Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 29, 2021

 Wednesday September 29, 2021

Blog time 1930 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  Today is Nancy’s swim day.  Later she works this afternoon at Meijer Gardens.

I did all my calisthenics at 50%.  At 0830 I put on warm bike clothes and headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  I ordered coffee and oatmeal with bagel.  Spent time reading mail and news on my mini iPad.

Left at 1115 and got home at noon.  Before lunch I started a load of laundry.  Gathered up trash and recyclables.  Put up a new suet brick and cleaned the deck table.  

Lunch at 1400 and then spent the rest of afternoon putting up insulation and wood trim in Cedar Closet.  Almost done will finish tomorrow. 

For dinner tonight I had another cup of yogurt along with blackberries.  Dessert was two oatmeal cookies.

We watched both NBC and CNBC news tonight.  Big news items:

Will the Dems every get together and pass an infrastructure bill.

Covid keeps rearing its ugly head.  Nancy and I will be first in line when Moderna gets approval for booster shot.  We are also waiting for our GP to get his allotment of flu shots.

The Progressives keep talking about making the wealthy pay their fair share.  Yet the Government give the buyers of Electric Cars a big monetary incentive.  Of course only rich folks can afford an EV. The Progressives also want to make local taxes deductible.  Another gift to rich guys.

Why is the news media obsessed with Britney Spears?  

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was called “Kidnap & Ransom”.  The jury is still out!

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything OK.

AJ and Melissa FaceTimed today.  AJ is really great at pencil drawing.  I will check to see if I have any mechanical pencils or drafting tools.  

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

September 28, 2021

Tuesday September 28, 2021

Blog time 1230 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Up at 0730 this morning.  Checked weather app and looks like another beautiful day.  Sunny with temps reaching mid 70s.  Presently it is 52.

Nancy has an early class at MVP. She was left at 0800.  Later she is having lunch with her work mates from Meijer’s Garden.

I only did chin-ups before breakfast.  Breakfast as usual was oatmeal with banana.   Put on multiple layers and biked the 7 miles to the Y.

At Y put on workout clothes, finished my calisthenics and took a short walk.  Put bike clothes back on and headed home, 3.7 miles.  I shave on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Today I shaved before showering.  Dressed and drove to Panera.

This and that:

Conservative parents in Alpena are pulling their kids out of school because of mask mandate and teaching of critical race theory.  They are now considering forming a cooperative.  I think the parents are doing their kids a very big disservice.  

Will Congress ever pass the infrastructure bill.  I support this bill but the bigger social bill supported by Progressives costing trillions is just plain bad for the country.

The Generals appearing before Congress say they did not approve of the Presidents actions regarding troops removal from Afghanistan.  An embarrassment for the President.

Looked on the Sports page on Sunday and saw they are still playing baseball.  Does anyone care? I sure don’t.

Recent sightings of woolly caterpillers shows they have a heavy coat of black fur.  This means we will have a cold winter.

After lunch today I made a quick trip to ACE Hardware to purchase a small hand saw.  I will use the saw to cut wood trim and insulation when restoring the Cedar Closet.

For dinner tonight we had pea soup with fruit.

Tonight after the news.  We watched an episode of Liverpool.  It was not very good.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 27, 2021

 Monday September 27, 2021

Slept into until 0700 today.  Sunrise at 0736.  Sun and temp reaching 80 today.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.

I did some chin-ups before my standard breakfast of oatmeal with banana.

The temperature was 62 so it was difficult to figure out what to wear.  Finally decided on long pants, wool undershirt and a fluorescent sweatshirt.

Sad news found a dead deer on the bike path.  It looks like it had been recently hit.

It is 7 miles from Condo to Y.  At Y I finished my calisthenics.  The Y lately has not been busy.  Bad for Y but good for me.  No waiting for use of chin-up bar.  

It is a short 3.7 miles from Y to Condo.  At home drove to the Panera closest to our Condo to get bagel and coffee.  Brought coffee and bagel home.  Checked my email and read news before showering.

This afternoon we have a meeting with our Wells Fargo financial advisor at 1330.  The office is downtown so we have to dodge all the Art Prize visitors.  The WF parking lot was full so we parked in a City ramp.

Our meeting lasted about 40 minutes.  Not much change since last year so we felt pretty good.

As soon as I got home, changed clothes and headed to Home Depot.  Last week I found a perfect sheet of foam insulation to use for repairs near the concrete wall crack in our Cedar Closet.  The only problem was the sheet would not fit in Escape and Home Depot would not cut it for me.  

Found out that I can easily cut the foam using a jackknife. Bought the sheet, took it to the parking lot, laid it on the bituminous, measured and cut.  It was easy.

At home I placed the foam sheet next to the crack and it fit perfect.  I still have some fiddling to do but the hard part is over.

Dinner tonight was leftovers.  I had the last of Nancy’s omelette from Saturday.  We also finished the cheese and crackers that Kathi brought us last week.  For dessert oatmeal cookies.  

The temperature was in the low 80s today so I opened up a bottle of dry Riesling.  This wine is made in Traverse City, Mi.  Like a cool wine on hot days.  I predict that today is the last 80 degree day this year.

Today we watched Lucy Lawless in “My Life is Murder” on Acorn.  Acorn releases a new episode every Monday.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Warmer in GR than San Jose.

Bright sky and mild temps when checked the Courtyard at 2200.

Monday, September 27, 2021

September 26, 2021

 Sunday September 26, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Good grief I did not get out of bed until 0730.  Dressed and drove to Biggby to get our morning coffee.  I also got myself a bagel.

Fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee and bagel.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Big crowd at church today.  Noted a lot of young folks which is great.

We heard that Homilies at Trinity were 10 minutes or less.  Today we checked and it was exactly 10 minutes.  Pastor Bob commented that he was glad they almost ran out of communion bread. 

This morning we are having brunch at the Moleski’s.  We drove directly to their home after Church.  Tim Mask and Mary Namey were also in attendance.  I had a Bloody Mary before brunch and Nancy had a glass of champagne.

German apple pancakes and regular pancakes were on the menu.  Also sausage and fresh fruit were provided.

We talked and ate until 1400.  A good time was had by all.

The only exercise today was a mile walk.  Felt good to take a day off.

We had cheese and crackers for dinner.  Watched several segments of 60 Minutes.  I especially liked the segment on Wyoming Rep Liz Cheney.  She is holding her own against the crazy Trump supporters.  Think I will donate to her campaign.

Tonight we watched an episode New Tricks.  

Debbie called this evening.  We got up to date.  We also called Missy to check in. She is also doing ok.

Very mild when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  Tomorrow the temp might reach 80.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

September 25, 2021

 Saturday September 25, 2021

Blog time 1750 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0730.  We both got dressed and drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  About 10 customers when we arrived.

Nancy had her usual western Omelette and I had oatmeal with scrambled egg.  We both had coffee and raisin toast.

Took a short ride after breakfast.  Left Nancy off at home and then I ran errands.

First stop was Home Depot.  I found a sheet of foam insulation that would work great in our Cedar Closet.  The only problem:  it was too big to get in Escape.  I asked if they would cut it in half. There reply was we don’t cut insulation.

Drove to Lowes and they did not have any insulation.  On Monday I will drive to Home Depot buy a sheet of insulation.  In the parking lot I will cut the sheet in half.  

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 10.5 mile ride.  Another great day for a ride.  A lot of families were out riding or walking.  No critters to report today.  I have said previously that I think this year we have a bumper crop of walnuts and acorns.  I keep running over them with my bike.  The squirrels and deer should love this high protein food.  Although do Deer eat walnuts?

At home I showered and shaved before a quick lunch.  Found time this afternoon for a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  First time this week I had an evening meal that was easy on the stomach.

No news tonight because of college football.  We did watch two shows tonight.  Death in Paradise on Brit Box and the Republic of Doyle.  Easy watching.

Checked the courtyard before going to bed.  Everything was secure.  Temp will drop the high 40s over night.  

Saturday, September 25, 2021

September 24, 2021

 Friday September 24, 2021

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Started the coffee and waited for Kathi and Nancy to wake up.  

Got a little impatient so at 0800 I drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  I had enough rewards so that it did not cost me a cent.

When got home Nancy and Kathi were up and fixing a light breakfast.  We helped Kathi load her car and then Nancy and Kathi headed out to visit friends and do some more Art Prize viewing.  

After they left I did my morning calisthenics and then had an oatmeal breakfast.  It was sunny but cool when I headed out on my morning ride.  Left home at 1030 and got home at Noon.  This morning I saw two Sandhill Cranes feeding.  They are a majestic bird and have no fear of humans.

Quick shower and then ran errands.  Dropped shirts off at laundry.  Stopped at Meijer’s for cookies, yogurt and bananas.

Kathi dropped Nancy off at 1300.  This morning they saw more of Art Prize and stopped at the Fulton Street market.  Nancy bought apples and radishes.  

This evening we are attending an Over 60 Church dinner at 1000 Oaks.

We left for 1000 Oaks at 1730.  Over 20 Church members over 60 were in attendance.  We all had drinks before dinner.  The food was very good.  I had whitefish and Nancy a salad.  The conversation was light and friendly.  We both enjoyed ourselves talking with the Church folks.  Got home at 2130.

No TV tonight we headed straight to bed.  We have had a busy but enjoyable week.

I did check the Courtyard at 2200.  Everything ok.  Temperature was in mid 50s.  Tomorrow will be sunny with temp reaching mid 60s.

Friday, September 24, 2021

September 23, 2021

 Thursday September 23, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

It rained all night.  Woke at 0700 and checked weather app.  Rain predicted for all day.  I got our coffee maker set up.  Fixed myself a coffee and oatmeal.  

Nancy and Kathi were up by 0730.  They had coffee and scones.

Kathi is getting her car serviced at 0900 this morning.  She and Nancy left at 0830.  Nancy will pick her up and they will spent most of the day at Art Prize.

I left for the Y at 0900.  It was still raining hard.  Performed all my calisthenics and pedaled 5 miles on the stationary bike.  Showered and headed to Panera.

This afternoon I have a 1400 Dentist appointment.

This and that:

Good Grief why can’t the clowns in DC avoid a Government shut down.

Are President Biden and French President Macron ready to kiss and make up?

Left Panera at 1300.  At home had a quick lunch before heading to Dentist.  Today the Dentist gave me a new mouth guard to put over my upper implants.  After some adjustments it fit great.  

Nancy and Kathi got home just before I did.  They spent some time telling me what a great day they had despite the weather.  

We have an 1800 reservation for dinner at Cascade Roadhouse.  We arrived on time and were immediately seated.  

We ordered wine and spent time savoring the wine and talking.  For dinner Kathi and I had the beef dip sandwich and Nancy ordered Mac and Cheese.  It was all very good.  

At home we talked until 2200.  No TV tonight.  Checked the Courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.  The rain had stopped.  Temperature will drop to high 40s tonight but Friday will be sunny and mild.   

Thursday, September 23, 2021

September 22, 2021

 September 22, 2021

Breakfast Club Wednesday:  I got up with alarm at 0515.  Light calisthenics, dressed and headed out.  

Stopped at Biggby for a small coffee before heading downtown. It was pitch black.  Luckily I remembered that I had a pair of night time glasses in the car.  Big help!

Good crowd at BC this week.  Today’s speaker was retired Naval Captain Bob Dean.  Captain Dean was a medical doctor and served as a flight surgeon during his career which included deployment on aircraft carriers.  Captain Dean described operations during bombing runs on North Vietnam.  Interesting!

After BC noted the rain had stopped.  Drove straight home and headed out on an 11 mile bike ride.  The temperature was in mid 50s so I wore multiple layers.

At home showered, dressed and headed out on errands.  First stop was to fill up the Escape at Meijer’s.  Gas was $3.06.  Picked up at prescription at Meijer’s Pharmacy.

Debbie owns a duplex rental in SE GR.  The property manager has told Debbie that a new roof will be installed this fall.  I stopped by and checked.  A new roof has not been installed.

Final stop Panera to get a coffee.  The coffee went well with my lunch.

This being Wednesday I performed my standard chores

Load of laundry

Took out trash.

Nancy’s friend Kathi is spending several nights.  It is now 1650 and she will stop by soon.  We are all going out for dinner.

This and that:

Today is the astronomical equinox.  Equal hours of daylight and dark.  Checked my weather app and sure enough places like Edinburgh, Scotland and Tucson, Az had the same hours.

The bad news is that our days are still getting shorter.  We get only 9 hours of sun on the Winter Solstice, Dec 21.

For this first time since March I turned to heat on.  Wanted to take the chill out of the house.

Do other nations get offended by US Presidents lecturing them. President Biden’s recent UN speech was unspectacular.

Kathi did not arrive until almost 1800.  She had stopped at Trader Joe’s and brought us a goodie bag.  

The women decided that instead of going out we would just snack.  So we had several types of cheese and crackers, sausage and the topper, Pumpkin Cheese Cake.  

Poured wine for everyone and we snacked and talked until 2200.  A great way to spend a cold fall evening. 

Checked Courtyard at 2200, everything secure.  Temperature had dropped to 48.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 21, 2021

 Tuesday September 21, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Slept in until 0700.  Checked the weather app, intermittent showers all day.  Decided no bike ride today, instead I will drive to Y.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for at class at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with friends.

Chin-ups and pull-ups at home before breakfast.  Light rain when drove to Y.  The Y was nearly empty.  I completed my calisthenics and then walked 1.2 miles.  Showered, dressed and headed to Panera.

This and that:

President Biden addresses the UN about global cooperation.  Does anyone believe him?

The Haitian migrant crisis in Texas is just a mess.  Is this another mishandled issue by the Biden administration?

I cannot figure out why parents are opposed to their children wearing masks to school.  It must be generational because my folks would always comply with rules especially when they have strong medical support.  Respect authority!

After lunch I spent time getting bills paid and checking finances. I am surprised how much I do online.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  

After watching the news we watched a new episode of New Tricks on Prime.  I am still mad that Amazon got us hooked on a show and then added commercials.  

Light rain and cool when checked courtyard at 2200.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

September 20, 2021

 Monday September 20, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

I thought today was the Equinox, however, it is not until the 22nd.

Up this morning at 0630.  First thing checked my weather app and rain will start at 1000.  

Big change in plans.  I want to get my bike ride in before the rain.  My plan, 50% calisthenics at home, no breakfast but head out on the 10.5 mile bike ride.  

Encountered no rain on ride. Got home at 0900.  Finished calisthenics and then quick shower.  Breakfast and headed to Panera.

On my early morning ride I encountered many folks waiting for the school bus.  All the kids were wearing masks.  I was surprised that most of the parents seeing the kids off were men.

This morning’s Alpena News said that starting today school kids must wear masks.  Masks have been big controversy but apparently higher authority has mandated mask wearing.

Nancy this morning went swimming at MVP.  Later today we are going to Costco.

While at Panera I got a call from Trinity Lutheran asking that I help unload at truck carry supplies for Afghan refugees.  I said yes.  

Quickly headed home and changed to work clothes.  I getting ready to leave when got call that the unloading was called off.  No storage room.

With this news I decided to run some errands.  Our water problems seem to be solved so I must replace the insulation and paneling that had been removed to accommodate the crack sealing operation. 

First stop was Home Depot.  They did not have the paneling I needed.  Next stop Lowe’s.  Lowe’s had the paneling and lumber.  I will purchase at a later date when I have the exact dimensions.  

Stopped at Meijer’s to fill up the Fusion.  I can't remember the cost of gas.  Also bought bananas for tomorrows breakfast.

At home I had my standard lunch.  

Nancy’s friend Kathy Kothe who now lives in Indianapolis is visiting GR to see Art Prize.  Kathy is staying at our place Wednesday and Thursday night.  I use the guest bathroom and store clothes in the bedroom.  I cleaned the guest bathroom and moved all my things out of the bedroom.  We are now ready for Kathi’s visit.

For dinner tonight we finally finished the Rotisserie chicken bought last week at Costco.  Chicken sandwich with cottage cheese and cookies.

Watched CNBC News before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of the Lucy Lawless show “My Life is Murder”.  The show is ok but we really like the scenery in New Zealand.

I started a new book Monday it one of the offshoots to “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  It is starting ok.  It usually takes me a month to read a book.  

Checked our neat and clean Courtyard at 2200.  It was ok.  Temperature was in low 70s and light rain.  Rain the next several days with dropping temps.


Monday, September 20, 2021

September 19, 2021

 Sunday September 19, 2021

Blog time 1918 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and drove to Biggby Coffee to get our morning coffee.

Fixed oatmeal with banana to go with coffee.  Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Good news, church was crowded this morning.  Sunday School started this week so a lot of families in attendance.  Healthy sign.

After church we took a short ride.  Headed east to Lowell via the back roads.  Passed a lot of farms with horses.  Beautiful day for a ride, bright sun and temp near 80.

As soon as we got home changed into our work clothes.  For the next two hours Nancy and I trimmed all the shrubs and bushes in our Courtyard.  We put all the trimming in large yard waste bags.  

Several of the bushes had thorns so I had to wear leather gloves.  The temperature reached the mid 80s and it completely wiped us out.  Finally after two sweaty hours we had completed our task.  The trimmings were all bagged, the sidewalk swept, and tools put away.  We both agreed the Courtyard looks great. A job well done.

We both headed to the showers.  After the shower, I had lunch, yogurt with Fiber 1, soft cheese on naan, and a bottle of Ensure.

Followed lunch with a nap.  After the nap spent the rest of the afternoon reading the papers.

For dinner tonight we fixed chicken sandwiches.  So far we have gotten three meals off the Costco Rotisserie chicken.

No news or 60 Minutes tonight.  We watched a Netflix movie, The Courier.  The movie was about a UK business man smuggling sensitive military data out of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  It was a dark movie that I could relate to.  

I was stationed on Midway Island when the Crisis started.  I had completed my year tour and looked forward to my new stateside assignment.

I contacted the Civil Engineering Officer in charge of assigning Officers their new duty stations.  He sent me a message saying because of the Cuban Missile Crisis all Officers were frozen in place.  No new assignments for at least 6 months.  I cried it wasn’t fair keeping a young single Ensign cooped up on a small rock in the middle of the Pacific.

Surprise! Several hours later I got a message from the same Personnel Officer saying they had an immediate opening in Southeast Asia.  I immediately replied get my ass to SE Asia.

Next day, I think a Wednesday, I got my orders assigning me to the Deputy Officer in Charge of Construction Southeast Asia, Saigon, Vietnam.  I immediately headed to the library to get a map showing where Saigon was located. I was on the Friday flight off Midway. It was 75 when left Midway and -17 when I landed in Alpena.  Who care I was spending Christmas at home.

At 2200 I checked the Courtyard.  With the trimmed foliage I could easily see if any critters were hiding.  None noted.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 18, 2021

 Saturday September 18, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  Quickly dressed and then we drove to Bob Evans for breakfast.  I had oatmeal with scrambled egg and sourdough toast.  Nancy had eggs and ham with biscuits.  Very good.

We have recently cleared our closets of unwanted clothes.  They are now sitting in bags in our basement.  Next week Nancy will drop them off at a local church on Franklin Street near our of home.  This morning we made a dry run.

At home Nancy did laundry and I took a 15 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.  I pedaled to Ada and back.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After lunch we made quick trip to Ace Hardware.  Bought yard waste bags.

At home we started trimming back the shrubs and bushes in our courtyard. Stopped work at 1700 because it was time for our Saturday afternoon summer treat.

We drove to Scoopers in Ada for ice cream.  I had a cup of butter pecan and Nancy had chocolate praline.  Very good.  Sad news tomorrow Scoopers is closing for the season.

This evening we watched an episode of Vera.  Not very good.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Bright full moon when checked Courtyard at 2200.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

September 17, 2021

Friday September 17, 2021

Set alarm for 0615.  This morning at 0830 Foundation Solutions is coming to again seal our basement wall crack.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  It was just 0800 so I drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee and bagel.

The repair man arrived at 0830.  First thing he did was to put a camera down our roof downspout.  The downspout was clear as was the outlet pipe.  I decided in no way was the downspout responsible for the basement wall leakage.  

Next the a hose was placed against the wall near the crack.  After running for some time there was leakage through the crack that had recently been sealed.  The repair man resealed the crack while the hose was still running.  The new seal worked.  AT LAST.

At 1100 I headed out on a 10.4 mile bike ride.  Once again a beautiful day for a ride.

Showered when got home and then Nancy and I drove to Tangers Outlet Mall.  We spent about 45 minutes shopping.  The only purchase was a tube of lipstick.

At home I had a quick lunch followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight we had chicken sandwich.  The chicken was left over from our recent purchase of a rotisserie chicken at Costco.  Also coleslaw and mashed potatoes.  Very good.

Watched the news before switching to Prime.  Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  We have to got to Prime to get the program but it now has commercials.  I have been told Prime gets you hooked and then switches to commercials.  Bad PR for Amazon.

Bright full moon when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Temperature still in low 70s.  


Friday, September 17, 2021

September 16, 2021

 Thursday September 16, 2021

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Good grief I slept in until 0730.  The sun was already up and a beautiful sunrise it was.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP at 0800.  I did only chin-ups and pull-ups before breakfast.  

This morning I pedaled the 7 miles to the Y.  The Y was empty.  I completed my calisthenics and then walked 0.5 miles on their inside 0.2 mile track. 

Pedaled the 3.67 mile from Y to Condo.  Took a quick shower and then grabbed my iPad and drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  Arrived at noon and the place was not crowded.  

Grabbed a coffee and bagel.  Settled down to read emails and news.

First thing when got home Nancy and I headed to Costco.  We purchased paper towels, toilet paper, mini naans, eye drops and a sweat shirt for me.  Also got a rotisserie chicken for dinner tonight.  Costco was not crowded.  

At home I had a quick shower.  Lunch and then drove to Total Wines to replenish my wine supply.  Love Total Wines.

Next stop was Meijer’s for Yogurt and sugar free oatmeal cookies. Total Wine was crowded but Meijer’s was not.  Is there a message here?

Finished the afternoon reading in office.  For dinner we had the rotisserie chicken from Costco.  Also coleslaw and a baguette.  For desert had two oatmeal cooking.

We did watch the news tonight.  The coronavirus continues almost unabated.  Folks have got to get their shots.  

The Dems cannot agree on how to get expensive legislation passed.  Trillion dollar Barry is fighting with the conservatives in his party.

Did AOC pay with her own money for the ticket to the Big Gala?  Her dress was horrible.

Tonight we watched the last episode of season 8 of Death in Paradise.  I thought we were done with the show but up popped season 9.  Good because I like the show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  

The Courtyard was fine when checked at 2200.  Clear night with bright moon.  Another sunny day forecast for tomorrow with temps in 80s.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

September 15, 2021

 Wednesday September 15, 2021

Blog time 1025 sitting at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Today is my easy Wednesday. Slept in until 0700.  

Sunrise today at 0723.  My weather app said it will be sunny but it also said the humidity outside at 0700 was 100%.  Stepped outside and it looked dry to me. 

Speaking of dry I checked out Cedar Closet and we had water leakage this morning.  Very confusing:  it was dry when I went to bed last night.  No rain overnight so I think the source was the sprinklers that went off about 0600. Cleaned up and put more dry towels down.

I did reduced (50%) calisthenics at home before getting on bike and riding to Panera.  I have a free bowl of oatmeal at Panera so I decided to get it.  

The distance from the Condo to the Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera is about 4 miles.  I noted as I pedaled along busy 28th Street that 50% of folks driving by were using their iPhones.

This and that:

75% of folks on motorcycles do not wear helmets.

US Congress proposing tax credits for electric vehicles.  This is unfair and only supports rich folks.  If you want an EV you should pay the full cost.  The pols should keep out.

The actions of the Chairman of the Joint Chief during President Trump’s final days should be reduced in rank and fired. 

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  Later at 1800 we are attending an opening of an Art Prize event at the GR Art Museum.

After lunch I did Wednesday chores.  Laundry, trash and recyclables to curb.

I did take a nap which is normal for Wednesday.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1700.  She changed clothes and then we headed downtown to the Art Museum.

The event we attended was not well attended.  No Art Prize entrants were inside.  Everything was outside.  We walked around the Museum and looked at the art work.  

Spent some time walking around downtown.  We even found time to get a frozen yogurt.  Beautiful evening and a lot of young folks walking around.

We got home about 2000.  We had time to watch an episode of Death in Paradise.  The temperature was still in 70s when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Very bright moon in sky.



Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 14, 2021

 Tuesday September 14, 20201

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up with alarm at 0615.  Today I have a 0745 appointment with dermatologist.  Nancy has a 0900 appointment to get her pacemaker checked out.

I did chin-ups and pull-ups at home before driving to dermatologist.  My original purpose of the visit was to get a mole checked out.  The mole was fine.

However, the recent biopsy of the spot on my hand was positive. Additional surgery will be required.

I also asked about a spot on my arm.  A biopsy was taken. Results in two weeks.

I was home by 0900.  Finished my calisthenics and then took a 10.84 mile bike ride.  Today I saw many dead critters along the path.  Deer, turkeys, possum and raccoon.  It is the time of year when critters are moving so drivers must take extra precautions.

At home I took a quick shower, dressed and headed to Panera’s drive thu for my morning coffee and bagel.  Checked my email at home while drinking coffee and eating bagel.

Nancy said the check of her pacemaker was ok.  The Doctor’s parting shot was see you next year.

At 1300 I headed out for my Dentist appointment.  Today in addition to cleaning my bottom teeth, my upper denture was removed and cleaned.  I was in the chair for about 75 minutes.

Spent time cleaning up our basement before an early dinner at 1600.  At 1500 Nancy and I drove to Meijer Gardens.  The Gardens had a special lecture dealing with GR’s Art Prize.  We did not attend the lecture.  Instead we walked around and looked at the new Fall displays.

We got home in time to watch the 1900 News on CNBC.  Most pundits predict that CA Governor will survive today’s recall vote. I agree.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Vera.  Unfortunately both Nancy and I feel asleep right before the end.  No idea who done it.

Debbie FaceTimed tonight.  She is doing employee evaluations not a enjoyable task.  But like they say in the kidney stone business “this too shall pass”.

Checked the Courtyard at 2200.  It was a clear night with bright moon.  Also checked the Cedar Closet and all was dry.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

September 13, 2021

 Monday September 13, 2021

Blog time 1120 sitting in Panera on Lake Eastbrook.

Up this morning at 0630.  It had rained most of the night so first thing I checked the Cedar Closet.  It was dry.

Thunder storms were rolling through so Nancy did not know if the pool would be open.  She wore her swim suit anyway.  If the pool was closed she would walk the treadmill.

Because of the rain I will postpone bike ride to later.  Just did pull-ups/ chin-ups at home.  Breakfast and then dressed in street clothes I drove to the Y.  

Finished my calisthenics and walked 1/2 mile.  Showered and drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.  

Read local papers and checked emails before leaving Panera at 1100.  It started to rain hard on my way home.  Checked the Cedar Closet and no water.  

The thunder storm provided plenty of thunder and lightning along with rain.  So far the wall seal has held.

Today is the 13th so made a quick trip to D&W to get a Powerball and MegaMillion lottery tickets.

Good grief the rains continue to pommel the south.  Parts of  Louisiana are expected to receive 20 inches of rain from Tropical Storm Nicholas.

Global Warming is going to be a big campaign issue in 2022.

Lunch and more time in office.  About 1500 it looked like the rain had stopped.  I took a 10.65 mile bike ride.  Made good time.  Is this because I have rested 4 hours?

Took another shower and this time I shaved.  All the showers really dries my skin so I put on a heavy layer of lotion.

We had our normal Monday dinner.  Tonight instead of Cheerios I had a bowl of Fiber 1.  Also a scone and grapes.

Tonight watched the news.  The GOP is rightly blaming the President for the botched closing of operations in Afghanistan.   But now they do not want to allow Afghans refugees who helped us into the USA.  Shame on GOP.  Once again we need a third Political Party.

Tonight we watched an episode of the Lucy Lawless show on Acorn.  We both give the show a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We told her about our rain today and she said California would give anything for a good thunderstorm.

It was pitch black and 70 when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  The rain had stopped.


Monday, September 13, 2021

September 12, 2021

 Sunday September 12, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Did not get up until 0700.  Dressed and headed to Bigsby coffee to get our Sunday coffee.  I also got a bagel.

The temperature was in the low 70s with humidity at 92%.  Uncomfortable.

After breakfast and a quick read of the Sunday Comics we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Very small crowd today.  The staff must be getting worried.

Another explanation could be that folks like watching church service from home.  Saves some hassle.  What do you think?

After the service we took our Sunday Drive.  Today we drove south on Kalamazoo to 100th Street.  East on 100th to the Village of Caledonia.  Very pleasant drive.  

Our lack of rain is evident in several corn fields.  The corn looks stressed.  

Every time we take our Sunday drives through rural Mi we are surprised at how the area has developed since we arrived in 1968.

At home, Nancy drove to Talbots to make an exchange.  I took a 10 mile bike ride.  I encountered few folks on this morning’s ride.  It might be the humid conditions.

Showered before lunch.  Took a short nap.

I am still downsizing.  Put more clothes in the pile that Nancy gives to charity.

9/11 is dominating the news.  Other important dates I remember, VJ Day in 45, Cuban missile crisis, first coup in Vietnam, Gulf of Tonkin, assassination JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, John Glenn circling the planet, walk on moon.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed poached egg on waffle.  Also spinach and sausage.

We watched the news.  No 60 Minutes tonight.  Watched an episode New Tricks. I stayed up and watched the final episode of season 1, The Defeated.  Disappointed in ending.  Set us up for a season 2.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

It was raining when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  We also checked the Cedar Closet and it was dry.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

September 11, 2021

 Saturday September 11, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  It was still dark.  Sunrise today at 0718.

We quickly dressed and got in Escape and drove to the Gathering Place for Breakfast. Only five folks were seated when we arrived.

We both had our normal breakfast.  Nancy had a Western Omelette with ham and raisin toast.  I had oatmeal with one scrambled egg and raisin toast.  Of course we both had coffee.

Took a short drive around the neighborhood after breakfast.  At home Nancy started the laundry.  I headed out on a 14 mile bike ride.  It was a beautiful day for a bike ride.  Bright sun with temps in high 60s.  The trails were crowded with bikers and walkers.

At home I showered and then had lunch.  This afternoon I drove Nancy to Breton Village.  She visited Talbots and bought a top.

I finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the Sep 11th attack.  I remember the day well.  I was just leaving the MAC when I saw the Today Shows first report of a plane running in the Trade Center.  Most folks thought it was a small plane.  Info was very sketchy at first.

When I arrived at our Office on the 16th floor of the McKay Tower, Jennifer had turned our small TV on.  We spent a lot of time that day watching the TV News.  The attack dominated the news for weeks.

On Saturday after the attack I was inspecting bridges in the City of GR.  My first inspection was the Ann Street Bridge over the Grand River.  The Ann Street bridge has five deep and wide I beams spaced about 5 feet.  The bottom plate of the I beam was wide enough for me to stand on.  The beams were also just deep enough so that I could support myself by placing my hand on the underside of the concrete deck.  This configuration allowed a great inspection.

I would walk on all five beams.  When I completed my first run I was met by two Grand Rapids Police Officers.  Someone had reported a suspicious man under the bridge.  Most folks were still spooked by 9/11.  It took me some time to explain to the Officers that I was working for the City of GR.  After providing identification and contract documents the Officers let me return to my inspection.

For dinner tonight we drove to Scoopers in Ada.  I got a large cup of vanilla ice cream and Nancy a medium cup of chocolate carmel.  The weather was great so we sat outside and leisurely ate our weekly treat.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Republic of Doyle” on Acorn.  Good show.  It is filmed in St Johns Newfoundland.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched The Defeated on Netflix.  One episode left.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

The temperature was still in 70s when checked the Courtyard at 2200.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

September 10, 2021

 Friday September 10, 2021

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Slept in this morning until 0700.  Bright sun but temperature only 52.

Nancy is going swimming this morning at MVP.  Later she has her monthly Book Club meeting.

After calisthenics I had my oatmeal breakfast.  For the first time in four months I wore long pants.  

Today I changed my routine.  No stops today. I headed out from home and pedaled 11 mile, ending back up at home.

It was 1030 so I wanted to get to Panera before the lunch traffic begins.  I was the fifth car in line. Ordered coffee and bagel.

I sat in the Fusion in Panera’s lot and drank coffee, ate bagel read news on mini iPad.  

This and that:

AHS was closed today because of bomb threat.  Crazy people are everywhere.

All the six high schools surrounding Alpena play eight man football.

Congress still cannot pass an infrastructure bill.  

We need a third party.  This party would have the moderates in the GOP and Democratic Party.  The Trump wing of the party is crazy as is the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party.

I have not watched any football this season.  

I lose all interest in baseball after Labor Day.

As soon as I got home from Panera I took a shower.

My bike seat on the Cannondale is too high.  I called Ada Bike and they said they could remove an inch off the seat post.  Took seat off the bike and drove to Ada.  It took them 5 minutes to shorten the seat post.  Charged me $5 which I thought was very reasonable.

On a sad note Ada Bike’s long time chief mechanic has left.  Ted was the only mechanic would could keep the internal hub on the Bianchi working properly.  Good Luck Ted.

At home I put the seat back on and then made a trial run.  It works fine.  Stopped at D&W and bought a six pack of Ensure Light.

Lunch.  As soon as Nancy got home from Book Club she headed to Great Clips and got her hair cut.  They cut it short and it looks great.

No nap today spent time moving summer clothes to storage.

For dinner Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s Cod Dinner.  She also fixed corn and coleslaw.  

Watched the news.  The attack on 9/11 was the main topic.

Tonight we watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway, followed by Acorn’s “Upper Middle Bogan”.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Netflix’s “The Defeated”.

Checked Courtyard at 2200. Everything ok.

Friday, September 10, 2021

September 9, 2021

 Thursday September 9, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Up this morning at 0700

0730 Nancy heads out to class at MVP

Calisthenics and then oatmeal with banana for breakfast

Started out on bike ride.  It was sunny but cool, low 50s. I had put on multiple layers.

During ride got a call from Dermatologist saying they cannot download my photo of suspected cancerous mole.  We scheduled an in person appointment for 0730 next Tuesday.

Stopped at D&W Starbucks for coffee and chance to read some news.

Home at 1215.  Kim was cleaning.

Structural Foundatiion stopped by at 1215.  Looked at the sealed crack that failed during last week’s heavy shower.

Tried to replicate the storm.  Put a hose next to the outside wall. Left the water run for 15 minutes with no leakage.  Moved hose to roof downspout and immediately water started seeping through the wall cracks.

Finally we found the source of the water leaking through the wall.  A camera will be put in the downspout next week.

Picked up prescription from Meijer’s.  Also bought supplies.

Short nap.

Dinner tonight was soup, cream corn with crab.  Good just like Cheap Charlie’s.  

After the news we watched the second part of “Death in Paradise”.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and finished reading the WSJ.  I don’t know why because the news was not cheery.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  She has been very busy with works.

The temperature was already in 50s when checked the Courtyard.  Another cool evening.  Great for sleeping.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

September 8, 2021

 Wednesday September 8, 2021

Blog time 1500 in office

Up this morning with 0515 alarm.  Today is Breakfast Club.

Check Cedar Closet.  No water.

Did a few chin-ups and pull-ups before dressing and heading downtown to BC.

Small turnout at BC this morning.  The Speaker was from Versiti the company that runs blood clinics in West Mi.  She was very good.  Keeping a ready blood supply during the pandemic was not easy but Versiti used some good management practices.  

Drove straight home after BC.  Finished my calisthenics before putting on bike clothes.  Today I took the Bianchi and pedaled to Panera on Lake Eastbrook,  a distance of almost 4 miles. Total distance traveled today was 7.7 miles.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Quick shower and dressed.  Today I had my normal lunch of yogurt, Ensure, hard boiled egg and oatmeal cookie.  Maybe I should get out of my lunch rut.  Peanut butter sandwich?

I did a load of laundry.  Normally I take out the laundry, but because of the Labor Day holiday, pickup is delayed a day.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Dinner tonight was my normal Cheerios with fruit.  Maybe I should also get out of my Monday, Wednesday Cheerio rut.  Sub sandwich?

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  It is a two parter so tomorrow we must watch the conclusion.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched “The Defeated”.

It was cool, 60, and very dark when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  No critters.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.   

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

September 7, 2021

Tuesday September 7, 2021

It is now 1500 on the 8th.  I was going to post yesterday’s blog but while editing the blog disappeared onto never-never land.  Major league bummer.

The following is a brief recap of Tuesday:

Up at 0600

Put spare tire on Escape.

Nancy headed to MVP.

Calisthenics and breakfast

Drove the Fusion to Fox Ford.  

Dropped off flat tire from Escape. Drove to Panera on Lake Eastbrook Drive.

Drank coffee and read papers.

At home took a 10 mile bike ride.  Today I took the Bianchi.


This afternoon a heavy thunder storm rolled through.  Rain did not last long but it was intense.

Checked basement and found we had water.  The water is coming through the sealed crack.  

Drove the Escape to Fox Ford and they put tire back on.  The cause of the flat was a nail.  No charge because I purchased the tires at Fox.


For dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop in her special sauce.  Very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.

Everything ok when checked Courtyard at 2200. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

September 6, 2021

 Monday Labor Day 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0600.  I heard the sprinklers go off and wanted to check Cedar Closet for water.  Closet was bone dry.

This morning being Labor Day we made our annual trip to Saugatuck.  Bright sun and 60 degree temps.  A very pleasant drive.

We were surprised that nothing opens in Saugatuck today until 1100.  When we arrived at 0930 Saugatuck was dead.

Most restaurants were closed.  We finally found a coffee shop that had only outdoor seating.  We got a muffin and coffee.  Enjoyed people watching.

The coronavirus looks to have had a serious impact on Saugatuck.  Several stores were closed.  Routine maintenance has been postponed. The downtown looks distressed.  

Despite these problems Saugatuck is still a very pleasant tourist destination.  We walked the entire downtown area. 

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s on our way home.  Bought bananas, grapes, radishes, yogurt and a mini sub for my dinner.

At 1230 I put on bike clothes and went on a relaxing 10.6 mile bike ride.  The trails were empty.

After lunch I took my mandatory Sunday nap. Spent some time this afternoon reading the Sunday edition of the GRP.

After dinner we watched 60 Minutes before switching to A+.  We watched an episode of “Ted Lasso”.  Later watched a 30 minutes show about a women Doctor who discovered she was adopted. Her real parents owned a drag strip.  Good show.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of “The Defeated” on Netflix.  The show is set in Berlin immediately after the end of WWII. Dark but interesting.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening. She said the temp in Las Vegas was 114.  She and AJ were very uncomfortable and glad to be back in LA.

Courtyard was quiet when checked at 2200.

Monday, September 6, 2021

September 5, 2021

 Sunday September 5, 2021

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up at 0630, dress and head to Bigsby to get our morning coffee.  Also got a bagel for me.  

Fixed oatmeal to go with bagel. Read several sections of GRP before heading out at 0845 to Trinity Lutheran.

Small crowd at church this morning. We are still meeting in the Sanctuary while the room we normally meet is undergoing repairs.

After church we head north on the East Beltline.  This morning we are taking a ride through Apple Country.

First stop was Cedar Springs.  Then we drove west on 17 mile road to Kent City which is the north terminus of Apple Country.

Headed south on Fruit Ridge Ave through miles of Apple Orchards.  The apples are almost ready to harvest. Sure hope they can get enough Apple pickers.

Nancy really enjoyed the trip.  Prefect day for a ride.  Bright sun and mild temps.  We even noted that some of the hardwood’s leaves are turning.

At 1230 I headed out on a 10.6 mile bike ride.  Today I took my Bianchi bike with an 8 speed internal hub.  Avoided most hills so the ride was enjoyable.

Shower and lunch.

Nancy and I spent about an hour filling out an application for an apartment at Clark at Keller Lake.  Clark at KL is a new retirement apartment.

This morning at church Nancy talked to Ken and Bev Block old Ottawa Hills neighbors.  They are moving into Clark this week.  Thus the incentive to get the application done.

For dinner tonight we had hot dogs. For dessert oatmeal cookies.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by Whitstable Pearl.  

The 2200 Courtyard check was positive.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

September 4, 2021

Saturday September 4, 2021

 Up at 0630.  Get dressed and headed out to “The Gathering Place” for Breakfast.  We were one of the first customers.

Oatmeal w/scrambled egg and sourdough toast for me.  Nancy had a Western Omelette with ham and raisin toast.

Stopped at LMCU on way home so Nancy could do some banking.  They were closed.

Dropped Nancy off so she could start laundry.

I visited Meijer’s.  Bought gas and filled the right rear tire.  I was surprised that I had to put quarters in a machine to get air.  In my youth the Gas Station attendant would fill your car up and check air and wash windows.

Noted when got home I had some grease on my clean pants.  Took them off so Nancy could wash.

Took an 11 mile bike ride.  Noted that the maple trees are turning.

Showered and shaved.  Quick lunch. I mistook my Ensure bottle for the salt shaker.  Poured chocolate on my clean pants.  Once again Nancy had to wash a clean pair of pants.

This is not my day.

I did check the MI football game and saw that they were ahead. Who cares?  

However, I was disappointed AHS lost to Cheboygan Thursday night. That makes 9 straight losses.

Drove the Fusion to D&W for gas.

Took a short nap.

Saturday night so we drove to Scoppers in Ada.  We both got a cup of Ice Cream.  Sat outside and savored the ice cream.

Peggy Noonan wrote an OP-ED in Saturday’s WSJ.  It savaged the way President Biden handled the Afghanistan withdrawal.  It should be must reading.  She hit the nail on the head.

Tonight we watched an episode of “MidSomer Murders”. Episode 2 season 21.  It was good as always.

Pitch black and raining when checked the Courtyard at 2200.  

Saturday, September 4, 2021

September 3, 2021

 Friday September 3, 2021

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

We both had a good night’s sleep.  Up at 0630.  I hear the sprinklers working so I check the Cedar Closet.  It was dry.  Good news.

Nancy heads out at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.  I do my calisthenics and then breakfast.

Temperature was in high 50s so I dressed appropriately.  This morning on my 12 mile ride I saw several flocks of turkeys.  They must know fall is coming so they are putting on the pounds.  We have also noted a lot of deer movement in the neighborhood.

Like yesterday I stopped at D&W and bought a donut and coffee at Starbucks.  Spent time reading the papers.  I have been taking my mini iPad because it is easy to carry.  So no blog writing while drinking my morning coffee.

Rest of day’s activities

Quick shower

Bob and Nancy trip to Breton Village

Stopped at Fitzgerald’s and Orvis

Nancy visited Talbots 

We both bought a tee.


Took nap

Dinner was chicken noodle soup.  Good

Checked air in Escapes tires.  Passenger side rear low.

Tonight we watched and episode of McDonald and Dodds.  

Facetimed with both Debbie and Missy.  Everything is ok.

Cool and dark when checked Courtyard at 2200.

Friday, September 3, 2021

September 2, 2021

 Thursday September 2, 2021

This morning about 0200 I got up to go to bathroom.  Decided to check basement Cedar Closet.  It was dry.

In our downstairs bath we have a medicine cabinet sitting over the top of the toilet.  The cabinet is supported on four stilts that supports the cabinet over the top of the toilet 

I sat down on the toilet and immediately the cabinet crashes on top of me.  The doors fly open and bottles of pills, toothpaste etc fall to the floor.  I call out and Nancy comes down and lifts the cabinet off me.  We picked up the mess and put it in a basket.  I will clean up tomorrow.

This morning after last nights adventures I slept in until 0730.  Nancy has a early class at MVP and heads out early.

I do my calisthenics and then fix breakfast.  Bright sun this morning but the temperature was only 58.  I biked 12 miles.  At mile 10 I stopped at D&W bought a coffee and donut and spent an hour reading.

Once again Covid and the weather dominates the news.  A lot of talk about infrastructure and taxes but nothing gets done in DC. POTUS seems everyday to become more befuddled.  Of course I might be biased!

When I got home found out that Kim was not scheduled to clean until next week.  I move all the furniture I had moved yesterday to accommodate her cleaning, back.  Bummer.

After lunch I get the medicine cabinet put back together.  Continued reading and finished yesterday blog.  

Tonight we had dinner at Cascade Road House.  We arrived at 1700 and got an ideal table outside in their courtyard.  Perfect timing because the place was full by 1715.  

It was a perfect evening for sitting outside.  We ordered wine, sipped our wine and watched the folks pour in.  Later I ordered a club sandwich and Nancy had the Mac and Cheese.  Good food and once again a perfect summer’s evening.  

Facetimed Debbie this evening.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Started season 9.

It was pitch black and cool when checked Courtyard this evening.  Temperature will drop to low 50s.  

Thursday, September 2, 2021

September 1, 2021

 Wednesday September 1, 2021

Blog time 0930 sitting in office.

I hear the sprinklers go off at 0600.  Immediately, head downstairs to check for water in Cedar Closet.  Sure enough we had a small amount of water.  

I have concluded:

We only get water on MWF, the days the sprinklers go off.  We get the water immediately after the sprinklers start.  I think the initial surge of the water is the main culprit.  Only one brief spurt of water.  

A close inspection indicates the water is coming from our recently sealed crack.  The Maintenance Company will have to reseal the crack.

Today is Wednesday my easy day.  This morning I did calisthenics at 50%.

Nancy and I have a 1025 meeting with our GP this morning so I will bike after the visit.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  I fixed oatmeal with banana for breakfast.

Finished yesterday’s blog before heading to Dr Kutsche’s office. As alway Dr Kutsche was pleasant and listened to our concerns.  Bottom line we will observe for 6 months before taking any actions.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  We hurried home so she could put on uniform before heading out.

At 1300 I took a short 7.8 mile bike ride.  Bright sun with temps in low 70s.  Perfect weather for bike ride.  I did stop at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

Quick shower before lunch.

Afternoon activities:


Took out trash and recyclables.

Short nap.

Remove loose items in areas where Kim cleans.  We don’t want Kim wasting time moving small furniture before she runs the vacuum.

Nancy got home at 1700.  She said the Gardens was not busy.

Standard Cheerios with fruit for dinner.  After the news we watched an episode of Vera.

Checked Courtyard at 2200 and everything ok.  It was pitch black.  Sunset today was 2014. Sunrise tomorrow at 0709.  I don’t like these short days.  I will be glad when we switch back to EST.  I like the earlier sunrise.  In fact I am a proponent of year round standard time.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

August 31, 2021

 Tuesday August 31, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room.

According to Metrologists today is the last day of Summer.  Looked out the window first thing and saw three deer feeding in back yard. A sign fall is coming.

I do calisthenics before breakfast.  Took a quick shower.

I have an 1100 meeting with a PA at the Dermatologist.  Will bike after the appointment.  Drove to Panera to get coffee and bagel.  Sat in car reading emails and papers.  At 1045 I drove to the Drs office.

No waiting for my meeting with PA. I showed her two spots on my face and hands.  She applied liquid nitrogen on my face.  A biopsy was taken from the spot on my hand.  Will get results in two weeks.

After the Doctor’s visit drove home and changed into bike riding gear.  The temperature was in low 70s.  We have a bumper crop of acorns this year.  Plenty of food for the deer.

Today I rode an easy 11 miles.  After took my 2nd shower of the day.

It was 1400 when I had lunch.  Spent afternoon in office reading and writing.

This and that:

The incompetent planning for our departure from Afghanistan was a major league embarrassment for the USA.  

I watched some of the TV footage from the hurricane that hit Louisiana.  The devastation was unbelievable. I can’t recall being in a storm with wind speeds over 100 mph.  150 mph winds are beyond my imagination.

Last week we had four days with temps over 90.  This week high temps in 70s.  

Most of our favorite restaurants are operating on limited hours.  Still no indoor dining at Panera.  It is all because of the lack of workers.  Unemployment benefits end in September.  Will the labor pool increase?

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta with tomato sauce, coleslaw and baguette.  For dessert I had two oatmeal cookies.  

After the news we switched to Acorn.  Tonight we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  The show is filmed in New Zeeland.  I like the scenery.  NZ is now on my Bucket List.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched The Defeated on Netflix.  Show set in Berlin at the end of WWII.

It was cool, 65, and dark when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Dry cool week ahead.