laid out like Whole Foods but much better.

Today we drove through Middleville and then south to the Yankee Springs/Gun Lake area.

We drove through the Gun Lake Recreation area where we use to have picnics.  The kids would swim and I would paddle my kayak.

It was a great day for a drive.  We noted a lot of color.  At home I changed into bike clothes and took a short 8.8 mile ride.  Got home at 1400.  Showered and had a late lunch.

For the rest of the afternoon I sat in my favorite living room chair and read the GRP.  I put a heating pad on hip.  Hope this will relieve hip pain.  No nap today.

We had a light dinner.  Cleaned out reefer and had some fresh blueberries.

We watched 30 minutes of local news.  No 60 Minutes tonight.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We had a nice conversation.  Everything ok in San Jose.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.

Temperature will drop to 30s tonight.  Coldest night of this Fall so far.

Just proofread this blog.  I was surprised at how many omissions and mistakes I made.  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

October 16, 2021

 Saturday October 16, 2021

Blog time 0930 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  It was 46 degrees.  Bundled up and headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  Our waitress asked if we were having our usual.  We said yes and without any notes she got the order perfect.

Saturday breakfast is always very relaxing.  We take our time and outline our plans for the weekend and week ahead.  After breakfast we took a short drive.

At home, Nancy is starting the laundry and I am getting ready for a bike ride.  Today’s ride was 9.6 miles.  Finished ride at noon.

Showered and then a quick lunch.  I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to fill up the Escape.  Today I filled with premium gas at $3.99 per gallon.

At 1500 we headed to Costco.  Nancy has to pick up a prescription.  Never go to Costco on a Saturday.  The place was jammed.

I read today that the Chicago Museum of Art fired all their Docents about 100.  The reason they were all white women.  Good grief!  The Woke folks have lost their minds.

I think of Nancy who has volunteered at the front desk of Meijer Gardens for 20 years.  All her coworkers are retired white women.  This nonsense has got to stop.

I did find time to take a short nap.

For dinner we had Tamales with fruit.  Very good.

We watched Shakespeare and Hathaway this evening.  A very good episode with a happy ending.  

After we watched an episode of Ted Lasso.  Not a very good episode.

The temperature was dropping when checked the Courtyard just before bed.  However, the moon and stars were out.  No critters spotted.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

October 15, 2021

 Friday October 15, 2021

Blog time 1625 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0715 this morning.  Nancy was already up and getting ready for her swim.

Checked my weather app and it said no rain until this afternoon.  The temperature was a cool 52.  Will need multiple layers today.

Chin-ups at home and then oatmeal breakfast.  Left home at 0830 and the sun was up.  On my way to the Y I encounter a big mole resting on the bike path.  I think all the rain drove it out of his hole.  I did not take a photo.  Bummer.  Bike distance to Y, 8 miles.  

At an empty Y I completed my calisthenics and walked 1/2 mile.

Pedaled home.  Total bike miles today, 11.

At home I immediately hopped in Fusion and drove to Panera’s Drive Thru.  Got coffee and bagel which I brought home.

Sad news, we got a message that Brother in Law Don is not doing well.  The family is starting to get prepared.

Nancy and I drove to D&W, bought salad for tonight and checked to see if they had the Moderna booster shot.  They did not.

A group of parents in Alpena are suing the school district because of their mask mandate.  I think this is a stupid move.

In anticipation of trip to Gaylord I started packing.  Also called Brenna to arrange for her to check on house if we have to leave in a hurry.

Spent the rest of the day reading and puttering around.  I did find time for a nap.

I get so worked up reading the news that I am trying to limit my comments.  I must say the Woke folks and I do not agree on anything.

For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup with salad and croissants.  Very good.

Friday night is movie night at the Scotts.  Tonight we watched “State of Play” on Netflix.  Good movie.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She informed us that she and AJ will be spending Christmas in Budapest with her college roommate Audrey.  Sounds like fun.

Check of Courtyard before bed found everything ok.  I think the rain has finally stopped.  Temp will drop to 40s overnight.  It is mid October and we still haven’t had a frost.

Friday, October 15, 2021

October 14, 2021

 Thursday October 14, 2021

Blog time 1115 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Pitch black when got up at 0700.  Sunrise today is at 0756.  I can’t wait for DST to end.

Nancy has a class at MVP this morning.  Later she will try to get an appointment with Dentist.  She is having problems with another tooth.  Second time this week. 

After Chin-ups I shaved my head and face. Today is Good grooming Thursday.  Oatmeal breakfast and then drove to Y in pouring rain.

Finished calisthenics, walked 1/2 mile and rode 4 miles on stationary bike.  At home quick shower and then drove to Panera.

Got coffee and baguette before settling down to read.

Left at 1200

Nancy and I drove to Hobby Lobby to get frame so I can get a Navy certificate framed.

Lunch and then headed downstairs

On this date date in 2009 Missy and Akerke left Kazakhstan to make a home in the USA.  After a long adoption process Missy was the happiest mother in USA.  It has been 11 years in the USA for Akerke.  We all love her and glad she joined the family. 

Nancy had a 1600 Dentist appointment.  I drove her and sat in car reading on my mini.  To connect to the internet I used my iPhone, a great feature.

After her appointment we stayed in the north end and had dinner at Kitchen 67.  It is a Brann’s owned bare bones eatery.

I had a beer and a bowl of acorn squash bisque.  The soup was outstanding.  Nancy had Mac and cheese which she said was very good.  Kitchen 67 is now on our “return to list”.

Got home in time for evening news.  After the news we watched Death in Paradise.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok in GR and SJ.

Nancy got a FaceTime call from Alessandra.  She was attending her brother’ baseball game.  Nancy and Alessandra had a nice talk.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything secure.  Bright moon.  Temperature will drop to low 50s this evening.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

October 13, 2021

 Wednesday October 13, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0700.  

Nancy is swimming this morning.  This afternoon she works at Gardens.

I do my entire exercise routine at 50%.  Put on bike riding outfit and pedaled to Panera, a distance of 5 miles.  I had to put on an extra layer because temperature was in 50s.

This and that:

This morning’s Alpena News had an article about past local Dairies.  I remember as a boy in the 40s and 50s we had our milk delivered by the Shady Lane Dairy.  The delivery vehicle was a horse drawn milk wagon.  The wagon would stop in front of the house and Clarence would pick up the empty glass milk bottle off our porch and leave new ones. I also remember the name of the horse pulling the wagon, Bell.  

The home delivery started to decline when an A&P store came to town.  It was called a cash and carry store and cheaper to buy milk from A&P than have it delivered.  Sad!

In GR when stores like the A&P ruined the milk delivery business, the independent operators of milk delivery trucks switched their trucks to picking up trash.  In the 60s there were about 50 independent trash haulers.  Of course the big trash firms out of Chicago bought up all the local haulers and now there are probably less than 10.

Today is the 13th so I must buy lottery tickets today.  

GM’s Bolt EV is having serious battery problems.  LG the battery maker will reimburse GM for costs.  This is a lot of money.

The border between Canada and USA will be fully open in November for fully vaccinated folks.  Good news.

DTE the giant Mi Utility will close another coal fired plant.  I hope the move is not premature.

An article in today’s Daily Mail caught my eye.  Katie Couric has written a soon to be published book “Going There”.  In 1916 Couric interviewed Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Ginsburg was asked by Couric about people who take a knee during the playing of the national anthem.  Couric said that Ginsburg called the “gesture dumb and disrespectful”.  But Couric omitted Ginsburg saying “the protest showed a contempt for a government that made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life”.  Ginsburg had it right.  Just of another example of media omitting facts.  Shame on Couric.

GM quit making Saturns in 2019.  I still see a lot of Saturns on the road and they all look good.

I have seen more Woodpeckers this year than in the past 10 years.

Left Panera at noon.  On way home stopped at D&W to buy lottery ticket.  Also I purchased the last package of Ensure Light.

Lunch and then took a quick nap.  After the nap I took a mile walk.  My time for the mile was 24 minutes.  Pretty bad.

This evening I had a bowl of Cheerios with fruit.  Very good.

After the news we watched another episode “New Tricks”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The stars were out and it temperature in 60s.  Rain predicted for tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October 12, 2021

 Tuesday October 12, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was pitch black with temp in low 60s.  Weather app said rain all day.   It was right.

Nancy is feeling much better this morning.  She headed out at 0800 for a class at MVP.

Pull-ups before breakfast.  I had my standard oatmeal with banana breakfast.

I checked our mailbox first thing because we did not get mail yesterday.  Dummy! I forgot yesterday was a holiday, Indigenous People’s’ Day, no mail on holidays. 

Dressed in civilian clothes and drove the Fusion to the Y.  Once again the Y was empty compared to pre pandemic.  Calisthenics, short walk and 4 miles on stationary bike.

Quick shower at Y and then drove to Dr. Kutsche’s office.  Today I got my flu shot.  I had to wait an hour but luckily I brought my mini-iPad so I did some reading while waiting.

Stopped at D&W on way home.  I wanted to buy some Ensure Light.  Like Meijer’s they did not have any.  Maybe it is being discontinued?  Will substitute milk.

Activities for remainder of day:


Nancy and I made trip to Costco.  Purchased trash can for kitchen.

Stopped at Meijer’s for Nancy prescription.

Took a short nap.

Great dinner tonight, chicken with dressing along with corn, coleslaw and cookies.  Very good.

After dinner watched the news.  

Nancy called Akerke on FaceTime.  They had a good talk.

We also got a call from Sister, Helen.  She had planned on coming to GR this week but had to cancel.  Don is not doing well.  Our prayers are with Helen and Don.

Debbie FaceTimed to check on our well being.  We are being well!  Poor joke.

Tonight we watched an episode on Acorn, My Life is Murder.  Good show for relaxing.

It was still misting when checked Courtyard before bed.  I am getting tired of all this rain.  Temperature will drop to 50s tonight.  I think Fall has finally arrived.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

October 11, 2021

 Monday October 11, 2021

Blog time 1200 sitting at Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

I set the alarm last night for 0620.  Nancy has a 0745 with a Dentist specialist.  Later this morning she is having lunch with friend Karen Horlings.

The sun this morning does not come up until 0800.  I don’t like to ride the bike in the dark so I did all my calisthenics at home.  

Just before breakfast I saw a deer in our front yard.  This time of year they are very active.  I never tire of watching deer.

 At 0830 I headed out on a 11 mile bike ride.  Sunny and 70 making perfect conditions for a ride.

Got home at 1000. Nancy found out that the restaurant she was planning on using for lunch was closed.  She had called Karen and made changes.

Later this afternoon Nancy is heading back to our regular Dentist to get a new crown.  I hate going to Dentist so I feel for Nancy have two appointments in one day.  

Quick shower and then I got in Fusion and headed to Woodland Mall.  I made a quick look at new items in Apple store.  The Mall was empty but the Apple store was jammed.

A Starbucks store is now open.  It is in the same location as the old one.  You can tell it is new because their coffee machine was broken.  They also were out of bagels.  

I spent 90 minutes working on blog and reading papers.  Nothing in the papers I want to comment on.

On way home from Mall I stopped at Meijer’s for supplies including a turkey sandwich for dinner.  

Late lunch and then took a short nap.

Finished the afternoon in the office cleaning up.

Late this afternoon Nancy became sick to her stomach.  Either a reaction to the numbing drug the Dentist used or food poisoning from lunch.  She headed to bed and remained incapacitated for the evening.

Dinner tonight was Turkey sub with cottage cheese and fruit.

Watched news on NBC and CNBC.  At 2000 I switched to Netflix and watched an episode of Who Killed Sara.  A Spanish language show.  I give it a B.

I checked the Courtyard about 2200 everything was ok.  It will rain all night and most of tomorrow.

Nancy was feeling was better at 2230.  The poison has left her system.  Great news!

Monday, October 11, 2021

October 10, 2021

 Sunday October 10, 2021

Blog being written on Oct 11 at 1120 sitting in Starbucks Woodland Mall.

Sunday, Got up at 0645.  Dressed and headed to Biggby to get my morning coffee.  At home had oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.

Our Grand Rapids Press did not arrive until 0845.  No chance to read because it was time to leave for Trinity Lutheran’s 0915 service.  The funnies must wait.  God over comics!

Sunny and warm this morning.  We made a wager at how busy church would be.  I said a small turnout because this will be the last warm Sunday and folks will visit cottages one last time.  Nancy disagreed.  She said folks were already in their fall routine.  Nancy was right.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we took the back roads north to Kent City.  It is not yet full Fall color but getting close.  From Kent City we headed south along Fruit Ridge.  It was Sunday but the apple farmers were busy picking.  We have heard they are having a big problem getting workers so the owners and family are working longs days getting the crop in. 

When will the labor market return to normal?  It is serious in GR.

Got home from our ride at 1230.  I read the funnies and then headed out on a short 9 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride although I saw few bikers or walkers.

Lunch and then a shower before my Sunday nap.  Today I slept for 2 hours.  Must have been tired.  Spent the rest of the afternoon reading the papers.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two poached eggs on toasted whole grain bread.  Also sausage and spinach pie. Very good!

Tonight I watched two segments of 60 Minutes.  I liked the segment on AI and face recognition software creating exact replicas of famous folks.  Really scary!

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight on BritBox we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  Alway a good relaxing show.

Earlier this evening we saw three deer in the backyard.  When I checked at 2200, no deer.  It was 70 degrees at bedtime.  Warm for October.

October 9, 2021

 Saturday October 9, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0715.  We both quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for Breakfast.  We were late so we did not get our preferred table.  Nancy had a Western Omelette and I had oatmeal and scrambled egg.  We both had raisin toast with coffee.

Took a scenic route home.  Just before 1000 we drove to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and I looked in Fitzgerald’s and the Orvis store.  Only Nancy made a purchase.  

Dropped Nancy off at home and then I headed to Meijer’s to fill up the Escape.  Also visited Total Wines and bought 3 bottles of my favorite red blend.

Today I took a 10 mile bike ride.  It was 62 and foggy when left home.  Lately on these foggy days I have both my front and rear lights on.  

After the ride I showered and shaved.  Got in the Fusion and drove to Meijer’s for gas.   Gas was $3.39.  Also bought a bunch of bananas at $0.59 per pound.

No nap today.  Spent time in office cleaning my desk.  Also watched some of the UM vs Nebraska game.  UM was lucky.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Bagger Daves.  The restaurant is less than a mile from our Condo.  I had a cheeseburger and Nancy had a grilled cheese.  Best cheeseburger in town.  We are surprised at the number of empty tables at this great restaurants. 

Tonight we watched a terrible movie on Prime.  It starred Tommy  Lee Jones and was called Wander.  We both gave it a D.

Temperature was still in 70s when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Light rain tonight predicted.  Temps on Sunday and Monday will reach high 70s.  

Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 8, 2021

 Friday October 8, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up at 0700, checked weather and heavy rain rolling in about 0800.  No bike today.

This morning Nancy has a class at MVP.  Later she has Book Club at Mary Namey’s.

Chin-ups before breakfast.  After breakfast I hopped in Fusion and headed to Y.  On my way I noted a multi-car crash at intersection of 36th and Kraft.  Major damage to three cars but looked like no injuries.  All the air bags had deployed.

The Y was more crowded today.  Noted several senior women were back after an absence of over a year.  Several told me it was great to be back.

My routine today consisted of Calisthenics, 1/2 mile walk and 20 minutes on the stationary bike.  I took a shower before heading to Panera.  

The Y still does not provide towels so I had to bring my own which is a pain.  I miss using the Y’s towels.  I would even pay more per month if they brought back the towel service.

This and that:

Just got a call from Nancy that she got her flu shot at Walmart.  No wait.  Maybe I will try later.

Sad News:  the Healthcare fraud scandal involving 19 former well paid NBA players is deplorable.  This is criminal and hope they all spend some jail time.

Large multinational companies have been accused of tax avoidance.  Many countries, USA included, are trying to form an association to make the multinationals pay.

Big natural gas shortages in EU, Asia and Latin America are just another sign that we have to go slow when switching to a carbon free energy system.  China is going full speed ahead on building coal plants.  Why does the rest of the world give China a pass.

Left Panera in heavy rain and headed to Mr Thanh’s to pick up pants I had altered.  When I got home Nancy had already left for Book Club.  

Before lunch got a phone call from our plumber.  He had a cancellation and wondered if he could come over and install new faucets in our master bath.  Of course I said yes.  In addition to the new faucet he installed new flappers on our two upstairs toilets.  When Nancy got home from Book Club she inspected the new faucet and was impressed.  

I finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight we had clam chowder with bread and coleslaw.

After dinner I looked out at our backyard.  Four deer were feeding on the grass.  Good to finally see deer in back yard.  After we have several frosts I will start putting out ears of corn.  Usually we have at least four deer eating the corn.

Watched some of the news.  The GR news said today we had over 2” of rain.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  Good show.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Nancy enjoys talking with the girls.

When checked the Courtyard tonight I noted the sidewalk was loaded with earthworms.  The heavy rains forced them to the surface. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

October 7, 2021

Thursday October 7, 2021

Up this morning at 0700.  First thing I checked weather on phone.  Rain will start at 1100.  That means I can get bike ride in without getting wet.

Nancy headed out 0800 for her class at MVP.  Today she has a Dentist appointment at noon.

I do 100% of my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then I dressed for my bike ride.  It was 62 and foggy so I wore several layers.  About 1/2 way into the 11 mile ride I had to stop and remove a layer.  I was sweating profusely.

I got home at 1020.  Kim was cleaning so I took a quick shower downstairs.  Dressed and headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  Bought coffee and bagel.  This morning I started my normal routine backwards.  Read the WSJ before checking email.  

Congratulations to Veronica and Stephen.  Today is their 21st Wedding anniversary.  Wow 21 years.  Time does fly.

After Panera I drove to Woodland Mall.  It was raining.  Stopped at Apple store, I am still looking for a keyboard for my mini.  No luck.

Also stopped at J Crew.  I am looking for a pair of corduroy pants.  J Crew had the pants but they were light weight.  Corduroy pants are winter pants and should be made of heavy weight material.

Several months ago there was a Starbucks located in the center of the Mall.  With my Panera being closed I would stop by this Starbucks get a coffee and do my morning reading.  It was a very popular spot.  

Last time I visited the Mall the Starbucks was gone.  All the equipment was also gone, just an open space was left.  Surprise!  Yesterday I noted the Starbucks was back.  It looked just like the original.  Was the brief closure just because of a shortage of workers?  

As soon as I got home I had lunch.  Spent some time putting furniture back after Kim’s cleaning.  

It was damp and cold in the downstairs office area so I did my reading at my portable work station in the living room.  I will put purchasing a downstairs gas fireplace on my Bucket list.  I want to be warm and comfy when reading and writing.

Tonight for the first time in over a year we had dinner at Shepard’s Grill.  Prior to the Pandemic Shepard’s was my favorite neighborhood bar.  Nancy had a bowl of pea soup and I had a Lake Perch sandwich.  Of course we also had wine.  Great dining experience.  Glad to be back.

Nancy has book club tomorrow.  She has not finished her book so she headed to bed early to read.  I watched an episode of New Tricks.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  I asked her how I could put photos on my iPad and project them on a screen.  She gave me the name of some Apple software.  I expect to be asked to give a presentation at Breakfast Club so I want to be prepared.  

AJ FaceTimed this evening.  She thanked me for sending her some of my old drafting supplies.  We had a nice talk.  AJ seems to be enjoying school.  

It was raining when checked the Courtyard before heading to bed.  Everything was ok.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 6, 2021

 Wednesday October 6, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up with 0500 alarm.  Do a few calisthenics before heading out.  It was cool this morning, 55 which means I could wear my corduroy sports coat.  Love my corduroy coat.

Stopped at Biggby to get a coffee to take with me.  It was pitch black.  Dr Anderson gave me a pair of night glasses.  They really work.

I arrived early at the University Club so I took a short walk around downtown.  Noted several homeless sleeping on the sidewalk.  

Today’s speaker was a fellow BC member, Eric Nelson.  He worked most of his career at UPS.  He explained their growth over the years.  Very interesting.

After BC I drove straight home put on bike clothes and took a short ride, 8 mile.  Stopped at D&W for a Starbucks Coffee and a chance to read some news on my mini.

I got home just as Nancy was leaving for her shift at the Gardens.  Started the laundry.  Took out trash before fixing lunch.

This afternoon I took a nap before heading down to the office for some blog writing.

This and that:

I cannot multi-task.  For best results when writing blog I do not listen to music or have TV on.

Do most Brits regret leaving the EU?

The new commission that is suppose to create Congressional districts has not issued any report.  Mi has lost a congressional seat so the new districts should be interesting.

I cannot remember being this far into the Fall season without having frost.  Global warming?

In 1965 when I  got out of the Navy the Great Lakes water levels were the lowest in years.  Today the lake level is four foot higher than in 65.

For dinner tonight I had a Turkey sub I bought at D&W.  Also had cottage cheese and fruit.

Watched the news on CNBC before heading to the den to watch an Acorn show.  Tonight we watched Kidnap and Ransom.  We both gave the show a B.  

The Courtyard and garage were secure when checked at 2200. Temp still in 60s.  Another rainy, warm day tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

October 5, 2021

 Tuesday October 5, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  Busy day ahead.  I have a 1300 appointment with a plumbing supply company.  Must take some pants to the tailor followed by a trip to Meijer’s for supplies.

Nancy has an early morning class at MVP.  At 1300 she has an appointment to get a bone density test.

First thing this morning I did my chin-ups before breakfast.  Checked the weather and the rain has stopped.  It was 62 degrees.

Breakfast and then headed out on my 8 mile ride to Y.  As I was just heading out I saw 3 Sandhill Cranes in the backyard.  The wind picked up during the ride so I had to stop and put a wind breaker on.  Luckily I carry the wind breaker in my bike bag.

Cascade Road is a death road for deer.  This morning I saw two dead deer along the road.

Once again the Y was not crowded.  Finished my calisthenics and walked 1/2 miles.  After the Y biked the 3 miles home.  Jumped in Fusion and headed to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Also got a free scone from Nancy’s reward account.  

Shaved and showered before heading to Richard’s Plumbing showroom to pick out a bathroom faucet set.  Richard’s had a great selection.  Nancy wanted simple, so simple I got.  I was surprised at how expensive faucets were?

After Richards I headed to Mr Thanh’s Tailor shop on Giddings.  I am getting a pair of Lululemon pants shortened.  Love Lululemon pants.

Final stop was Meijer’s for supplies.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

This and that:

Signs of Fall are everywhere.  My favorite time of year.

The Dems cannot get an Infrastructure package passed.  This is a shame because most folks support the plan.  However, the Dem progressives want to attach their trillion $ social plan to this bill.  Just a few folks are holding up meaningful legislation.

Most polls give President Biden low marks for his Presidency.

Keep reading about the carbon shortage, especially in Europe.  I really don’t understand.

I can’t believe the hatred spewed out by parents who are against their kids wearing masks to school.  Most of the folks are Republicans.  Making threats are not the way things get done in a Democracy.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s cod dinner.  She also fixed corn to go with it.  Good.

Watched some of the news before switching to Prime.  Watched New Tricks.  Unlike our previous viewing this show had commercials.

My Courtyard check before heading to bed showed everything to be secure.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October 4, 2021

 Monday October 4, 2021

Today is 10/4 the birthday of Grandson Lucas.  Lucas is 16 and is now able to drive.  This is a milestone event for a young man. Happy Birthday Lucas.

Blog time 0930 sitting in Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera.

Up this morning at 0700 which seems to be my default wake time.

First thing I checked weather app on phone.  Good news no rain until later this afternoon.  I will ride bike to Y, do calisthenics before heading home.

Nancy is going swimming this morning.  Later she wants to go to plumbing store to buy faucet set.  I told her I would call our Plumber later.

I did my at home chin-ups before breakfast.  After breakfast put on bike clothes and headed out door.  Surprise!  It was raining.  The weather app was wrong.  

Changed back into street clothes and decided to drive to Y.  I took with me my super duper thumb operated padlock.  I had charged it over the weekend.

Was interrupted on drive by call from Plumber telling me where to purchase faucet.  I had to pull over the write his instructions down.  As I was writing instructions, 3 deer ran in front of me.

I was pulling into Y parking lot when I realized that I did not have the key to my locker.  I carry it in my bike clothes.  

Nothing seems to be going my way this morning.  I decided to drive to Panera and do some blog writing.

Spent an hour at Panera writing blog and reading news.  

On way home I stopped at D&W to get a sub for dinner tonight.

The rain had stopped so I finished calisthenics.  Took an 11 mile bike ride.

I did find time for a nap this afternoon.

Before dinner I checked to see if the mail had come.  Directly across Tahoe Drive a doe was watching me.  Third deer sighting today.

Late this afternoon we phoned Grandson Lucas and wished him a Happy Birthday.  We caught him at a good time.  He was walking home from Soccer practice so he was a captive audience.

For dinner I had the roast beef sub purchased earlier.  Also fresh pineapple and coleslaw.

After dinner watched some news and then we switched to Acorn and watched an episode of My Life is Murder.  I give the show a B.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. Everything ok in San Jose.

It was mild, 62, and dark when checked Courtyard at 2200.  The rain has ended.

Monday, October 4, 2021

October 3, 2021

 Sunday October 3, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office watching it rain.

Up this morning at 0700. Dressed and made a quick trip to Biggby to get our Sunday coffees.  Had the coffee with my oatmeal/banana breakfast.

We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church was crowded today.  Once again we timed Pastor Bob’s Homily.  It was exactly 10 minutes.  

Trinity is having their Old Folks get together at the end of the month.  It is at a Japanese restaurant on the East Beltline.  Thought we would make a dry run.  We headed north and found nothing until Nancy said the restaurant is south of Church not north.  Bummer!

We took a scenic route home.  Took Cannonsburg road east off the East Beltline.  Passed Cannonsburg ski area and in the small community of Cannonsburg we found one of our favorite restaurants, Honey Creek Inn.  We made a pledge to visit the restaurant soon.  Headed south to home.  The colors continue to develop. 

Blog resumes on Monday @0910 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

It rained off and on most of Sunday.  No walk or bike ride today, first time in ages.  

Nancy and I continue to downsize.  I spent several hours going through downstairs storage areas.  Tossed a lot of stuff and saved some to send to Grandkids.  Think anyone would want a slide rule?  I have several.

I read today’s print edition of the Grand Rapids Press.  Most of the stories were from news services.  The Press has very few on the local reporters.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed two poached eggs.  I had mine on sourdough toast.  Also fresh pineapple and croissant.

Tonight I watched the first segment of 60 Minutes before switching to BritBox.  Watched and episode of Vera.  

Daughter-in-law Veronica called this evening.  She gave us a great update on how the Scott Team is doing.  We appreciated the call.

It was still raining when checked the Courtyard.  Everything ok.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

October 2, 2021

 Saturday October 2, 2021

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  We immediately got dressed and drove to the Gathering Place for breakfast.  

Like a lot of restaurants Gathering Place has a hard time keeping staff.  This morning two wait staff members did not show up creating a real hardship.  No show wait staff is a big problem throughout the GR area.

I had my usual oatmeal with scrambled egg and Nancy had her Western omelette.  We both had coffee and raisin toast.  Very good food.

After breakfast we drove to Kohl’s.  I wanted to purchase corduroy pants with expandable waist band.  In the past they carried exactly what I wanted.  Today no corduroy.  Corduroy must be out of fashion.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on bike clothes and took an 11.5 mile ride.  Another great day for a ride.  We should have full fall colors soon.

Today is grooming Saturday.  I shaved my head and face before showering.  

I noted when shaving that our cold water faucet was leaking.  After dressing, took the faucet apart.  It looked like it needed a new washer.  Took the faucet assembly to ACE Hardware.  They found a suitable washer.

I installed the faucet assembly and after some fiddling I got it to work properly.  WRONG!  Nancy tried it about an hour later and it was still leaking.  She said why don’t I just call a plumber and let him fix it.  I agreed.

Quick lunch.  I watched some of the UM/Wisconsin game.  UM looked good.

Found time for a short nap.  For dinner tonight we finished some of the cheese and crackers Kathi had brought.  

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  For some reason no commercials tonight.  Think they heard my complaint?

We talked via FaceTime with both Debbie and Missy tonight.  It was hot in CA and of course no rain.  It was raining in GR during  our calls.  It should rain most of the night and tomorrow.

Quick Courtyard check before bed time and everything was secure.

A Blast from past.  I have not checked Great Grandfather Sanborn’s 1938 diary lately.  On this date a Sunday, GGF noted light frost last night.  Thin coating of ice on roads.  

GGF and GGM drove to Alpena.  Their daughter Laura picked 2 1/2 bushels of garden stuff for them.  They had dinner with Laura in Alpena.  GGF noted that 15 folks attended the Ossineke Methodist Church today.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

October 1, 2021

 Friday October 1, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in the Starbucks located in D&W.  The Cedar Closet repairs yesterday must have wiped me out because I slept in until 0730 this morning.

The sun was just coming up.  Sunrise today 0740 and sunset at 1922.  Each day we lose several minutes of daylight.  The temperature was 52.

Nancy headed out early for her Friday swim at MVP.  Today she is having lunch with friends at Schuler’s Book.  

Only chin-ups before oatmeal breakfast.  This morning I added a mile to my ride to Y.  Another great day for a ride, sunny and cool.  We are getting more and more color each day.  The maples are turning red as are the Sumacs.  

At the Y I spent 45 minutes doing calisthenics and walking.  Because of my late start I did not get home until 1130.  Nancy was just leaving for her lunch.

Immediately after getting home I got in Fusion and drove to the Starbucks in our local D&W.  Bought a coffee a donut.  Read my emails and finished yesterday’s blog.  

Got home at 1400.  Showered and then ate a late lunch.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.

This evening we attended a showing at GR Art Museum.  The featured artist was American Jasper Johns.  I found it interesting.  

After the Museum we walked around downtown. Art Prize was still going on so a lot of folks were viewing the displays.

This and that:

The Dems still cannot pass an infrastructure bill.  I sure hope they fail to pass their multi trillion social content bill.  It will bankrupt the USA.

Why can’t all the smart folks stop the ransom ware attacks? 

We got home from downtown at 2000.  Tonight we watched an episode of Kidnap and Ransom on Acorn.  It is a continuing series which I don’t like.  I usually can’t remember what was on the previous episode.

Checked Courtyard at 2200. Everything secure.     


Friday, October 1, 2021

September 30, 2021

 Thursday September 30, 3021

Good Grief the last day of September already!

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy headed out early for her class at MVP.

Only did my chin-ups before breakfast, oatmeal with banana.  Another bright sunny day but a bit cool, 46 this morning.  High temp today will reach mid 70s. 

Put on three layers and biked the 7 miles to the Y.  I spotted three dead raccoons along the side of the rode.  I always thought raccoons were nimble.

Once again the Y was nearly empty.  I finished my calisthenics and walked 0.5 miles before biking home.

At home I jumped in Fusion and drove to local Panera to get coffee and baguette.  Consumed the purchase sitting at my downstairs desk. 

I started finishing the repairs to the Cedar Closet.  Spent an hour before lunch and three hours after lunch.

Nancy helped me complete the project.  Especially with the cleanup.

I am not a nimble repair man.  I dropped boards on my head, cut myself in several places and spilled a box of nails.  But the project is complete.

Shaved and showered before we headed to Bagger Daves.  Nancy had a coke and chili.   I had a Frankenmuth beer and a cheeseburger.  Bagger Daves has the best burgers.

This evening we watched an episode of New Tricks.  My favorite show but I am still mad at Prime for including ads after 8 seasons of ad free viewing.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening. 

Checked the Courtyard before turning.  Everything was secure.  Warm weather continues tomorrow.