Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 9, 2021

 Monday August 9, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Up at 0645 this morning.  It was 72 with high humidity.  No rain last night.  Checked my weather app and they said rain will start about 1400.  Good! I can get a bike ride in.

Calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then started my morning bike ride.  The 10.5 mile ride ended at the condo.  Quick shower and then grabbed iPad and pedaled to Panera.

I just sat down with my coffee when Nancy walked in.  She was picking up her coffee.  This morning Nancy went swimming.

This and that:

I liked drinking my coffee in styrofoam cups.  Wish they could make a comeback.

Got a note from Carol Smith.  Carol’s firm, LSE, purchased Scott Civil Engineering.  A company picnic was planned for Saturday but Carol had to cancel because of a bout with Vertigo.  Vertigo is not a pleasant condition.  Get well soon Carol.

Why is it that whenever I sit down in a public place I check to see how many folks near me are left handed.

The TV broadcasts of the forest fires in CA, Greece and Turkey are very dramatic.  The devastation is unimaginable.

Some of the Climate Change extremists are warning that the Atlantic gulf steam will fail and Europe will plunge into arctic like conditions. Not in my lifetime!

Ca has passed a law saying pigs need more room.  The price of bacon will go up.  Pigs grown outside of CA must also comply if they want to sell bacon in CA.  Good grief why don’t they just try some good forest management.

I still don’t understand Bitcoins.

Professional Sports teams were dead set against sports betting.  Now they endorse it.  Will the sports betting community crash after the first point shaving scandal?

After lunch today Nancy and I sat at the dining room table and filled an application to Porter Hill Retirement Community.  The application required a lot of financial data.  It took us awhile to pull it all together.  Even had to call our Wells Fargo Advisor for information.  The upside,  we were able to consolidate many accounts.

Spent the remainder of the afternoon in the office.  Paid our September US and MI income taxes.  Also wrote my August note to the Grandkids.  Just before dinner I got on bike and mailed the taxes and notes.

We had our standard Monday night dinner, Cereal and blueberries.  We watched some news while having dinner.

Spent time in den reading before switching the Netflix.  Tonight we watched a new show called Hit and Run.  The show is set in Israel and NY.  I think the show deserves another look.  Nancy was turned off by the Hebrew subscripts.

It was really humid when checked the Courtyard this evening.

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